Letters and Sounds Phase 2 flashcards powerpoint
An IWB activity For quick recall of phase 2 letters
Letters and Sounds Phase 2 letters - interactive grapheme frieze / flashcards
This powerpoint shows all phase 2 letters and graphemes individually for quick recognition.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3 grapheme hunt activity powerpoint
The powerpoint can be used to practise reading words containing the graphemes the children have learnt. There is a page per grapheme. When clicked on, the words containing the correct grapheme are underlined.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Sorting into ch and sh game
A whiteboard activity to sort objects into sh or ch.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Phoneme frames
A 3-phoneme frame powerpoint with letters to use, and a 2 and 3-phoneme frame pdf file to print.
Phase 2 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Phoneme frames
2 printable activities and 5 smartboard phoneme frames.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /o/ and /u/
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Letters and Sounds Phase 3: Reading and writing tricky and decodable words
A set of IWB and printable resources to teach tricky and decodable words.
Phase 2 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Full circle powerpoints and display
6 presentations/ printable files showing full circle words.
SPaG Year 6 Word Grammar: Formal and informal vocabulary
A powerpoint lesson and worksheet to teach the difference between vocabulary typical of informal speech and vocabulary appropriate for formal speech and writing.
Alphabet line / frieze for display with lower and upper case letters
This set contains 26 alphabet flashcards in lower case and 26 in upper and lower case, both in Sassoon Primary font, with pictures matching each initial letter sound.
There are also alternate lower case letters for f and k, plus ck, ll, ff, ss and zz.
There are 2 cards per A4 page for you to print as many times as you like.
They can be used as flashcards, for an alphabet frieze or other display work.
SPaG Year 4 Text Grammar: Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme
A powerpoint explaining what paragraphs are and how they can be used to organise ideas around a theme and a sheet to help the children plan out the main ideas in a paragraph.
SPaG Year 1 Spelling pack: Adding the prefix un
A set of resources to teach the guideline/rule in the Spelling Appendix:
The prefix un– is added to the beginning of a word without any change to the spelling of the root word.
The prefix un: Shows how un can be added to words without any changes in spelling, and explains how adding un can change the meaning of words. It ends with an activity with words to add the prefix un to.
Jigsaw cards - un prefix/words: A set of jigsaw cards to join the prefix un to root words.
Word cards - words plus un: Sets of words with and without the prefix un.
The Magic Box activities and worksheets
This set contains activities to print, and a powerpoint containing visuals to look at whilst reading the poem.
SPaG Year 3 punctuation: Introduction to inverted commas to punctuate direct speech
A powerpoint explaining what direct speech is and how to use inverted commas when writing it down.
SPaG Year 6 Sentence Grammar: Informal and formal writing powerpoint
The powerpoint explains how to change writing styles/register according to audience, purpose and text, and what tone to use for each. Shows examples of similar sentence written in a formal and an informal style. Ends with an activity where the children have to turn an informal sentence into a formal one.
Phase 2 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: set 4 letters- ck e u r - powerpoint introductions
There is one powerpoint for each new letter. Each introductory powerpoint:
Introduces the new letter, shows a picture mnemonic, demonstates correct letter formation then reinforces it with an initial sound game.
Also in the pack:
A powerpoint showing each letter in the set and previous sets with a picture to help the children remember the sound;
A set of letter flashcards of all letters learnt so far
A 'what begins with....' game where the children have to select an object that begins with the specified letter, plus a powerpoint showing words ending in 'ck'
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of long /oo/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /igh/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative pronunciations of i, o and c
For each grapheme there is:
An introductory powerpoint looking at each different sound the grapheme makes
A 'Writing sentences' powerpoint with sentences each containing words with the alternative pronunciations
for each different pronunciation, with sentences for the children to write, containing words with the alternative pronunciations
A game where the children have to choose the correct pronuncation of words