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Active Science

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A specialist science shop featuring hands-on and minds-on activities all designed to promote both thinking and learning. I'm a very experienced teacher with advanced skills teacher (AST) and specialist leader of education (SLE) accreditation under my belt.




A specialist science shop featuring hands-on and minds-on activities all designed to promote both thinking and learning. I'm a very experienced teacher with advanced skills teacher (AST) and specialist leader of education (SLE) accreditation under my belt.
Sugar and Sweetners practical work

Sugar and Sweetners practical work

A teacher demo is used to introduce some student practical work comparing, by measuring mass, the amount of sugar in different soft drinks. Students will need to draw up a calibration curve and the practical work will help to develop their ability to use a burette accurately.


There are three worksheets here all designed to promote thinking and understanding rather than rote learning and copying.
modern genetic methods

modern genetic methods

Here's a teacher led demonstration to help clarify cloning to students. It's accompanied by a fun, non-threatening starter and a students worksheet about gene therapy.
Genes and Ethics - could it be done, should it be done?

Genes and Ethics - could it be done, should it be done?

This thought provoking and interactive whole class activity will help students to think through their understanding and views on a number of different scenarios. Two interesting ways of recording views are given and are short to lead to discussion and debate.
genotype and phenotype

genotype and phenotype

A simple worksheet designed for foundation students to help them distinguish between genotype and phenotype. No writing required!
Modelling a CCD

Modelling a CCD

This model was developed to teach the AQA astrophyics option at A level. The teacher sheet gives instructions for how to build a "working" model of a CCD in a couple of minutes from simple equipment you will already have. There is a follow up cut and stick worksheet for students to complete which consolidates the key ideas
Temperature and Heat Transfer

Temperature and Heat Transfer

There are two activities here. The first introduces the idea of temperature by encouraging students to compare the temperatures of different objects in the universe. The follow up experiment investigates where the energy from a hot object goes and helps students to think through ideas about energy transfer.
Thermal Equilibrium Circus

Thermal Equilibrium Circus

The circus of experiments that students carry out is accompanied by a worksheet for them to record their thinking. The activity is designed to help students think more critically about ideas of heat and energy transfer.
A Scale Model of Planet Earth

A Scale Model of Planet Earth

Combining ideas about scale and ratio with earth science, this pair of activities gives instructions for how to make a 3D model of Earth that can be sliced open to see its inner structure. It is followed up with a paper exercise where students make a scale drawing of our planet. The worksheet includes some extension questions for more able students.
Pressure in Gases

Pressure in Gases

Two activities here; an introduction that models how the pressure in gases is generated followed by instructions for students to carry out the collapsing can experiment - one of the most memorable pieces of practical work if a little wet! A follow up worksheet helps students think through the science behind the practical work
Introduction to Measuring

Introduction to Measuring

A fun practical activity that introduces the idea about accuracy of measurement and using the appropriate piece of equipment. The teacher sheet is backed up by a worksheet for students. It is aimed at keystage 3 students but is likely to be useful for less able keystage 4 students.
Magnets Investigation

Magnets Investigation

This set of resources leads students through an entire investigation into magnetism. WIth the help of the presentation they choose their own question to investigate. The teacher presentation provides suggestions, notes and an equipment list.
Introduction to resolving forces

Introduction to resolving forces

Here are some notes and ideas for teaching forces to help students think through these important concepts. The teacher demonstrations are followed up by a student worksheet to consolidate what they have learnt.
Introduction to Force Pairs

Introduction to Force Pairs

Force pairs are a key concept in physics yet for most of the population, they are not intuitive. This resource starts with thinking about the forces that send balloons flying. It's followed by a circus of acclivities that provide cognitive conflict to help students understand where forces are acting, even if it isn't obvious. The activity is accompanied by a worksheet for students for students to record their thinking
Craters Investigation

Craters Investigation

A great context for some investigative work and a fun experiment to carry out. There are background notes for teachers along with a link to a great website. For students there is a worksheet to help them think through all aspects of the investigation. Ideal for keystage 3 students to develop their skills.
Cause and Correlation

Cause and Correlation

A lesson on the important difference between cause and correlation. The teacher notes give details of examples where there is a strong correlation but no causal link, examples which can be hard to think of on the spot! The presentation is based around air pollution and helps students to understand the key ideas. It can be followed up with the worksheet which includes many examples. For each example students sort the three options given into correlation, cause or no link
Salt and Food

Salt and Food

Here are details of a practical investigation into the role of salt in preserving food that is simple to carry out and doesn't require much equipment. The results are quick and easy to analyse. To follow up there is a worksheet probing further into salt and human health where students calculate how much of the recommended daily intake is contained in various foods.
Periodic Table

Periodic Table

A suite of resources to help students understand the development of the periodic table and how it highlights patterns and trends in the elements. It includes a presentation detailing the history of the periodic table, two active worksheets to help students appreciate how the periodic table is organised, a template for students to make their own spiral periodic table and a list giving links to five of the best periodic table resources available on the web.
Displacement reactions card game

Displacement reactions card game

Displacement reactions can be difficult for students to master so here's a card game based around whist that will help them. As they play the game, students have to decide whether or not the chemicals on the cards will react, if they can provide a card that prompts a displacement reaction they win! The game is designed to prompt higher level thought and discussion. Also included are outline details for a teacher demonstration of the displacement reactions with an accompanying worksheet for students to complete
Mitosis and Meiosis

Mitosis and Meiosis

These three resources are intended to help students be clear about the differences between the two types of cell division. The Venn diagram activity should promote thinking and discussion and will allow teachers to spot misconceptions. There is also a colouring in worksheet where students identify the types of cells in each division and a simple fill in the gaps sheet. These would also be good revision tools