Miss Kay's ShopAverage Rating2.00(based on 2 reviews)I teach Year 1 in England. My shop has a range of resources and plans that I have created!Edit shopAdd a resource
katiekay1296Time reasoning - Year 1/2(0)A selection of reasoning questions created for teaching time in KS1 looking at o’clock and half past.
katiekay1296Biscuit testing - D&T stable structures(0)We used this as a worksheet for testing different biscuits to use for a stable structure in D&T.
katiekay1296Year 1 - Describing turns(0)Base sheets and arrows for describing turns. I laminated and wrote on using whiteboard pen the turn that I wanted them to make.
katiekay1296Doubling numbers investigation/reasoning(0)A Year 1 resource for mathematics looking at reasoning and problem solving surrounding doubling numbers.
katiekay1296Facts about me prompt sheet(0)A prompt sheet with questions to gather facts and information about themselves.
katiekay1296Noun phrases with adjectives writing prompt(0)A prompt sheet to use to support children when writing noun phrases with adjectives.
katiekay1296Handa's Surprise WAGOLL(0)A good example or WAGOLL written as a retelling of Handa’s Surprise.
katiekay1296Invertebrate sorting activity(0)Sorting activity to check children’s understanding of whether animals are invertebrates or vertebrates.
katiekay1296Oliver's Vegetables - WAGOLL(0)Written example of a letter in response to Oliver’s Vegetables.
katiekay1296Question and answer matching(0)Cards to use for understanding about questions and answers.
katiekay1296Real words for Phonics Screening Test practice(0)List of real words on cads to practice for phonics screening test. Words taken from previous tests.
katiekay1296Counting in tens reasoning(0)Reasoning and problem solving questions for counting in 10’s.
katiekay1296Counting forwards - KS1 Year 1(0)A selection of resources designed for Year 1 for counting forwards.
katiekay1296Behaviour sorting - acceptable and unacceptable(0)A resource used with my Year 1 class where we sorted and talked about acceptable (green) or unacceptable (red) behaviours.
katiekay1296Walk and Talk door sign - home learning(0)A display sign that I use on my door to give parents a topic of conversation for walking home.
katiekay1296Place Value worksheets/initial assessments YR3 (3PV-1)(0)Some initial place value worksheets that could be used as initial assessmnts or just as worksheets for the first few lessons of place value teaching. Created to go alongside the new government guidlines for 3PV-1.
katiekay1296Gold reward cards(0)Gold glitter reward cards that can be used as a positive recognition in a classroom that used green/yellow/red cards.
katiekay1296Stop sign - Return to school COVID sign(0)Sign created to print out to remind the children to stop and look both ways before entering the corridor.
katiekay1296RE plan - water in rituals(0)RE plan originally planned for Year 3 but would be suitable for Year 2-5. Looks at water in rituals focusing on Christianity and Hinduism.