A teacher / pupil resource booklet containing 6 lessons for a History Unit called ‘The Victorians.’ This booklet was designed for Year 2 pupils.
This resource contains pictures, new vocabularly, and information to help teachers and pupils explore the key concepts. New vocabulary is in bold and is introduced systematically in each chapter.
The 6 lessons are as follows:
1 - Queen Victoria
2 - Victorian Society
3 - Victorian Childhood
4 - Factories in Victorian Britain
5 - The Great Exhibition
6 - The Victorian Empire
The booklet is 26 pages long. I have uploaded image previews of some different chapters in this resource for you to see.
The resources come in a PUBLISHER and PDF format. If you would like to edit the document, you need to be able to have access to Microsoft Publisher.
I do not own copyright for any of the images contained in the booklets.
Any questions, please drop me an email: j.bateson@fioretti.co.uk
A teacher / pupil resource booklet containing 6 lessons for a Geography Unit called ‘Our World: Planet Earth.’ This booklet was designed for Year 2 pupils.
This resource contains pictures, new vocabularly, and information to help teachers and pupils explore the key concepts. New vocabulary is in bold and is introduced systematically in each chapter.
The 6 lessons are as follows:
1 - Our amazing planet
2 - Exploring the continents and oceans
3 - Discovering nature’s wonders
4 - The amazing city of New York
5 - Exploring our world from above
6 - Climate and Weather
The booklet is 28 pages long. I have uploaded image previews of some different chapters in this resource for you to see.
The resources come in a PUBLISHER and PDF format. If you would like to edit the document, you need to be able to have access to Microsoft Publisher.
I do not own copyright for any of the images contained in the booklets.
Any questions, please drop me an email: j.bateson@fioretti.co.uk
Editable yearly overviews aligned with the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning (3.0) for Years 1 - 6.
File is a word document showing what is available on the White Rose Maths website.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Converting Metres and Kilometres.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Measures Unit.
The concept for the activity is that students work out how far different story characters (Marvel, Shrek etc) have thrown their javelin, converting measurements between metres and kilometres (see picture).
LA: Conversions such as 1000m, 3.5km etc
MA: Conversions such as 3300m, 1.4km etc
HA: Conversions such as 2193m, 0.05km
GD: See above, which ‘Explain’ stretch question included.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Reflecting Shapes across a mirror line.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Transformations Unit. Pupils are required to reflect the shape across the mirror line and plot the coordinates of the new shape.
LA: Reflecting simple shapes (squares and rectangles) across a vertical mirror line
MA: Reflecting quadrilaterals with Q4 stretch across mixed mirror lines
HA: Reflecting complicated shapes (arrows etc) across mixed mirror lines
GD: Reflecting 2 shapes on one axis with challenge word problems.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Adding and Subtracting fractions with the different denominator.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Fractions Unit.
Each worksheet has a Mild, Hot and Spicy activity.
LA and MA include simple common multiples, whilst HA and GD include much more complicated denominators.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on ‘Adding fractions with the same denominator.’ The worksheets can be used as part of a Fractions Unit.
Each worksheet has a Mild, Hot and Spicy activity.
Hot and Spicy questions include adding mixed numbers.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 4 differentiated worksheets on Short Division using the Bus Stop Method. The worksheets can be used as part of a Multiplication and Division unit.
The 4 sheets include:
LA: 2 or 3 digit numbers divisible by 2,3,4 or 5
MA: 3 digit divisions introducing regrouping
HA: 3 digit divisions with regrouping
GD: 3 digit divisions with regrouping with a stretch explanation challenge
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
This download includes 3 lessons of differentiated worksheets on Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. The worksheets can be used as part of a Place Value unit. Each worksheet invites the children to plot the numbers on a numberline, filling in the nearest multiple of 10 / 100 / 1000 depending on the lesson. They then draw an arrow to the number that it rounds to.
Each lesson has 4 worksheets: LA, MA, HA and Greater Depth. As the difficulty increases, scaffolding is reduced, ending with a Problem Solving and Reasoning challenge for the Greater Depth.
Lesson Overview:
Lesson 1: Rounding to the nearest 10
Lesson 2: Rounding to the nearest 100
Lesson 3: Rounding to the nearest 1000 with recap
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
3 differentiated worksheets to be used as part of a Place Value Unit. The worksheets focus on ordering and comparing 3 and 4 digit numbers. They begin by asking students to rearrange to digits to make the smalled and greatest number, and then move on to adding inequalities to complete the statements.
LA: Ordering and comparing 3 digit numbers with simple inequalities (< and >)
MA: Ordering and comparing 4 digit numbers with inequalities (< and >)
HA: Ordering and comparing 4 digit numbers with inequalities (< and >) and stretch challenge
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a Microsoft Publisher file, but can be transferred to a PDF if specifically requested.
'The Girl in the Red Coat is model text written to introduce Traditional Tales in Year 3 and 4. The story follows The Girl in the Red Coat (Red Riding Hood) heading to her Grandmas and the pesky adventures of a hungry wolf called Wolfie. The text concludes with a twisted ending: the girl notices that the wolf has taken her Grandma, and subsequently beats him up and kicks him out of the house.
The text meets the Year 3/4 Age-Related Criteria, and can be used as an example of a Traditional Tale with a twist that can be adapted and used as a basis for writing.
Document in this file uses Microsoft Publisher.
The text can be used within Literacy schemes of work (such as Talk for Writing) or as a stand alone text. The children can spot the features in the text and use it to magpie ideas and vocabulary.
The comprehensions included are written to encourage the children to engage with the text. They can be completed within 1 lesson, and are split into LA, MA and HA and HA+.
The text can be used within Literacy schemes of work (such as Talk for Writing) or as a stand alone text. The children can spot the features in the text and use it to magpie ideas and vocabulary.
I do not own the pictures in the text, or am in no way affiliated with Talk for Writing.
I own the words written on the page
Snow Leopards is model text written to introduce Non-Chronological Reports in Year 3 and 4. The text is an information report on Snow Leopards and is split into 4 subheadings: Introduction; Appearance; Character; Why are they endangered. It also includes a glossary and a fun fact. The text includes pictures to accompany each paragraph and a child friendly layout.
The text meets the Year 3/4 Age-Related Criteria, and can be used as an example of a Report that can be adapted and used as a basis for writing.
Documents in this file use Microsoft Publisher.
This download includes:
Unit Planning (3 weeks) (brief overview of each lesson)
Reports model text - Snow Leopards
Comprehension questions on the text differentiated 4 ways
Boxing up the text sheets (x2)
Drafting an introduction wordbanks
Researching own animal template
Researching polar bear template
Why are Polar Bears endangered paragraph sentence stems
Writing a glossary scaffolding
Pictures and titles for display
The comprehensions included are written to encourage the children to engage with the text. They can be completed within 1 lesson, and are split into LA, MA and HA and HA+.
Follow up Activities
This download also includes some activities that can be used as a follow up for the next week of writing. Week 2 focuses on Polar Bears and constructing a piece about them, and Week 3 allows children the opportunity to conduct their own research.
The text can be used within Literacy schemes of work (such as Talk for Writing) or as a stand alone text. The children can spot the features in the text and use it to magpie ideas and vocabulary.
I do not own the pictures in the text, or am in no way affiliated with Talk for Writing.
I own the words written on the page
Fire! is model text written to introduce Adventure stories in Year 3 and 4. The story begins with a child trapped in a burning house. It uses a range of descriptive language and is written in the first person. The story ends with the main character rescuing their brother from the fire and getting them both out of the house. The text includes pictures to accompany each paragraph.
The text meets the Year 3/4 Age-Related Criteria, and can be used as an example of an Adventure / Rescue story that can be adapted and used as a basis for writing.
Documents in this file use Microsoft Word and Publisher.
This download includes:
2 Page model text - Fire!
Comprehension questions on the text differentiated 4 ways
Feature spotting worksheet
Simple activity for
Scaffolding sheet for using senses to describe
The comprehensions included are written to encourage the children to engage with the text. They can be completed within 1 lesson, and are split into LA, MA and HA and HA+.
The text can be used within Literacy schemes of work (such as Talk for Writing) or as a stand alone text. The children can spot the features in the text and use it to magpie ideas and vocabulary.
I do not own the pictures in the text, or am in no way affiliated with Talk for Writing.
I own the words written on the page
4 differentiated worksheets to be used as part of a Multiplication and Division Unit. The worksheets focus on short multiplication by a 1 digit number embedded within word problems. Are set out with a word problem on the left hand side, and a space for working on the right.
EAL / LA: Multiplication Problems with minimal words - 2 x 1 digit short multiplication using the 2, 3, and times tables.
MA: Word Problems with 2 x 1 digit short multiplication using the 2, 3, 4, and 5 times tables, with key words highlighted and layout scaffolded.
HA: 3 x 1 digit short multiplication using a range of times tables with key words highlighted and layout scaffolded.
GD: 3 x 1 digit short multiplication using a range of times tables, including a bar model extension challenge.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a publisher file, but can be transferred to word if specifically requested.
4 differentiated worksheets to be used as part of a Multiplication and Division Unit. The worksheets focus on short multiplication by a 1 digit number and are differentiated to allow LA and HA children to access the work. The sheets are approximately 2/3 of an A4 sheet so can be stuck easily into a book under the date / learning objective.
LA: 2 x 1 digit short multiplication using the 2, 3, 4 and 5 times tables
MA: 2/3 x 1 digit short multiplication using the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 times tables
HA: 3 x 1 digit short multiplication using a range of times tables.
GD: 3/4 x 1 digit short multiplication using a range of times tables, including a “What’s Wrong” reasoning question.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a publisher file, but can be transferred to word if specifically requested.
2 sets of differentiated worksheets to be used across 2 lessons. These have been used in a Year 4 classroom within the topic of Column addition. The sheets are designed to build on the basic understanding of regrouping across one column, moving on to regrouping across many columns.
**:::Lesson 1::: **
4 differentiated worksheets introducing the topic of regrouping within addition using the column method.
LA: Column addition of 3 digits with no regrouping
MA: Column addition of 3 digits with regrouping in 1 column
HA: Column addition of 4 digits with regrouping in 1 column
Greater Depth: Column addition of 4 digits with regrouping in 1 column, including an ‘Explain’ GD challenge of finding a missing number.
:::Lesson 2:::
3 differentiated worksheets to cement the children’s knowledge of column addition, including regrouping across many columns.
LA: Column addition of 3 digits with regrouping in 1 column
MA: Column addition of 4 digits with regrouping across many columns
HA: Column addition of 4 digits with regrouping across many columns, including a ‘White Rose’ GD extension challenge.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
**Sheets are saved within Microsoft Publisher. Please do not download if you do not have Microsoft Publisher.
Sheets can be sent in a different format if specifically requested.
I do not own the rights to the White Rose extension contained in the HA Sheet of Lesson 2. This is readily available for download on the internet.
Please message me if there are any problems. I am happy to help.
3 differentiated worksheets to be used as part of a place value unit. The worksheets focus on comparing numbers using greater than (>) and less than (<), and ask the children to put numbers in order based on their value.
LA: 3 digit cards - making the biggest and smallest number possible, using < and > to create inequalities, and creating different numbers from digits given.
MA: 4 digit cards - making the biggest and smallest number possible, using < and > to create inequalities, and creating different numbers from digits given and placing them in order.
HA: Greater reasoning through 4 digits, inequalities which require working out, and a greater depth stretch to do with place value.
All resources taught, tried, and tweaked. Resources made for real classrooms.
Sheets are in a publisher file, but can be transferred to word if specifically requested.
This is a 50 page slideshow of information, pictures and photographs on Auschwitz Birkenau. The slideshow consists of background information, pictures taken from the internet, and pictures from my own visit to Poland and the camps. The powerpoint was originally delivered to a Year 6 class as part of their WW2 topic, but it could be used or adapted for a KS3 audience. Some slides only contain pictures and will need to be backed up with historical knowledge.
What do you know already?
Who, what, where and when
Aerial views of the camps
Auschwitz then and now
Living in Auschwitz (pictures)
3rd September 1941
Zyklon B
A link to a youtube video
Birkenau (the extermination camp) (photographs)
1945 Liberation
I do not own copyright for all of the images used in this slideshow.
Presentation does contain some upsetting images
This pack was designed to be given to teachers who are wanting to tackle homophobic, transphobic and biphobic bullying in the classroom. The pack is a comprehensive introduction to LGBT rights, and explores a wide variety of issues.
This resource includes glossaries, research, the law, impact for schools, curriculum and support, learning opportunities and an analysis of different strategies that ‘normalise’ LGBT rights within the classroom.
While the pack is predominantly information based, there are lesson / curriculum ideas included inside.
Transition Worksheet (review)
A 2 page worksheet that can be used to support Year 6 when they return from their transition days at their secondary schools.
The sheet includes: new teachers, new people you met, a timetable of their day, what they ate, what they enjoyed / didn’t enjoy and what they are worried about.
The sheet finishes with a ‘Rating’ section, where the children are asked to rate 6 different aspects of their Secondary Schools by colouring a star rating. This includes: the campus, the teachers, the food, the uniform, the journey and the facilities.
Scenario cards
In addition to the worksheet, the pack also includes 6 simple scenarios that can be used as a starter for discussion.
An example scenario is: “Your new teacher gives you a warning for something you haven’t done. What do you do?”