A two-sided learning mat exploring the different ways sentence structure can be varied for impact. This includes the different types of sentences, the different sentence starters and a list of 30+ sophisticated sentence forms that students can utilise in their own writing.
A help sheet exploring the different devices that can be explored for Q3 and a pack of annotated scripts highlighting the different structural devices that could be discussed in each.
A detailed summary of each poem in the Power and Conflict poetry booklet looking at the key aspects of each poem, including:
-Poem summary
-Contextual factors
The booklet also includes essay questions and how to structure a poetry response.
A detailed plot summary going through each key event in each stave with key quotations listed for each key scene - essential quotations highlighted in yellow.
A more able lecture and revision booklet targeting students who are aiming for grades 8-9 in their GCSE study of A Christmas Carol. Both explore complex ideas around form, structure and contextual factors.
Each sheet contains a whole lesson on a different element of writing. Ideal for lower ability groups who will work through a lesson at different paces.
Using the clues, students must use their inference and deduction skills to figure out who killed Santa in this collaborative, festive task.
A collection of 71 essays which encompass every possible exam question students could be asked for AS OCR Law the Tort and Law-making paper. Very thorough. 51 page booklet.
This includes essays for all AS topics, including:
Law making
Delegated legislation
Statutory interpretation
Judicial precedent
The EU
Law Reform
Occupier’s Liability
I have a Law degree and 8 years experience teaching A Level law. I also have been on recent OCR training courses for the new specification.