
Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal family
A set of resources looking at the royal family and the young Queen Elizabeth II.

Transport topic - canals powerpoint
Powerpoint on the development of canals and canals around the world today. Explains how canals were the method of transporting goods before the railways; how the barges were pulled along by horses; and how they were built.

Portugal powerpoint and headings
The powerpoint covers the following:
Where is Portugal?: With maps showing the location of Portugal.
What is Portugal like?: Images of Portugal; different geographical features
Living in Portugal: Pictures of everyday life in Portugal - streets, shops, schools, houses etc.
Portuguese people: What life is like in Portugal - culture, traditional dress, language etc
The history of Portugal: a brief history from Roman times to present.

Short history of the United Kingdom powerpoint
A 14 page powerpoint suitable for primary children showing the changes in the four countries of the UK from the Iron Age tribes to today. The presentation explains how Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland got their names, and how Britain and the UK were names.
The pages are headed:
Iron Age Tribes
The Roman Conquest
The Vikings
The Norman Conquest
The Middle Ages
The Tudors
The Stuarts
Georgian Britain
Victorian Britain and the British Empire
Irish Independence
The Commonwealth
The European Union

Remembrance Day powerpoint lessons and display
Why are people wearing Poppies this week?
Who do we remember on Remembrance Day
Why do we have Remembrance Day?
What happens on Remembrance Day?
In Flander’s Field. (Poem)
Lest we forget A4 heading
Remembrance Day lettering - includes 'Remembrance Day' which prints out onto 4 A4 sheets for a banner, plus upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation to personalise your display.

Houses and Homes - what were homes like in Victorian times - powerpoints
A look at different types of homes, and what homes were like in the Victorian age

Florence Nightingale, Scutari and the Crimean war display pack
A set of images, headings, borders lettering, posters, a map of Florence's journey to Scurari and a word mat.
2 x versions of Florence Nightingale title: Prints out onto an A4 sheet
Florence Nightingale banner: prints on to 4 A4 sheets, or you can cut out the letters.
Artefacts: 5 A4 pages, with descriptions, including Florence Nightingale's lamp, owl and medicine chest.
Key vocabulary: 25 words the children may need to refer to.
Florence Nightingale: A timeline of her life - A detailed timeline, with pictures and text, beginning in 1820 when she was born. Prints onto 10 A4 pages to display horizontally on the wall.
Florence Nightingale border: to cut up and use as a display border (in 4 different colours, blue, black, brown, green and grey.
Florence Nightingale's life in pictures: 14 pictures at different stages in her life. (Can be used as display, or for the children to sort into date order.
Florence Nightingale picture timeline: as above, but dated.
Florence Nightingale word mat: with key vocabulary and corresponding pictures to help children in their writing.
Hospital before and after: 2 pictures of the hospital in Scutari with questions. Also included is a picture of a modern day hospital for comparison.
Journey to Scutari: the route that Florence took.
Nurses booklet - packing list: text from the actual pamphlet that the nurses travelling to Scutari received.

The Vikings display pack
A set of posters, lettering, title and wordmat for a Vikings display.
Viking lettering - Spells 'The Vikings', plus all upper and lower cases and numbers are included so that you can print out what you need.
The Vikings title - A4 title
Viking gods posters - Includes Odin, Freya, Frey, Thor, Tyr, Loki, Idun ,plus Valhalla - with short descriptions and pictures.
Vikings posters - 7 A4 posters on: Inside a Viking longhouse; Viking runes; Viking raids; Viking Runestones; Viking homeland; Viking ships; the Battle of Stamford Bridge - all with pictures and descriptions.
Vikings word mat - Contains Viking vocabulary with accompanying pictures; Viking gods; map of the Viking invasions, Danelaw, Yorvic, Lindisfarne and Iona; and a list of famous Vikings.

Guy Fawkes, Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot - 2 powerpoints, 12 display files and 15 activities
A powerpoint story of Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire Night, with classroom activities to print and display resources.
Guy Fawkes - Two versions; one for KS1 and one for KS2. It details Guy Fawkes' life, and how he became involved with the other conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot; it explains how he was caught, and why people now celebrate Bonfire Night.
Bonfire night acrostic poem
Bonfire Night topic cover
Fire border for displaying work
Fireworks border
Gunpowder plot and Guy Fawkes sequencing
Gunpowder plot black and white pictures (for colouring/display)
Gunpowder plot cards
Gunpowder plot word mat
Guy Fawkes topic cover
Letter to Mounteagle
Newspaper report x 4 - Guy Fawkes, The arrest and The conspirators
Blank scroll
A-Z Flame lettering
Bonfire Night banner
A4 title
Large lettering Bonfire Night
Fireworks border for displays
Confession letter of Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes title
Main conspirators poster
Portraits of James I and Guy Fawkes
Posters - Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot
The Fireworks code
The Gunpowder plot pictures

Castles topic wordmats and display resources
A set of display resources and word mat looking at castle life and people living in castles.
CASTLE ATTACK AND DEFENCE - 9 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: trebuchet, catapult, battering ram, coat of arms, bow and arrow, shield, sword, cannon, and chain mail.
CASTLE BUILDINGS - 15 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: Motte and bailey, castle, tower, gatehouse, moat, drawbridge, turrets, portcullis, loophole, flag, castle ruins, wall walk, drum tower, inner ward, and curtain wall.
CASTLES A4 HEADER - an A4 printable sheet with the title 'Castles'.
CASTLES LETTERING - Large lettering that can be printed out as a banner, or the letters can be cut out.
CASTLES WORD MAT - Castle vocabulary for spelling / writing prompts.
MEDIEVAL ACTIVITIES - 8 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: Banqueting, jousting, hunting, praying, dancing, hawking, fairs, music.
MEDIEVAL PEOPLE - 24 A4 sheets with pictures and titles: Lord, lady, priest, scribe, knight, squire, page, guard, archer, crossbowman, swordsman, soldier, messenger, porter, blacksmith, cooper, musician, jester, maid, laundress, cook, peasants, embroiderer, and servant.
MEDIEVAL PEOPLE WORD MAT - 12 different medieval people.

Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria & Tudor and Victorian times diplay & activities
A pack of activities and display, looking at Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I and the times they lived in.

The Tudors display pack
A set of Tudor display resources to print - posters, titles, banners, and borders.
Henry VIII Banner: Prints onto 2 A4 sheets, bordered with pictures of his wives.
The Tudors title: 3 versions - black lettering, red lettering, and embedded Tudor Rose lettering
The Tudors A-Z lettering: 2 versions, one with embedded with the Tudor Rose, the other with red lettering.
The Tudors Banner: 2 versions, one with text embedded with the Tudor Rose, the other with red lettering
'The Tudors' lettering to cut out: large lettering, fills 3 A4 pages.
Borders - for display boards
Henry VIII's wives border
Tudor rose border
The Tudors posters: 12 A4 posters:-
Tudor punishment
Tudor clothes for women
Tudor clothes for men
Tudor world map
Tudor British Isles map
Tudor surgery
Tudor medicine
Tudor houses
Tudor theatre
Tudor explorers (x2)
Tudor artefacts
Tudor woodcuts: 17 Tudor images made for illustrations in printed materials:-
Tudor house building
Tudor fish market
Tudor geographer
Tudor coin makers
Tudor warfare
Tudor fun and games
Tudor shepherds
Tudor hunting lessons
Tudor village life
Tudor beggar
Tudor fool
Tudor printers
Tudor water carrier
Tudor shoe makers
Tudor school punishment
Tudor scribe
Tudor engravers
The Tudor Monarchs: Six posters, each containing a Tudor monarch, with a picture and the dates they reigned, plus an A4 title 'The Tudor dynasty 1485 - 1603'.
The six wives of Henry VIII: Six posters each containing a wife, with the dates they were married, how many children they had, and when and how Henry got rid of them. Also contains a title.
The Tudors timeline: 24 pages of the main events that occurred between 1485 and 1603. The dates are displayed along the top so they can be placed along the wall in a timeline. Each event contains pictures and descriptions.
Tudor coat of arms: The coat of arms of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Mary I, and Elizabeth I.
The Tudor Rose: a large Tudor Rose to print
The Tudors A4 writing border
Tudor rose - black and white

Roman numerals KS2 maths resources: powerpoints display posters clock and cards
This pack meets the new curriculum requirements for teaching Roman numerals in KS2 - Year 3, 4 and 5.
It covers Roman numerals on a clock; an explanation and history of Roman numerals; Roman numerals to 100 and to 1000
It consists of powerpoint lessons, display, headings, worksheets and activities

KS2 history Ancient Greece / Greeks display
A set of display resources looking at Greek life.
It includes:
ANCIENT GREECE POSTERS - 17 A4 pages to print out, with pictures and text:
The Acropolis
The Parthenon
The Elgin Marbles
The Athena Statue
The Agora
Alexander the Great
Greek alphabet
GREEK GODS - The twelve Olympian gods; each on an A4 page: Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Dionysus, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Hermes.
ANCIENT GREECE LETTERING - This lettering is to cut out for display. 'Ancient Greece' is written out, plus there are all upper and lower case letters and numbers included so that you can print out what you need to personalise your display.
ANCIENT GREECE BANNER - prints out on 2A4 pieces of paper.
WORDMATS - 2 x A4 help mats for the children to refer to during the topic - 1 with pictures and vocabulary, the other just text.
WRITING SHEETS - To print out for the children to use when writing. (3 sheets with different amount of lines)

World War II / WW II & VE Day display pack
A set of headings, lettering, banners, posters and images for a WW2 / VE Day display:
WW II HEADING: Prints onto 1 A4 sheet, with the title 'World War II’
WW II BANNER X 2: In 2 sizes, one prints onto 3 A4 sheets, the other 4.
WW II A-Z LETTERING: Lower and upper case letters, plus numbers and punctuation to print and cut out.
WW II IN PHOTOGRAPHS: 15 titled photographs, showing images taken during the war -
The Women’s Volunteer Defence Corps
Rescue workers
Bombing at the library
Air raid warden
Ration book
Refreshments for the soldiers
The Queen visits an Anderson shelter
Aftermath of a Blitz
The Women’s land army
Bombings in Merseyside
Hawker Hurricane
Destroyed houses
WW II POSTERS: 10 A4 sheets containing photographs and explanations of different aspects of WW II -
WW II begins - Outlines the start of the war, with pictures of Neville Chamberlain, Adolph Hitler, and Winston Churchill
The Blitz - Explains what the Blitz was.
Blackouts - Curtains, and reasons why
Air raid shelters
Anderson shelters
Gas masks
Participants of WW II
VE day
WW II INSTRUCTIONAL IMAGES: A collection of images made during the war to educate people about gas masks, enemy aircraft, air raid precautions, and fire precautions. (4 pages, with 3 or 4 images on each)
VE Day heading
VE day lettering
Union flag border
Small and large union flags

KS1 KS2 history topic: Titanic display pack
Printable Titanic display resources, including heading, word / help mat, lettering, Titanic images, and vocabulary.
TITANIC LETTERING - This lettering is to cut out for display. 'THE TITANIC' is written out, plus there are all upper and lower case letters and numbers included so that you can print out whatever you need to personalise your display.
TITANIC HEADING - Prints onto an A4 sheet.
WORDMAT - An A4 help mat for the children to refer to during the topic with pictures and vocabulary
NEWSPAPERS, POSTERS AND MEMO - To print out for display
TITANIC IMAGES - Old photographs of the Titanic for display
TITANIC VOCABULARY - 3 words per A4 sheet, includes: Officer, Captain, steward, passengers, crew, voyage, deck, stern, bow, starboard, port, hull, oars, anchor, porthole, crow's nest, shipwreck, lifejacket, wreckage, lifeboat, iceberg, radio, newspaper, debris field, plus some of the crew involved in the maiden voyage. Each word is accompanied by a picture and definition / description.

KS2 History Bronze Age Pack - PowerPoint lessons, activities and display
A set of resources for a unit of work covering the Bronze Age in Britain, looking at the Amesbury Archer, Must Farm and Stonehenge amongst other things.
POWERPOINT (26 PAGES): Description of different aspects of Bronze Age life including
• Sources of information
• Discovery of copper and bronze
• Britain in the Bronze Age
• Religion
• Henges
• Daily life
BRONZE AGE ACTIVITIES: (for recording research)
• Write a report about the Amesbury Archer
• Write a report about Must Farm
• Bronze Age ways of living
• Bronze Age travel
• Bronze Age technology
• Bronze Age religion
• Topic covers (x2) For topic books
• Bronze Age writing border sheets (x2; lined and unlined)
• A4 title
• A-Z lettering in a bronze background
• The Bronze Age banner
• Bronze Age timeline
• Bronze Age artefacts
• Bronze Age border for display boards

Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I Powerpoint lessons
A look at the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth I and how they contributed to national and international achievements.
The pack also looks at life in Tudor and Victorian times, comparing aspects of life that are similar and different.
Also contains a medium term plan.

History of Trains powerpoint
The PowerPoint is 55 pages long. It covers the history of trains from the first vehicle to be pulled on rails over 200 years ago; steam trains; the locomotive; the Rocket; diesel trains, through to the modern electric trains of today.
It is written in the style of a non-fiction book, with a contents page, index and glossary.
It would be suitable for upper KS1 or lower KS2 and can be used in a history topic or as a non-fiction book in English.

KS2 Topic The Victorians: powerpoint lesson pack
A look at life in Victorian times. The powerpoints cover:
Who were the Victorians and when did they live: Includes British timeline, Queen Victoria's life, and comparison of rich and poor family in Victorian times
Dr. Barnado: His life, and how he improved life for poor children.
Lord Shaftesbury: His life, and how he improved factory conditions, and education.
What was it like going to school at the end of the nineteenth century: What Victorian schools were like
How did different Victorian children use their spare time: Explains the different activities and toys of rich and poor children
Leisure time in the Victorian era: How the Victorians entertained themselves
What was life like for a poor child in the 1840's: Explains the different jobs poor children had to do, with photographic evidence, and links to online research.
Victorian Household objects: 11 photographs to look at and find clues.
Victorian Life: Photographs of Victorian Britain to look at and use for discussion points.