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Addition and Subtraction number maze
Can you find your way through this maze by carefully completing the calculations.
Beware of dead ends.
Adding and taking away small single numbers each time.
3D shape sorting into Venn diagram
A simple shape sorting exercise where pupils will cut and stick the shapes into the correct spot. Pupils will sort using the venn diagram provided.
1 x Differentiated time lesson (fully differentiated classroom activities including all resources)
These resources will enable you to teach a lesson ranging from teaching the days of the week, seasons and months of the year through to teaching some complex word problems involving timings. Also included is a middle ability sheet where pupils are asked to think of areas of the school day where they spend time doing things and then they are asked to approximate how long these things take.
All with relevant learning objectives.
Properties of 3D shapes worksheet
Can be used as an assessment or a lesson. Designed to make pupils think about the 3D shapes and their properties. Flexible and adaptable as it is a Microsoft Word doc.
ASDAN PSD Entry Level 2 Complete Unit Ready to teach
Here is a complete set of ASDAN templates, planning, IWB’s, tasks, activity logs, worksheets and much, much more ready for this module of the ASDAN PSD to be taught.
6 x differentiated Interpreting graphs workheets (inc. bar, pie, etc)
6 sheets all differentiated with learning objectives and questions relating to the graph presented. Range from level 1 through to level 3 primary.
Example Artists/Artwork/Art Fact sheets/worksheets KS2 ART Resources
Lots and lots of different resources to use with the pupils all aimed at KS2.
There are fact sheets on the following artists
- Andy Warhol
- Chagall
- Da Vinci
- Henri Matisse
- Monet
- Picasso
- Renoir
- Salvador Dali
There are tons of example paintings from
- Pier Mondrian
- Van Gogh
There are life histories about
- Andre Derain
A Chagall worksheet on self portraits
A Lowry Booklet
A Roy Lichtenstein Booklet
A Matisse word search
A Mondrian word search
A PowerPoint on Portrait Artists
Example ideas for displays with Art
84 Photos of Harvest Art
Key vocab for display
KS1 ART Lesson planning
More than 30+ detailed lesson plans. A mixture of Medium term planning and Individual lesson plans.
Here is the list of what is included:
Lesson plans for
- Clay masks
- Design and Colour
- Drawing St. Pauls Cathedral
- Egyptian Art
- Frank Stella Planning
- Great fire of London Bread baking
- Great Fire of London Tutor Models
- Great Fire Planning
- Harvest Art
- Kings and Angels
- Landscapes Planning
- Making a tutor street
- Making Masks
- More Rainforests
- Mosaics
- MTP for Frank Stella
- MTP viewpoints yR4 Planning ideas
- Observation drawings
- Portraits 2
- Portraits and Pop Art
- Portraits
- Rainforest creativity
- Rainforests
- Rainy Weather
- Resource List
- A right respecting school display lesson
- Sea Scapes 2
- Sea Scapes
- Ship in a bottle
- Tudor Street
- Useful websites
- Viewpoints
- William Morris
- YR2 Observation
- Year 4 Art Lesson 1
Selection of time work sheets SEN & Mainstream
Here we have a selection of time worksheets differentiated from telling the time to the nearest o’clock all the way through to the nearest minute ready to print with LO’s etc.
Adding coins to make amounts using 10p and 20p coins
A simple worksheet to make different amounts using only 10p and 20p coins.
Literacy/English KS2 Poetry Resources
Included in this bundle is -
- Adverb Poem Examples
- Alliteration word Bank
- Alliteration worksheet
- Alliteraion PowerPoint
- Haiku Smartboard Doc
- Haiku PowerPoint
- Haiku Poems PowerPoint
- Sense Poetry instructions and examples
More than 30+ resources to help build sentence structure (KS1 & 2)
Included in this bundle is -
- Add an Adjective PowerPoint
- Adjective Cards
- Adjective word search
- Adjectives worksheet
- Adjectives 2 Worksheet
- Adverbs worksheet
- Adverbs 2 worksheet
- Apostrophe snap sheet
- Apostrophes worksheet
- Apostrophes 2 worksheet
- Apostrophes 3 worksheet
- Capital letters and Full stops sheet
- Common nouns sheet
- Complex sentences sheets x 5
- Dictionary sheets x 3
- Homophones sheets differentiated levels x 5
- Idiom Matching sheets
- Idiom meanings sheets
- Idioms sheets
- Verbs sheets x 3
Whole unit on teaching children first aid
This module of work has several lessons on teaching first aid to children. It specifically covers making a first aid booklet which will include:
Supporting with someone who is having an asthma attack.
Supporting someone who has broken a bone.
Supporting someone who is choking.
Helping someone who is bleeding.
Helping someone who has a burn
Odd and even numbers worksheet
A fun interactive worksheet which will clearly show if a pupil understands the odd and even numbers.
Addition of two digit numbers using a numberline to 100
12 questions all with their own unique number line to 100.
Goldilocks and the three bears teaching resources set
Included in this set is…
3 bears identifying size sheet
bear masks
suggested planning examples
Baby bear subtraction activity
Bear puppets
Follow the dots character name sheet
Images to help teach the story
story examples
A whole story pack
sequencing activities
hidden pictures
colouring sheets
colour by numbers
Mirror drawing sheets
Key words list
Display examples
Newspaper art
Letter to Goldilocks template
Speech bubble of what has been said
Three bears worksheet
Too hot worksheet
simple bear subtraction
Word search
and much much more
Perimeter worksheets differentiated from YR1 through to YR 6
A group of lots of worksheets differentiated for all levels from yr 1 through to yr 6. This also has 1 weeks worth of planning to accompany the sheets.
Unit 28 - Entry Level 2 - Being a customer
This resource contains everything you would need in order to teach the Being a customer Unit 28 module of the working skills SEN course
Functional skills level Entry 1 Reading example questions
Loads of example questions for practice with your E1 exams.