Remembrance Day. A simple power point teaching children about why and how we celebrate Remembrance Day in the UK.
A simple Power Point
4 levels of reading comprehensions suitable for KS1 and KS2
3 levels of writing templates for students to write about what they have learnt
A cut and paste timeline activity
Colouring sheet
Make a bookmark activity
Make a poppy wreath - colour and b/w versions
Christmas History activity.
Simple cut and stick sorting activity.
Children must cut out the pictures and decide if they are from Christmas past or Christmas present.
Ideal for simple history activity for children aged 5-6 years.
Great for use at the beginning of a topic.
This activity will familiarise your students to the vocabulary they will come across throughout the topic of Ancient Egypt.
Can be used as an individual activity, for students to work at in pairs.
If enlarged, could also be used for small group/table activity.
Children need to match the words with the correct picture and definition.
King Charles III Coronation Activity. May 6th is King Charles Coronation. Be part of this historic occasion with this fun mini, folding book. Cut out the pictures, match to the labels and fold. Plus a fun, colouring page.
You might also like King Charles Coronation Power Point and Activities.
Students will love this Stone Henge mystery where they must complete the 10 problems in order to generate a 2 digit number to escape from Stone Henge.
Ideal for working in pairs.
The 10 problems are aimed at the year 3 curriculum.
The 10 problems are:
Partitioning part whole models with tens and ones
Colour by numbers - add, subtract, divide, multiply
Word problem
Missing numbers on a numberline
Who Am I? puzzle
True or false questions based on Stone Age knowledge
Grid - North, South, East, West
They’re, there, their - identify correct one
What number did I start with - using inverse
Tutankhamun reading, writing and vocabulary activities. Are you learning about Ancient Egypt and King Tutankhamun? Then you might find these Tutankhamun reading and writing activities useful. It includes a reading comprehension, vocabulary activity and a Crime Scene persuasive writing activity. Students will love learning about the mystery of King Tut’s death and the discovery of his tomb.
This product includes:
A reading passage and crime scene report on the death of King Tutankhamun - students then decide what was the cause of his death and write a persuasive report, giving evidence.
A reading comprehension and 2 differentiated question sheets.
A vocabulary activity - 2 x differentiated
A blank fact sheet for students to research and complete.
The River Nile power point and printable activities for children aged 7 - 11 years. Are you learning about Ancient Egypt? Then this could be what you are looking for. Children will learn how important the River Nile was to the survival of Ancient Egyptians. Students can then use what they have learnt by making an information leaflet all about the importance of the River Nile. Finish off by making a salt dough model of the River Nile in a pizza box. Children LOVE this activity whilst learning at the same time.
Great to use as part of your topic on Ancient Egypt.
Included in this product:
13 slide power point on the importance of the River Nile to Ancient Egypt
Make an information leaflet
Information sheets on The River Nile for children to read and questions for them to answer.
Instructions on how to make a salt dough 3D map of The River Nile in a pizza box.
Information sheet for the inside of the map box.
Make learning about the River Nile a fun and engaging time with these activities.
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Suitable for KS1.
Use these then and now sorting activities to help children learn the often difficult concept of the past.
Includes fun and engaging, no prep, cut and paste sorting activities.
Plus make a book activity.
Real life photos for sorting.
Newly added - order items from the past to the present.
Products Include:
7 cut and stick sorting activities - transport, home items, technology, buildings, toys, kitchens and fashion.
Mixed selection of pictures to cut and stick - individually or in small groups.
Drawing activity - draw items from the past and present - transport, home items, technology, buildings, toys, kitchens and fashion.
Make a ‘Then and Now’ book - color, cut out and stick pictures into book.
Real life then and now pictures for sorting, display etc.
Cut and paste ordering from past to present activities - cars, music players, phones and pens.
Hanukkah print and go activities, crafts and teaching power point. This product includes everything you need to teach young children all about how and why Hanukkah is celebrated. It includes fun and engaging activities your students will love and that require little or no prep for you. Suitable for KS1.
This product includes:
3 Differentiated reading comprehensions on how to make latkes.
Cut and stick activity - match pictures to words and definitions.
Label pictures x 2 including a cut and stick activity.
Compare Hanukkah with another celebration activity.
Writing activity - what I have learnt about Hanukkah?
Hanukkah quiz
Blank fact sheet for children to complete
Colouring page for early finishers
Make a concertina book - colour and b/w versions
Make a bookmark
Make a Menorah - color and black and white versions
Make a hanging Star of David - color and black and white versions
Lord Horatio Nelson
Are you learning about Lord Nelson? History? Significant individuals? Influential people?
This could be just the product for you.
These Lord Nelson activities are suitable for children aged 5-7 years old.
Each activity is differentiated 2 ways.
This product includes:
8 slide teaching PPT, describing the life of Lord Horatio Nelson
Timeline - cut and stick x 2
make a leaflet/foldable x 2
Music now and then, past and present.
This product has been designed to help young children learn about changes over time. It looks at how people have listened to music has changed over time. From the first gramophone to smart speakers.
It includes a 19 page power point that looks at the first Thomas Edison phonogram, vinyl records, cassette tapes, CDs, MP3s, Smart speakers and phones.
It also includes 6 cut and paste activities -
sorting 3 real life pictures
label pictures
sort pictures into 1800s/1900s/2000s
add pictures to timeline.
Print and go - no effort required!
Suitable for children 5-7 years old
Wolfgang Mozart. Children will love learning about the great composer Mozart with this teaching power point and fun, interactive, print and go activities. Suitable for KS1
This product includes:
A 12 slide information power point
How to use this product guide
Word Search
Vocabulary cut and stick activity - match words to meanings
2 x differentiated time line cut and stick activity
Blank fact sheet for students to complete x 2 differentiated
Paint a portrait of Mozart
Piano Concerto No21 Listening activity
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Music Past and Present
Antonio Vivaldi. Children will love learning about the great composer Vivaldi with this teaching power point and fun, interactive, print and go activities. Suitable for KS1
This product includes:
An 11 slide information power point
How to use this product guide
4 sonnets used to compose the 4 Seasons
Vocabulary cut and stick activity - match words to meanings
2 x differentiated time line cut and stick activity
Blank fact sheet for students to complete
Differentiated graphic score based on the Storm
4 Seasons listening activity
Storm listening activity
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Wolfgang Mozart
Sir Isaac Newton. Learn all about the life of Isaac Newton. This product includes a power point, fact sheets, timeline, mini book and bookmarks. Are you learning about forces, motion and gravity? Then this could be the perfect accompaniment to your studies. Find out about the man behind some of the world’s greatest discoveries.
There is a power point for you to share with your students. They can then read through their fact sheets. (The PPT and fact sheets are the same so you have the choice to use both or just the fact sheets)
Students must then use the fact sheets to complete the timeline activity.
There is also a fun one page mini book that students will love making. Again, they must use their fact sheets to fill in the book.
Early finishers can make a bookmark.
This product includes:
Power point
2 x differentiated fact sheets
2 x differentiated timeline activities
Make a one page mini book
Make a bookmark
Answer key
Suitable for KS2
Learn all about the coronation of King Charles III with this 15 slide Power Point and print and go activities. Join in the celebrations of this historic occasion with these fun and engaging activities - your students will love it!
The Power Point will tell children all about the Coronation and how the days around it will be celebrated in the UK.
The no prep, print and go activities include differentiated reading comprehension, make a foldable leaflet, design a set of coronation stamps and a vocabulary/dictionary activity.
Please note most activities are in colour only Suitable KS2 and homeschoolers.
This product includes:
15 slide teaching Power Point
3 different levels of reading comprehension. (colour coded)
Make a foldable leaflet all about the Coronation
Design a set of Coronation stamps
Vocabulary/Dictionary activity
Learn all about the Coronation of King Charles III with this 15 slide Power Point plus print and go activities. Join in the celebrations of this historic occasion with these fun and engaging activities - your students will love it!
The Power Point will tell children all about the Coronation and how the days around it will be celebrated in the UK. Make some bunting, complete a puzzle, play a bingo game, make a crown, coloring and more. Please note most activities are in colour only Suitable for Preschool, EYFS, KS1 and home schoolers.
This product includes:
15 slide Power Point
Bingo/Lotto game - 4 boards and 24 cards (laminate and cut out)
2 x puzzles - cut and paste
Crown template
Design your own Coronation flag
Colour a UK flag
Label activity - cut and paste
Coloured bunting
Colour your own bunting
Women’s History Month reading passages and comprehension questions. Are you celebrating Women’s History Month with your students? Then these reading comprehensions could be just what you are looking for. Cover history and reading at the same time with these differentiated, print and go reading activities.
This product includes 20 reading passages about significant women throughout history. Each passage is differentiated 2 ways, has a colour and black and white version and answers included.
In addition to the reading passages, why not make a book mark to help children remember these significant women. There is a colour and black and white bookmark for each woman.
Also included is a blank biography sheet and timeline that you can use if you want to research any of these women in more detail.
Keep all you work together in a folder, using the Women In History folder cover.
Included In This Product:
Reading Passages For -
Queen Victoria
Eva Peron
Benazir Bhutto
Carli Lloyd
Gracie Gold
Nadia Comaneci
Serena Williams
Princess Diana
Helen Keller
Queen Elizabeth I
Anne Frank
Marie M Daly
Elizabeth Blackwell
Rosalind Franklin
Kathryn D Sullivan
Jane Austen
Diana Ross
Coco Chanel
Anna Pavlova
Blank biography sheet
Blank timeline
Folder cover
Queen Victoria information teaching Power Point and print and go activities. Help students learn about the life of Queen Victoria. This product includes a 9 slide power point teaching children about the life of Queen Victoria, no need for you to research. There are also fun, interactive activities for students to complete, keeping them engaged and learning at the same time.
It includes making a leaflet and a cut and paste timeline. Both activities are differentiated. Plus colouring pages and a word search for early finishers.
This product includes:
9 slide teaching power point
cut and paste timeline - x 2 differentiated
make a leaflet - x 2 differentiated
2 x colouring pages
Word search for early finishers
Make a bookmark - colour and black & white versions
George Stephenson information teaching Power Point and print and go activities. Help students learn about the life of George Stephenson and his influence on the development of the railways. This product includes an 11 slide power point teaching children about the life of George Stephenson, no need for you to research. There are also fun, interactive activities for students to complete, keeping them engaged and learning at the same time. Suitable for children aged 5-7 years old, KS1
It includes making a leaflet and a cut and paste timeline. Both activities are differentiated. Plus a cut and paste sorting activity, colouring page and a word search for early finishers. All prep free for you!
This product includes:
11 slide teaching power point
cut and paste timeline - x 2 differentiated
make a leaflet - x 2 differentiated
cut and paste sorting activity - railways past and present
colouring page
Word search for early finishers
Make a bookmark - colour and black & white versions
Alexander Graham Bell. Learn all about the life of Alexander Graham Bell. This product includes a power point, timeline activity, concertina book, biography sheet, ordering activity and bookmarks. Are you learning sound and sound waves? Then this could be the perfect accompaniment to your studies. Find out about the man who invented the telephone. Cover history at the same time! All print and go activities - no prep required.
There is a power point for you to share with your students. They can make notes and then complete the activities.
There is also a fun one page concertina book on telephones throughout the ages that students will love making.
This product includes:
8 slide Power point
2 x differentiated timeline activities
Make a one page concertina book
Blank biography sheet for students to complete
Orders phones by time - cut and paste
Make a bookmark
Answer key