
Edexcel A Level History Model Coursework Answer
This extended model answer discusses the cause of the First World War. It achieved 90% when submitted. There are of course areas for improvement, but it provides a good example of what is expected.

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plans (Fascist Italy)
A selection of essay plans for Paper 2 (Fascist Italy). These essay plan examples cover some questions which might turn up for the period pre-1922.

Edexcel A Level History Source Question Essay (Canada)
This example essay shows a possible structure you might want to use when answering a source question in the British Empire paper. It answers both aspects of the question, tackling them in Context/Content order. It does not include an introduction, though some teachers find this unusual.

Edexcel A Level History: Weimar Republic Essay Plan Bundle
A bundle of 14 essay plans written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany) covering the Weimar Period, plus two which cover both Weimar and Nazi Germany.

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plans (FRG)
A collection of essay plans for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). This collection includes six essays on the Federal Republic of Germany, answering the following questions:
“‘The postwar economic history of Germany was one of constant success.’ How far do you agree with this statement?”
“How far do you agree that the Federal Republic faced severe economic challenges in the years 1965–83?”
“How accurate is it to say that the successive governments of the FRG were stable and successful from 1965-89?”
“How far was the Basic Law responsible for the creation of a stable political base in the years 1949-89?”
“How accurate is it to say that there was little effective opposition to the political system of the FRG between 1949 and 1989?”
“How successful were the Chancellors following Adenauer in maintaining political stability from 1966-89?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plans (Nazi Germany)
A collection of five essays written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). The collection includes the following five essay questions:
“How significant was the outbreak of war in 1939 to the treatment of ethnic minorities in the period of Nazi rule in 1933-45?”
“Considering the years 1936-1945, how far was Nazi Government transformed by war?”
“‘Chaotic and inefficient’: How far do you agree with this assessment of Nazi Government from 1933-42?”
“How significant was Hitler’s leadership to the success of the Nazi consolidation of power 1933-41?”
“How far do you agree that the survival of Hitler’s dictatorship 1933-45 was due to his removal of opposition?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #14: Economic Change
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“In the years 1930-32 Germans experienced a considerable economic change from the period 1924-29 - how far do you agree?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #13: Living Standards
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“Between 1924 and 1929 living standards across Germany improved in comparison to the early years of the Weimar Republic. How far do you agree with this statement?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #12: Working Class Support
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How significant was working-class support to the survival of the Weimar Republic 1919-1933?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #11: Treaty of Versailles
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How far do you agree that opposition to the Weimar government in the years 1918 to 1932 was rooted in a hatred of the Treaty of Versailles?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #10: Weimar Left-Wing Opposition
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How far would you agree that the Left never posed a significant threat to the Weimar Government?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #9: Weimar Moderate Parties
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“Why did moderate parties fail to win consistent strong support in the Weimar Republic, 1919-33?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #8: Hindenburg
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How significant was the role of Hindenburg in the failure of the Weimar Republic, 1925-33?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #7: Constitutional Opposition
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How far do you agree that opposition to the Weimar constitution was the most significant problem for governments to deal with in the years 1919-33?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #6: Stresemann and the Golden Years
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How far were the problems of the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-23 resolved by Stresemann in the years 1925-1929?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #5: Weimar Economic Problems
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How far do you agree that economic problems were the main reason for the failure of the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-1933?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #4: Weimar Opposition
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How accurate is it to say that political opposition from the extreme right was the most significant threat to the stability of the Weimar Republic in the years 1919-29?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #3: Women in Weimar
An example essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“Women’s lives dramatically improved in the Weimar Years’
How far do you agree?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #2: Women in Weimar/Nazi Germany
An essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How far do you agree that the treatment of women in Nazi Germany marked a complete change from the Weimar Republic?”

Edexcel A Level History Essay Plan #1: Political Rights
An essay plan written for Edexcel A Level History Paper 1 (Germany). It answers the following question:
“How far do you agree that the political rights established in the Weimar Constitution were removed in the years 1919-1945?”