
Pancake day: Countable & Uncountable Food names
Pancake day, Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday: Countable & Uncountable Food names

Pancake Day: Pancake Filling/Topping singular plural
Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras: Pancake Filling/Topping singular plural

Pancake Day: Pancake Ingredients (a, an, some, any)
Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day: Pancake Ingredients (a, an, some, any)

Fine Motor Coordination for Handwriting -Tracing: Water
Tracing assists children with fine motor coordination, pre-writing and handwriting development.
Younger children can use their index finger.
Older children can use a pencil.

Fine Motor Coordination for Handwriting -Tracing: Frog
Tracing assists children with fine motor coordination, pre-writing and handwriting development.
Younger children can use their index finger.
Older children can use a pencil.

Fine Motor Coordination for Handwriting - Tracing: Apple
Tracing assists children with fine motor coordination, pre-writing and handwriting development.
Younger children can use their index finger.
Older children can use a pencil.

Fine Motor Coordination for Handwriting -Tracing: Bee
Tracing assists children with fine motor coordination, pre-writing and handwriting development.
Younger children can use their index finger.
Older children can use a pencil.

Fine Motor Coordination for Handwriting Tracing: Heart Shape for Valentine's Day
Tracing assists children with fine motor coordination, pre-writing and handwriting development.
Younger children can use their index finger.
Older children can use a pencil.

Little Monsters: Parts of the Body / Has got / Halloween HANDOUT
Fun exercise to practise parts of the body, counting and the “has got” structure.
Flashcards of the monsters for classroom use are available in a separate document.

Valentine's Day Heart Shape Tracing
Tracing and Vocabulary enrichment activity for Valentine’s Day.
Adjectives - degrees of meaning

Valentine's Day: New words from Old
Create new words from the letters of the word “HEART”.
There is an example of words associated with the the parts of the body.
A blank page is included for different words or for creative poem writing.

Valentine's Day Letters for the Word February
Classroom decoration
“I spy …” game on Valentine’s Day