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KS3 Industrial Revolution -1. Why did cities get so big?
This lesson is the first of a scheme of work on how the Industrial Revolution changed the lives of people in Britain. It aims to enable to students to understand the push and pull factors at play and therefore has fantastic cross curricular links.
Can be purchased and taught as a stand alone lesson or as part of a bundle which allows students to answer the ‘Big Question’.
Designed in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1942 - What was the impact of the April Theses?
This lesson is the third of an enquiry into the causes of the October revolution. The lesson aims to give students a better understanding of the April Theses and why it was so important in giving the Bolsheviks a platform from which to carry out the revolution. The lesson includes extracts from the Theses to reinforce student understanding of Marxist-Leninism. Resources also enable students to develop an understanding of why it was both controversial and attractive to different social groups throughout Russia.
Lesson designed according to the exam board specification and all resources recently updated.
OCR A-level Russia 1894-1942 - What were the problems faced by the Provisional Government?
This lesson should be used following the teaching of the causes and course of the February Revolution. It is designed to introduce students to the nature of the ‘Dual Power System’ and gives students the opportunity to identify potential weaknesses of it. It then enables students to identify the problems faced by the Provisional Government and their solutions before evaluating how successfully the Provisonal Government were in dealing with their problems.
Fully resourced lesson designed with exam board specification in mind. Used for a number of years and recently updated.
KS3 Industrial Revolution Bundle - Did the Industrial Revolution improve the lives of people in Britain?
This short scheme of work aims to develop an understanding of the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the lives of people in Britain, It includes a variety of activities which enable students to determine that the experiences of the Industrial Revolution very much depended upon where an individual placed in the rigid Victorian class structure.
Variety of activities in each lesson including source work. Designed according to requirements of the National Curriculum for KS3.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War? L3
This is the third lesson of a series of lessons on the Russian Civil War. The aim of this lesson is to introduce students to War Communism and the Red Terror as the final two factors which contributed to Red Victory. It goes through the purpose of each of these policies and how each aided the Reds in the efforts to achieve victory. Includes the assassination of the Romanov family. Ends with 10 mark question homework.
Lesson makes use of 'Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn on War Communism.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1942 - Why did the October revolution happen?
This is the final lesson of an enquiry into the causes of the October revolution. It is designed to bring all previous lessons on the causes of the revolution together to enable students to form their own interpretations on which factor was most significant. It recovers the failures of the Provisional Government, Lenin’s role, Trotsky’s role, Kerensky’s role, and why the Bolsheviks were increasingly popular. It also recovers key events such as the publishing of the April Theses, the July Days, and Kornilov Coup. It allows students to consider different viewpoints in order form their own. The lesson ends with a 20-mark essay planning activity for homework which could be written in a following lesson.
British Empire - 1. Why did the British Empire get so big?
A fully resourced KS3 lesson including lesson plan. The lesson aims to teach students the reasons for the expansion of the Second British Empire. Lesson taught for a number of years and recently updated. Fits in with the national push to ‘decolonise the curriculum’ and fits within the aims of the National Curriculum.
This can be taught as a stand alone lesson or can be purchased in a bundle of lessons on the British Empire which includes an assessment.
Women's suffrage in Britain - 2. Why didn't everyone support the Suffrage Movement?
This is the second lesson of a scheme of work on why women achieved voting rights in Britain. Its aim is to introduce students to the Suffragettes and Suffragists and establish that there was a great deal of resistance to their ideas.
Fully resourced with a lesson plan included. Can be purchased as a stand alone lesson or as part of a bundle of lessons which allows students to answer the inquiry question listed.
Designed as a British study in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum.
OCR A level History, Russia, 1894-1941 - How effective were Stolypin's reforms?
This lesson is designed according to the OCR A-level History, Russia, 1894-1941 specification. It recaps and introduces the problems faced by Stolypin, his aims, and solutions for each problem. It provides lots of opportunity for discussion of Stolypin’s work between 1906 and 1911 and his attempts to prevent further revolution. There is also significant independent work for students to get to grips with the evidence themselves. The lesson is fully resourced and has clear instructions on each slide.
The information sheet included has loads of statistical evidence - compiled using multiple textbooks - and therefore provides the necessary detail needed for students in essay writing.
All resources included recently updated.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1941 - Why was there a revolution in Russia in 1905?
This bundle of lessons covers all causes of the 1905 revolution. Through multiple activities covering topics ranging from Nicholas II and his personality to the conditions faced by the working class in an industrialising Russia, this bundle allows students to assess the factors which caused the revolution and form their own opinions.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1941 - Why did the Tsar survive 1905?
This is a set of two lessons on the reasons for the failure of the 1905 revolution and why the Tsar was able to survive. The first lesson is designed to establish an understanding of the factors and narrative whilst the second lesson allows students to evaluate the factors and form opinions.
The lessons include multiple activities including examples of completed work to model expected outcomes, essay planning activities, and recall activities. It covers factors such as the October Manifesto, the end of the Russo-Japanese war, use of force/terror, and the Fundamental laws.
Edexcel GCSE Weimar and Nazi Germany - Recap sheet
This worksheet is designed to recap the problems Germany experienced from the end of the First World War to the establishment of the Weimar Constitution.
The worksheet would act as a good starter activity for students to complete upon arrival to the classroom. It is designed to recap the key developments and challenges faced by the new democratic order, whilst also providing students with a clear sense of narrative.
The worksheet is designed to get students back on topic following a long summer break but is also good for getting all students back on the same page in the case of persistent absence.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1941 -Who ruled Russia in 1900?
This lesson is designed to be the first of a series of lessons on the causes of the 1905 revolution. It also acts as the first lesson of the OCR Russia 1894-1941 A-level course.
The lesson introduces the topic in the context of the the wider A-level course and introduces some key concepts which students need before getting into the course proper.
The lesson begins with the dramatic event of Bloody Sunday and poses the question: why did this happen? This leads to a series of activities where students create a character profile of Tsar Nicholas II and his mentor Konstantin Pobedonostev which allows them to make early conclusions as to why there was a revolution in 1905.
Students will then complete a homework activity whereby they complete a ‘Health Report’ using ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn pp. 4-11. where they will take notes on key issues faced in Russia such as those faced by the working, middle and peasant class and industrialisation.
OCR A-level History, Russia 1894-1941 - How did Lenin develop the Bolshevik party?
This is the fourth of a series on the causes of the 1905 revolution. This lesson is designed to expand students understanding of the opposition groups in Russia between 1894 and 1905.
The main part of the lesson focuses on the development of the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks and the ideological differences between the two. It demonstrates how Lenin adapted Marxism to fit Russia and ensures students understand the differences between Marxism and Marxist-Leninism.
The lesson includes a homework table which students will use to get to know the key features of other opposition groups including liberals and other revolutionary groups such as the Socialist Revolutionaries.
Lesson requires page 21 of ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn for the ‘Train Tracks to Marxism’ mentioned in the slides.
British Empire Bundle - What was the impact of the British Empire?
This scheme of work aims to shed light on the consequences of British imperialism in multiple contexts. The first 7 lessons enable students to answer the listed inquiry question. It includes a variety of activities covering multiple topics and substantive concepts.
Bundle also includes a lesson on why the British Empire collapsed and an assessment based on the differing interpretations of the British Empire.
This scheme of work was designed in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum and with the idea of ‘de-colonising the curriculum’ in mind.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - Who were the contenders to replace Lenin?
This is the first lesson of a series on Stalin’s rise to power as the undisputed leader of the USSR. The lesson provides students with the context of Lenin’s final years and his relationship with Stalin. The lesson introduces some key terms such as ‘Politburo’ and others as well as Lenin’s Testament. It then allows students to develop an understanding of the divisions within the Politburo and the issues which divided them.
Lesson requires ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - Why did Stalin win the power struggle?
This is the third and final lesson of a series on Stalin’s rise to power as the undisputed leader of the USSR. The lesson is a big card sort activity whereby students will be able to sort and categorise everything they have studied in the previous two lines. There are a variety of activities included which are designed to help students analyse the information and think about it in different ways. The aim of the lesson is to allow students to form their own view on which factor was most important.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - What were the key events of the Power Struggle?
This is the second lesson of a series on Stalin’s rise to power as the undisputed leader of the USSR. The lesson includes a recall activity to secure knowledge of content covered last lesson. The main part of the lesson covers the events of Stalin’s rise to power and how opponents such as Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky, Bukharin, Rykov and Tomsky were each defeated.
Lesson requires ‘Communist Russia under Lenin and Stalin’ by Chris Corin and Terry Fiehn. See notes below slides for page references.
OCR A-level history, Russia, 1894-1941 - How successful was Lenin as a leader?
This is the final lesson of a series on how Lenin dealt with the problems he faced following the October Revolution of 1917. The lesson aims to enable students to review all topics covered including, the revolution itself, the measures of 1917-18, the Russian Civil War, Famine, Kronstadt Mutiny, and the NEP. Students will then evaluate whether Lenin should be considered a success according to his aims.
Lesson designed to prepare students for potential essay questions on this topic. Fully resourced and recently updated.
KS3 Industrial Revolution - 3. Did the Industrial Revolution improve the lives of people in Britain?
This lesson is the final lesson of a scheme of work on how the Industrial Revolution changed the lives of people in Britain. It aims to enable to students to to come to their own conclusions on how the industrial revolution shaped the lives of people in Britain and develop an understanding of the diversity of experiences depending upon class.
Can be purchased and taught as a stand alone lesson or as part of a bundle.
Designed in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum.