A simple coloured world map with coordinates. Children can use the map to become familiar with countries, continents, oceans and seas! Also using their coordinates skills. Can be printed A4/A3 depending on use.
Map of UK with coordinates. Could be used for history, geography, maths or topic lessons.
Also in my resources, a map of the world with coordinates added.
Children could be asked to find a city and record the coordinates.
Children could be asked which city is in each set of coordinates.
Minecraft inspired sheet to inspire children to record their own number sentence using a key. Sheet could be extended by removing the + and = and children being expected to record the whole number sentence themselves. Numbers on the key could also be made bigger.
'read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs
represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20
add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero
solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = – 9.' National Curriculum.
A great way to secure fact family knowledge and understanding.Can children manipulate the numbers given to them. Could they reason and explain how they know? Eg. ‘The biggest number must be at the front to be shared. The 2 smallest numbers multiply to make the biggest number.’
Problem solving. Missing numbers below 20, 30 and an extension task with 2 missing numbers.
Taking away, subtracting, subtraction, KS1.
Editable text box at the top to add a Learning intention/WALT/Success criteria.
A knowledge organiser to support Geography learning in year 2.
It includes, key facts, key knowledge, images, keywords and websites which allows a child to refer directly to secure knowledge and understanding.
Pirate coordinates activity. Children use the coordinates to find 2D shapes. The children loved trying to guees what the shapes were after only mapping a few coordinates. You could do this in groups/pairs or as a single activity. Children use positional language to fill in the missing gaps in the paragraph at the bottom. To extend this activity I cut out 2D shapes (the same as on the grid) and hid them around the school. I added an instruction onto each shape to lead to the next. At the end of the hunt there was a treasure chest full of chocolate coins :)
Used at the end of year 1 as a different way to show multiplication and division using a triangle to support. Children use the triangle to find 2 multiplication and 2 division sentences using the same digits from the triangle. For my higher ability children I cut out the different families and mixed them so they had to really concentrate on what they were doing.
A great way to encourage some greater depth thinking within position and direction.
A few activities to encourage the use of key words. For higher ability children the key words could be removed. For Lower ability children their answers could be scribed for them and made practical using apparatus/resources.**
Y1 Fraction Dominoes - whole, half and quarter
A way to get your children to see whole, half and quarter in a variety of ways :) I found this resource useful as my class were getting used to the half, quarter and whole of a 'pizza' that we see everywhere.
Enjoy :)
Addition questions - differentiated.
Children to find the answers to the sums, then find the matching letter card. Letter cards can be spread around the classroom for children to find. Letter cards reveal a planets name when all questions are answered and the letters are found. :)
Children to find missing numbers in a number sentences using a numberline.
Could be used for Year 1/2 or for an intervention - See my other resources for accompanying sheets :)
Space for child's name. Simply tick if sound is correct . for omission. You could also record what sound they said instead for analysis. this is a very easy way to find teaching gaps.
I split my class into mixed ability groups and ask them to answer the subtraction questions using resources of their own choosing. The questions go from LAP-AAP-AAP+-HAP. Children love working together to work out as many as possible!
A division activity. Children could solve this physically first using concrete resources then move to using coloured pens/crayons to record within the treasure chests. I fins this way prepares my children for recording to find an answer within a test style situation.
Differentiated worksheets. Children are required to find the numbers they need to add together using a key and to write their own number sentence. LA have + and = symbols given. Used during our farm topic!