I have over 6 years experience in the education industry consisting of private mathematics tutoring and moving into full time teaching a couple of years ago. My discipline area is mathematics and I specialised in this throughout university. I am currently a fully qualified and practicing teacher in Australia, with VCE experience teaching. I follow the I do, You do, We do framework and enjoy incorporating and creating problem and project based learning activities
I have over 6 years experience in the education industry consisting of private mathematics tutoring and moving into full time teaching a couple of years ago. My discipline area is mathematics and I specialised in this throughout university. I am currently a fully qualified and practicing teacher in Australia, with VCE experience teaching. I follow the I do, You do, We do framework and enjoy incorporating and creating problem and project based learning activities
This is resource consists of a visually appealing unit conversion chart - metric system that gives instructions for length, area and volume unit conversion.
Flashcard set, one for each of the Four Basic Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
These flashcards can be used as posters in the classroom or individual sets for students to add to their maths terms glossary.
The flashcards provide visual prompts for the operations, reminding students how the operations work.
Perfect for:
students with learning needs
Engaging students with eye-catching colours and visuals
Familiarising students with mathematics terms
This is an all about me and maths page, great for getting to know students at the beginning of the year and what they already think of maths. There is a section which includes favourite sports, this could be useful information that hopefully can be incorporated into a maths class in the future. Additionally this get to know you task can be great way to see what students actually want to learn in maths in hopes of creating interesting and engaging maths activities throughout the year.
This resource consists of a visually appealing idea summary of finding the area of parallelograms. This resources uses the metric system ( mm, cm, m, km)
Area and perimeter Posters and cards
Includes large and small posters containing the formulas for the perimeter and area of the following shapes: Rectangles, Triangles, Trapeziums, parallelograms and circles
Number Cards/Posters with ten frame counting dots and a maths multi-colour theme is applied. Numbers one through twenty 1-20 are supplied individually on A4 pages and in groups of 4 on a page at the end of the document for ease of printing.
Open the preview for a FULL view of the resource. This resource could be used with laminating for long-term use. Students can also trace the numbers with markers for a hand-writing math center activity.
This task requires students to match the cards in groups of three to obtain all the information about the rectangle including; length, width, area and perimeter. It is a great activity that can be carried out in groups or individually. There is also answers included.
These area and perimeter task cards for rectangles prompt students to think creatively and apply their knowledge and understanding of the area and perimeter of rectangles to abstract and contextual questions. These task cards are also a great way to address common misconceptions associated with area and perimeter and can be great for a group work activity. They are ready to print and come with an answer sheet that provides possible solutions to the questions, some questions can have many different answers.
Printable Addition Flashcards - This is a set of 20 flashcards that focuses on single-digit horizontal addition with and without visual aids
These flashcards work perfectly for:
Math centers
Guided math
Flashcard Games and Activities
Home Practice
And many more activities!!
Card Sort
This task requires students to match the cards in groups of three to obtain all the information about the rectangle including; length, width, area and perimeter. It is a great activity that can be carried out in groups or individually. There is also answers included.
Task Cards
These area and perimeter task cards for rectangles prompt students to think creatively and apply their knowledge and understanding of the area and perimeter of rectangles to abstract and contextual questions. These task cards are also a great way to address common misconceptions associated with area and perimeter and can be great for a group work activity. They are ready to print and come with an answer sheet that provides possible solutions to the questions, some questions can have many different answers.
This back to school get to know about math and me set is essential to start off the year.
Get to know more about maths and me factsheet:
This looks at how students feel about the core areas of math, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing as well as working with fractions decimals and percentages.
All about me and math sheet:
This is an all about me and maths page, great for getting to know students at the beginning of the year and what they already think of maths. There is a section which includes favourite sports, this could be useful information that hopefully can be incorporated into a maths class in the future. Additionally, this get to know you task can be a great way to see what students actually want to learn in maths in hopes of creating interesting and engaging maths activities throughout the year.
All about math and me number facts:
This activity looks at getting students to find their everyday connection to numbers that are significant in their lives. This activity then provides the numbers used for my number facts bingo game.
Number facts bingo cards:
This number game is a great way to make a fun connection with maths and your students. There are multiple different coloured versions of the bingo cards and consists of a 3 by 3 grid (9 numbers).
This resource is a complete lesson on converting units of measurement and aligns with the year 8 Victorian curriculum.
The resource includes a comprehensive and step by step power point that follow the; I do, You do, We do framework. It also includes a 5 page worksheet set with included answers.