Letters and Sounds Phase 4: High Frequency and decodable words
A set of resources to practise reading and writing the HFW and decodable words in Phase 4
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /w/ /e/ and /i/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /ee/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of short /oo/, /ar/ and /or/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of /oa/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of short /air/, /er/ and /t/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Alternative spellings of short /ur/, /ow/, /oi/ and /ear/
There are a variety of different activities for each phoneme.
The descriptions of the powerpoints are as follows:
Word list powerpoint: Begins with a list of words for reading, then shows each word individually for writing.
Best Bet powerpoint: Introduces the different graphemes for each phoneme, then shows a picture and part of a word, with the relevant grapheme hidden. The children have to choose which grapheme is missing. Each word is added to a table that can be analysed at the end of the game.
Homophones with pictures powerpoint: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, showing the different spellings and pictures to help remember which is which.
Homophones: Contains identical sounding words relating to the phoneme, with no pictures.
Phoneme Spotter Stories - Three versions of each story - PowerPoint, Smartboard, and pdf format.
Rhyming word generation Smartboard file for recording words with different graphemes.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Tricky and decodable words for weeks 1-4
A set of words that can be viewed as a reading and spelling activity on the whiteboard or printed out for display.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Tricky and decodable words for weeks 5-7
A set of words that can be viewed as a reading and spelling activity on the whiteboard or printed out for display.
Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: Tricky and decodable words for weeks 8-30
A set of words that can be viewed as a reading and spelling activity on the whiteboard or printed out for display.
Jack and the Beanstalk Fairy Tale activity pack - powerpoint story, display and activities
A powerpoint story plus the following resources to print:
A Beanstalk to print out (you can make it as tall as you wish)
Leaves and beans to add to the beanstalk
Black and white leaves to colour / paint
Number leaves - 0-20
Jack and the Beanstalk character masks - in colour and black and white
Jack and the Beanstalk - large lettering
Jack and the Beanstalk - heading on A4
KS1 Maths Measurement: Money resources set - powerpoints, display, activities, games, worksheets etc
This pack contains over 60 files. It includes clipart money to print; posters explaining money values and the images on coins and notes; Heading and border for displays; different games; number lines using 2, 5, 10 and 20 pences; powerpoint lessons, and other worksheets and activities.
1 to 12 Times Tables posters and games: loop cards, playing cards, wheel and strips
The pack contains
3 different designs of times tables posters (rainbow / pink / football)
3 times table banners
3 table strips with times tables
Times table wheel
Cards for each times table; 2-12
Loop cards for each times table; 2-12
Parts of Speech Posters; SPaG, Grammar display
A set of 9 A4 posters plus A4 title and large banner.
The posters describe, name and give examples of each word class.
The posters cover the main 8 parts of speech, plus ‘determiners’ which is often included as the ninth part of speech.
The titles of the posters are:
There are also blank versions to laminate and use for word walls, vocabulary collections etc.
Spag Year 6 Synonyms and Antonyms posters and headings pack
Each word prints onto 1 A4 page and contains the main word plus synonyms. It also contains a title page.
The words are -
and, ask, answer, like, (answer and like share an A4 page), awful, bad, big, fun, get, good, happy, horrible, look, loud, mad, new, nice, old, pretty, said (x 2 pages), sad, scared, small, went, quiet,
There are 2 sets of words per A4 page; 38 sets of words altogether, plus an A4 title.
Spelling assessment booklet for KS1 & KS2: Appendix 1 English curriculum objectives Years 1 to 6
The booklet is in pdf format and contains 14 pages of assessment. It covers all the content to be introduced for spelling, homophones and common exception words / word lists objectives for KS1 and KS2. It can follow each child as they progress through school.
There are also 4 alternative front covers to choose from in Word. They can be readily adapted and added to if you want to personalise them.
Class assessment
There are 2 versions; one in excel if you want to keep a digital record, or pdf if you would rather print the record out.
There is a sheet for each year group, covering all the spelling content (except for vowel digraphs and trigraphs, homophones and words) to be introduced.
KS1 HOMOPHONE posters / flashcards
A set of A4 posters containing all the homophones identified in the Y2 spelling appendix plus other common homophones that children will encounter in KS1.
Each page is split into 2 so that 2 homophones are printed on one page. You can cut them in half and use as flashcards or leave them whole and display them. There are 25 pages, plus 3 pages containing just one word.
The homophones are:
bare bear
be bee
blue blue
here hear
there their they’re
night knight
one won
quiet quite
see sea
sun son
to too two
been bean
four for
new knew
no know
pair pear
red read
right write
wear where
sew so saw
tail tale
through threw
week weak
which witch
Alphabet bingo - initial sounds game
This set contains 20 picture bingo cards and 20 letter bingo cards to play in large or small groups.
Each card prints onto an A4 page (although you can alter the printer settings to print smaller versions if required.)
The small calling cards (pictures and letters) can be used to cover up or match the picture or letter sounds.
The larger calling cards (pictures and letters) can be held up for the children to look at.
Year 1 SPaG: Spelling bumper pack
This pack contains resources to teach all the objectives in the Year 1 Spelling appendix. It includes powerpoint lessons, worksheets, activities and outline plans.
Year 1 Science topic pack
A set of resources for all Science topics covered in Y1 - includes powerpoint lessons, activities, display, outline plans etc.