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Horn of Africa, drought and Famine 2020
year 7 / year 8 lesson, topic food - updated lesson for 2020 on the current food and water crisis in the horn of Africa. Resources referenced. Several print our resources to use.

The European Union and ‘Brexit’.
An introductory lesson to the European Union and Brexit with printable resources. This is largely a class discussion lesson interspersed with short activities to maintain interest and reinforce learning. Can be adapted for for time or expanded for two lessons.

River Tees - a journey, source to mouth
An all inclusive introductory lesson about the River Tees with printout and worksheet.

Rivers Revision with revision mat
Print A3 worksheet for students. Work through the questions on the powerpoint. Finish with extended exam question. Let me know what you think!

Tectonic hazards - Living with Volcanos
Objectives: To investigate why people live in areas prone to tectonic hazards, with a focus on volcanos
I can explain why people choose to live near volcanoes
I can describe a variety of reasons, in some detail why people live near to volcanoes
I can discuss in detail the advantages of living with a tectonic hazard in a named country
Printable resources and fact files included

Tropical storms. Case study: Cyclone Idai
Objectives: To investigate the causes and impacts of Cyclone Idai.
I can describe the location of Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe
I can describe and explain the formation and path of Cyclone Idai
I can evaluate the immediate responses to Cyclone Idai
Printable resources and support files included. Questions to support Channel4 clip.
Starter - Country - who am I?

Deforestation in the Amazon lesson 1 & 2
Two lessons covering deforestation in the amazon with print ready resources for tasks. Tasks involving ‘skills of a geographer’

Human development index 2019 HDI
A stand alone lesson on HDI with latest figures, references and resources.

IGCSE 2020 - River Elbe Case study lesson
IGCSE lesson with links, printable resources and WAGOLLS. For use with the Cambridge text book although if you dont have this or wish to use it for another syllabus, the source documents are included.

IGCSE settlement Hierachies
This is a full lesson with accompanying worksheets.
There are exam practice questions ( print ready for students)
Answers to exam questions provided.
two youtube links embedded ( enable content in powerpoint)

IGCSE / Cambridge / AQA Geography World Population
An introductory lesson that meets the IGCSE and GCSE curriculum specification. Aimed at year 9 or year 10. Lessons are fully resourced (handouts, worksheets, scaffolding) are provided within the ‘hidden slides’. Simply cut and handout.
Lesson begins with a self directed starter. Lesson outcomes follow. Task and activities using a combination video,text, discussion, group work. Class work task and activities can be marked in class - answers provided for self or peer marking.

The Impacts of Migration
Lesson that meets the IGCSE and GCSE curriculum specification. Aimed at year 9 or year 10. Lessons are fully resourced (handouts, worksheets, scaffolding) are provided within the ‘hidden slides’. Simply cut and handout.
key content: Impacts of Migration on the formal and informal Economy. Anti-migrant sentiment. Impact of immigration to the US (economy)
Lesson begins with a self directed starter. Lesson outcomes follow. There is a lesson review quiz which will need to be amended depending on your previous lesson. Task and activities using a combination video,text, discussion, group work. Class work task and activities can be marked in class - answers provided for self or peer marking.

Migration - IGCSE / AQA
This lesson meets the IGCSE and GCSE curriculum specification. Aimed at year 9 or year 10. Lessons are fully resourced (handouts, worksheets, scaffolding) are provided within the ‘hidden slides’. Simply cut and handout.
Key content: Types of Migration, Push and Pull factors, Lee Migration theory. EU ‘migrant crisis’.
Lesson begins with a self directed starter. Lesson outcomes follow. Task and activities using a combination video,text, discussion, group work. Class work task and activities can be marked in class - answers provided for self or peer marking.

Population policies - Singapore
An introductory lesson that meets the IGCSE and GCSE curriculum specification.
Populations Policies in Singapore - what they are, what was the impact.
Aimed at year 9 or year 10. Lessons are fully resourced (handouts, worksheets, scaffolding) are provided within the ‘hidden slides’. Simply cut and handout.
Lesson begins with a self directed starter. Lesson outcomes follow. Task and activities using a combination video,text, discussion, group work. Class work task and activities can be marked in class - answers provided for self or peer marking.
There are some additional slides at the end related to China one child policy which maybe useful in the design of a lesson on that topic.

Population Decline and the DTM
An introductory lesson that meets the IGCSE and GCSE curriculum specification. Aimed at year 9 or year 10. Lessons are fully resourced (handouts, worksheets, scaffolding) are provided within the ‘hidden slides’. Simply cut and handout.
Population Decline - Russia and EU
Learning about the DTM - (teachers - use the resource of a blank DTM )
Lesson begins with a self directed starter. Lesson outcomes follow. Task and activities using a combination video,text, discussion, group work. Class work task and activities can be marked in class - answers provided for self or peer marking.

What were the Crusader states
Year 7 lesson.
Who lived in the crusader states?
Life in the crusader states
Lesson begins with a self directed starter about the siege of Antioch (previous lesson)
Lesson outcomes follow. Task and activities using a combination video,text, discussion, group work. Class work task and activities can be marked in class - answers provided for self or peer marking.

IGCSE Geography 0460 - Revision Timetable 2025
This resource is for students studying the Cambridge International Geography programme with exams in 2025. It provides a day-to-day schedule of topics to study, revise or review. Each day, students are directed to do something to help embed the skills and knowledge they have learned for the last two years. It has a start date of Monday 24th February 2025. Not all topics for the entire year are covered in this format (it would be impossible to do this!), however, it signposts youtube links and various websites covering many of the programme content. Where students feel very confident about what has been signposted, they can switch to something else following the format of the table.
The PDF includes direct external links including to my own YT channel which has the playlists referred to.