
Addition of two digit numbers using a numberline to 100
12 questions all with their own unique number line to 100.

Adding coins to make amounts using 10p and 20p coins
A simple worksheet to make different amounts using only 10p and 20p coins.

5 x worksheets aimed at an introduction to multiplication
5 different worksheets designed to get the pupils introduced to multiplication.
These sheets should give you enough for at least a weeks teaching in a mainstream year 2 class.
All sheets have learning objectives on

Data Handling Reading Line Graphs , Bar Charts, Pictograms
Differentiated worksheets for Data handling from reading pictograms through to creating and extracting information from line graphs.

3D Shape Bingo cards
8 sets of 3D shape bingo cards with all the resources needed to play the game. This is a word doc so fully editable.

Maths 3D shape (identifying properties of shape)
Aimed at Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 differentiated sheets that are adaptable in any way you like.