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Primary Texts

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(based on 254 reviews)

Primary Texts provides resources to help support the teaching of reading, writing and speaking and listening at primary level. Resources are flexible, adaptable, easy to use and meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.




Primary Texts provides resources to help support the teaching of reading, writing and speaking and listening at primary level. Resources are flexible, adaptable, easy to use and meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Year 6 SPAG Revision: Inverted Commas

Year 6 SPAG Revision: Inverted Commas

The Key Stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test paper frequently features questions linked to inverted commas. This PPT based lesson will help Year 6 students revise this area. The 20 slide PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a mini- assessment containing five SATs style questions linked to inverted commas is included with an accompanying answer sheet.


A PPT based lesson designed to help pupils recognise verbs; understand the use of past, present and future tense and consider subject-verb agreement. The 19 slide PPT contains explanation, activities and practice exercises for pupils to complete as well as opportunities for discussion.
Nelson Mandela KS2 PPT and Activity Pack

Nelson Mandela KS2 PPT and Activity Pack

A biography of Nelson Mandela which includes a PPT, comprehension worksheets and follow up activities. Ideal for studying significant individuals, Black History Month and Mandela Day. Suitable for KS2. This resource includes: • A 14 slide PPT • A paper copy of Nelsons Mandela’s biography • Follow Up Activity 1- Differentiated comprehension questions • Follow Up Activity 2 - Students use pictures to write about key events in Nelson Mandela’s life. • Follow Up Activity 3 - A selection of quotes is provided for students for analysis and discussion. A worksheet for this activity is provided to be used if needed. • Follow – Up Activity 4 – Guidance to help students produce artwork based on the idea of South Africa as a ‘rainbow nation’. Two printables are provided to support this work if needed • A PDF of Nelson Mandela quotes which could be used for display • Planning guidance for the provided activities
Year 3 Clauses and Subordinate Clauses: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 3 Clauses and Subordinate Clauses: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the Year 3 terminology objective requiring pupils to understand the terms clause and subordinate clause. The PPT contains explanation, examples, activities and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 5  Cohesion: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 5 Cohesion: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 5 text objective requiring pupils to explore the use of ‘devices to build cohesion within a paragraph’. The PPT contains explanation, examples, activities and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Fun Christmas poetry lesson for KS2: The Twelve Days of Christmas

Fun Christmas poetry lesson for KS2: The Twelve Days of Christmas

This fun Christmas poetry lesson based on the poem / song ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ includes a PPT presentation of the song and comprehension tasks. It also includes guidance for four follow-up activities with links to literacy, art, music and maths: Activity 1: Sing the poem Activity 2: Illustrate the twelve days of Christmas Activity 3: Create a Christmas gift list Activity 4: Use maths skills to do sums calculating the number of gifts This flexible resource with the potential for extension into a short unit of work. Suitable for KS2. The 32 slide PPT contains: • The poem with supporting visual images • Background information about the poem • Discussion questions • Details of follow-up activities. The resource also includes: • A copy of the poem. Useful for pupils to read, make annotations or highlight. • Two differentiated comprehension worksheets. Worksheet A contains a straightforward literal task and an activity requiring pupils to visualise aspects of the poem. Worksheet B is more challenging and contains tasks linked to exploring the poet’s use of language and expressing opinion.
Year 6 Formal and Informal Sentence Structure: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 6 Formal and Informal Sentence Structure: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 6 sentence objective requiring pupils to understand the difference between structures typical of informal speech and structures appropriate for formal speech and writing. Includes exploration of the subjunctive and the use of question tags. The PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings PPT and Worksheets

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings PPT and Worksheets

This resource includes a 12 slide PPT containing the Year 5 and 6 words broken down into 11 spelling lists with activities to aid spelling practice. Also included are three differentiated sets of worksheets for each of the 11 spelling lists. Activities are focused around developing strategies to learn the words and understanding their meaning. The content of the worksheets is shown below: Practise: Look Cover Write Check Spelling Sheets Consolidation: Correct the Spelling Worksheets Challenge: Match the Meaning Worksheets Plus, there is a copy of the year 5 and 6 spelling list. This is a comprehensive, straightforward and easy to use resource which allows for repeated spelling practice in order to ensure the pupil’s recall of the spellings is secure.
Overheard on a Saltmarsh Poem: PPT,  Activities and Worksheets

Overheard on a Saltmarsh Poem: PPT, Activities and Worksheets

A complete lesson based on the fantasy poem ‘Overheard on a Saltmarsh’ by Harold Monro. Includes a PPT presentation and comprehension tasks.Also includes guidance for two follow-up activities linked to drama and writing. Ideal for teachers exploring classic poetry. Great for guided or whole class reading sessions and literacy. A flexible resource with the potential for extension into a short unit of work. Suitable for KS2. The 11 slide PPT contains: • The poem with supporting visual images • Background information about the poet and poem • Discussion questions • Details of follow-up activities The resource also includes: • A copy of the poem. Useful for pupils to read, make annotations or highlight. • Two differentiated worksheets. Worksheet A contains a straightforward literal task and an activity requiring pupils to visualise aspects of the poem. Worksheet B is more challenging and contains tasks linked to the poet’s use of language, prediction and writing in the style of the poet.
Spooky Poetry Lessons for KS1

Spooky Poetry Lessons for KS1

2 Resources
Contains two complete poetry lessons based on the fun spooky poems: ‘The Hairy Toe’, and ‘In the Dark, Dark Wood’ with PPT presentations and comprehension tasks. Suitable for KS1. Ideal for teachers exploring scary poetry with their pupils. Great for Halloween! Useful for reading sessions, literacy lessons and topic work. Each lesson also includes guidance for two follow-up writing activities. A flexible resource with the potential for extension into two short units of work. The PPT provided for each lesson includes: • The poem with supporting visual images • Background information about the poet and poem • Discussion questions • Details of follow-up activities. Also included for each lesson: • A copy of the poem. Useful for pupils to read, make annotations or highlight. • Two differentiated comprehension worksheets.
Adverbs KS2 PPT Lesson

Adverbs KS2 PPT Lesson

A PPT based lesson designed to help pupils recognise and understand the use of adverbs of time, manner and place. The 13 slide PPT contains explanation, activities and practice exercises for pupils to complete as well as opportunities for discussion.
Year 1 Common Exception Words Pack

Year 1 Common Exception Words Pack

Contains a selection of resources to help year 1 pupils learn the common word list for their year group as specified in Appendix 1 of the English National Curriculum. Includes: PPT with a variety of activities to help pupils practise spellings Look Cover Write Check sheets with sentence activities allowing students to use the words in context A word mat containing all the words for easy reference Words arranged into lists for reference and display
Year 6 SPAG Revision PPT: Sentence Types

Year 6 SPAG Revision PPT: Sentence Types

The Key Stage 2 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test paper frequently features questions linked to sentence types. This PPT based lesson will help Year 6 students revise this area. The 16 slide PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a mini- assessment containing five SATs style questions linked to sentence types is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Eal Starter Pack Bundle

Eal Starter Pack Bundle

3 Resources
Three packs containing a selection of worksheets to help familiarise new English learners pupils with over 150 key words. Packs include vocabulary linked to school, home and the environment. Over 100 worksheets included!
Year 5 SPAG Bundle

Year 5 SPAG Bundle

8 Resources
A pack of eight Power Points linked to the specific national curriculum objectives for year 5 vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Each Power Point contains: * an explanation of the terminology * a text containing examples linked to the vocabulary, grammar or punctuation objective. * a short exercise for pupils to complete. * opportunities for pupils to discuss and reflect on what they have learnt. In addition, included are short assessment tests containing five SATs style questions linked to each objective with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 2 SPAG PPT Bundle

Year 2 SPAG PPT Bundle

8 Resources
A pack of ten Power Points linked to the specific national curriculum objectives for year 2 vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Each Power Point contains: an explanation of the terminology a text containing examples linked to the vocabulary, grammar or punctuation objective. a short exercise for pupils to complete. opportunities for pupils to discuss and reflect on what they have learnt. Also includes short assessment tests each containing five SATs style questions linked to year group objectives with accompanying answer sheets.
Year 2 Expanded noun phrases: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 2 Expanded noun phrases: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 2 sentence objective requiring pupils to understand the use of expanded noun phrases for description and specification. The PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 6 Semi-colons, colons and dashes to mark independent clauses: PPT Lesson and Assessment

Year 6 Semi-colons, colons and dashes to mark independent clauses: PPT Lesson and Assessment

A PPT based lesson linked to the statutory Year 6 punctuation objectives requiring pupils to understand the use of semi-colons, colons and dashes to mark independent clauses. The PPT contains explanation, examples and exercises as well as opportunities for discussion. In addition, a short assessment test containing five SATs style questions linked to the objective is included with an accompanying answer sheet.
Year 6 SPAG Bundle

Year 6 SPAG Bundle

9 Resources
A pack of nine PowerPoints linked to the specific national curriculum objectives for year 6 vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. Each PowerPoint contains a whole lesson which includes: an explanation of the terminology a text containing examples linked to the vocabulary, grammar or punctuation objective. an exercise for pupils to complete. opportunities for pupils to discuss and reflect on what they have learnt. Also includes short assessment tests each containing five SATs style questions linked to year group objectives with accompanying answer sheets. You may also like the amazing value Year 6 SPAG Revision Bundle which contains 30 PPT lessons including all 9 PPT lessons available in this bundle plus 21 PPT lessons to help revise content from previous years.