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Green APL Resources

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Green APL specialises in developing highly useful resources which can be used in the classroom and beyond. Our mission is to help educate the next generation of successful people by producing high quality resources which improve teaching and learning. We cover a wide range of subjects and age groups with our resources which mostly have a science or mathematics focus.




Green APL specialises in developing highly useful resources which can be used in the classroom and beyond. Our mission is to help educate the next generation of successful people by producing high quality resources which improve teaching and learning. We cover a wide range of subjects and age groups with our resources which mostly have a science or mathematics focus.
Nuclear decay equations

Nuclear decay equations

A worksheet and fully complete answer sheet which is aimed at GCSE physics students covering alpha, beta and gamma decay equations.
Change in momentum

Change in momentum

A worksheet and fully complete answer sheet which is aimed at GCSE physics students covering change in momentum.


A double-sided worksheet and answer sheet which covers atoms and nuclear decay equations emitting alpha and beta particles.
History of the Atom

History of the Atom

A student friendly fact sheet relating to the history of the atom. Introduce your students to the idea of the idea of the atom being developed over a period of time with this fact sheet and worksheet resource. It includes a worksheet which challenges the students to find information in the fact sheet as well as further opportunities to develop their knowledge through independent or teacher led investigation. For more FREE Phosphor resources to engage your students in current scientific issues go to: phosphorescience.com
Momentum Bundle

Momentum Bundle

5 Resources
A bundle of physics resources which cover momentum calculations including collisions, explosions and forces involved with changes in momentum.
F = ma calculations

F = ma calculations

A worksheet and fully complete answer sheet which is aimed at GCSE Physics students and covers calculations using the equation: force = mass x acceleration (F = m x a).
Space science posters

Space science posters

For more FREE resources to engage your students in current scientific issues click here Here is a set of 3 FREE science posters which are connected with space, including the Big Bang, the sun and the moon. These high quality and informative resources can be printed and displayed in a science laboratory or classroom. You could take advantage of this massive bundle of 40+ science fact sheets and worksheet resources, for virtually nothing… Check out: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/40-science-worksheets-12128604 This comprehensive resource covers a wide range of different and topical science topics, which are aimed at 10 to 14 year olds.
Physics: Cost of electricity worksheet

Physics: Cost of electricity worksheet

A double-sided worksheet which is aimed at GCSE physics students studying the cost of electricity. We have the premium resource of this worksheet available which also includes a mark scheme and fully completed answers: A complete lesson including lesson plan, worksheets, answer sheets and presentation is also available: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/physics-calculating-the-cost-of-electricity-10004145 Hopefully you find this resource to save you valuable time and be highly useful. Find more green APL physics resources in our green APL shop... there are hundreds of science resources available.
Climate Change

Climate Change

For more FREE resources to engage your students in current scientific issues click here An infographic about climate change and the importance of feedback loops which are accelerating the rise in global temperatures. Global warming is a man-made problem mostly caused by the burning fossils fuels which releases large amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, carbon emissions from human activities are just half the story. The Earth’s own systems are raising the global temperatures even higher and these are called ‘feedback loops’. They include systems such as: forests, the atmosphere, permafrost and the albedo effect.


4 Resources
A series of calculation worksheets and answer sheets for momentum and associated calculations involving collisions and explosions..
Nuclear Bundle

Nuclear Bundle

7 Resources
A bundle of physics resources which cover nuclear topics such as alpha, beta and gamma, fission and fusion, decay equations and lifecycle of a star.
Energy Bundle

Energy Bundle

4 Resources
A bundle of physics resources which cover energy including elastic, kinetic and gravitational potential calculations.
Elastic energy calculations

Elastic energy calculations

A worksheet and fully complete answer sheet which is aimed at GCSE physics students using elastic potential energy and spring constant calculations.
Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy

A worksheet and fully complete answer sheet which is aimed at GCSE Physics students and covers kinetic energy calculations.


Simple momentum calculations involving using and rearranging the equation p = mv and fully worked answers sheet.
Return to the moon

Return to the moon

For more FREE Phosphor resources to engage your students in current scientific issues go to: phosphorescience.com Quickly engage your children with important scientific issues that affect their daily life such as the environment, climate change and health. We provide all the tools to bring science to life, contextualising learning through illustrated articles and worksheets. Our materials allow you to quickly engage children with important issues that affect their daily life such as the environment, climate change and health. Our resources are developed to boost scientific literacy, increase science vocabulary and promote independent learning. Return to the moon The last time a person walked on the Moon was in 1972, but there are plans to return there very soon. Engineers are building a brand new rocket for this new mission. The new NASA mission to return people – including the first woman and person of colour - to the Moon’s surface in 2024 is called Artemis. This name has been chosen for a reason. In Ancient Greek mythology, Artemis is a Goddess – twin sister to the God Apollo. And Apollo was the name of the NASA mission that took people to the Moon for the first time.
Forces and acceleration

Forces and acceleration

A worksheet and fully complete answer sheet which is aimed at GCSE Physics students and covers forces and acceleration calculations.


A worksheet and fully complete answer sheet which is aimed at GCSE Physics students and covers forces.