Universal and sustainable resources which can be picked up by a teacher at any level of experience. Each lesson has been tweaked over years of experience teaching at a sixth form college. Students have enjoyed the lessons and achieved amazing results. All of my powerpoints have a colour scheme, bold imagery and the same font throughout - because style is important!
I hope that these resources will save you time and free up your energy to make teaching more fun.
Universal and sustainable resources which can be picked up by a teacher at any level of experience. Each lesson has been tweaked over years of experience teaching at a sixth form college. Students have enjoyed the lessons and achieved amazing results. All of my powerpoints have a colour scheme, bold imagery and the same font throughout - because style is important!
I hope that these resources will save you time and free up your energy to make teaching more fun.
Edexcel. Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards.
Lesson 6 of 18.
Features of a volcano
Shapes of volcanoes
Types of lava
Types of eruption
Lahars and jökulhlaups
Primary and secondary volcanic hazards
Questions and suggested answers
Volcanic Explosivity Index
Case studies task - Montserrat (LIC) and Eyjafjallajökull (HIC)
Edexcel. Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards.
Lesson 9 of 18.
Class quiz starter
Recaps from previous lessons
Hazards, Vulnerability, Resilience and Disaster
Hazard Risk Equation
Degg’s Model
Pressure and Release (PAR) Model
Practise question and model answer
Skills task on level of development
Hazard profiles
World risk report
Multiple Hazard Zones (Vanuatu)
Plenary based on interpreting graph data
Two word documents containing blank hazard profiles and models to cut and stick into book
Edexcel. Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards.
Lesson 12 of 18.
Practise question starter with model answer
Multiple hazard zones
Vanuatu recap quiz
The Philippines case study
How hazards become disasters:
Hydrometeorological disasters: Tropical storms, flooding, landslides
Volcanic disasters: eruptions, pyroclastic flow, mudslides
Earthquake disasters: ground shaking, infrastructure damage, landslides
Short case studies on Philippines disasters: Mount Pinatubo eruption 1991, Guinsaugon landslide 1996, Typhoon Haiyan 2013
Practise question and model answer
Further practise question and mark scheme
Extension task
Edexcel. Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards.
Lesson 17 of 18.
The 4 Ms – Modify the: cause, event, loss, vulnerability Includes:
Class quiz starter with mark scheme
Timed practise question based on development and governance
Swiss cheese model
The 4 Ms:
Modify the cause
Modify the event
Modify the loss
Modify the vulnerability
Group work task for students to create content cards for sharing
Link to the Park model
Examples of student content cards
This is a complete set of two double lessons in one powerpoint.
There are 54 slides in total with varied activities keep students’ attention.
It has learning objectives, starters, main activities, and summaries.
Skills required for Paper 2 are also included, and questions have model answers to save teacher time and to make peer/self marking easier.
I’ve added relevant past paper questions with mark schemes.
An accompanying word document includes diagrams to stick in.
Includes past paper questions, which can be printed for students to write on.
Theme 3: Economic Development
Section 3.2: Food Production
Part A: Describe and explain the main features of an agricultural system: inputs, processes and outputs
Part B: Recognise the causes and effects of food shortages and describe possible solutions to this problem
Case Studies required for 3.2
• A farm or agricultural system - Cattle Farming in Brazil
• A country or region suffering from food shortages - Food shortages in Swaziland
These resources are for iGCSE specifications 0460 and 0978
Books which support this resource:
Complete Geography for Cambridge iGCSE and O Level. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0198424956.
Cambridge iGCSE and O level Geography Coursebook. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN:9781108339186.
Watch this space for other resources.
I have full schemes of work for Cambridge iGCSE geography.
This is a complete set of two double lessons in one powerpoint.
There are 35 slides in total with varied activities keep students’ attention.
It has learning objectives, starters, main activities, and summaries.
Skills required for Paper 2 are also included: divided bar charts, choropleth maps, pie charts, interpreting maps, making synoptic links.
Questions have model answers to save teacher time and to make peer/self marking easier.
I’ve added relevant past paper questions with mark schemes.
Theme 3: Economic Development
Section 3.6: Water
Part A: Describe methods of water supply and the proportions of water used for agriculture, domestic and industrial purposes in countries at different levels of economic development
Part B: Explain why there are water shortages in some areas and demonstrate that careful management is required to ensure future supplies
Case Studies required for 3.6
• Water supply in a country or area - Highlands Water Project in Lesotho
These resources are for iGCSE specifications 0460 and 0978
Books which support this resource:
Complete Geography for Cambridge iGCSE and O Level. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0198424956.
Cambridge iGCSE and O level Geography Coursebook. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN:9781108339186.
Watch this space for other resources.
I have full schemes of work for Cambridge iGCSE geography.
This is a resource pack to accompany lessons for:
Topic 5: The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity. (Edexcel Pearson A Level Geography, 9GEO).
It contains:
Homework Booklet - Past paper questions
Mark schemes for homework booklet.
End of topic assessment
Mark scheme for end of topic assessment mark
Case Studies list - Specification for Water Cycle annotated with case studies used in these resources
Model essay for 20 mark question that links water cycle to carbon cycle
Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation.
Lesson 15 of 19: Income Equality – Gini Coefficient and Lorenz Curve
Definitions quiz starter with answers
Globalisation and income inequality graphs
The Gini Index and Gini Coefficient
Skills: Interpreting choropleth maps
Lorenz curve analysis
Skills: students plot and analyse their own Lorenz curve
Plenary to summarise main concepts learned
Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation.
Lesson 3 of 19: Political and Economic Players in Globalisation
Recap starter with model answer
Key players in globalisation:
World Bank
Individual national governments (Comparison of UK and China)
International trading blocs (EU and ASEAN)
Pakistan case study
Ghana case study
Summary question plenary with model answer
Thought-provoking video link on issues associated with WTO for LICs
Edexcel. Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards.
Lesson 1 of of 18.
Structure of the earth
Slab pull theory
Types of plate margins
Global distribution
Edexcel. Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards.
Lesson 16 of 18.
**Development and Governance **
Definitions starter with answers
Lesson summary
Contrasts between developed and developing countries
Aid – NGOs, IGOs and government
Global actions – local, regional, national, global
Hyogo Framework 2005-15
Sendai Framework 2015
Plenary questions
Practise 12 mark question with mark scheme and essay plan
Recap quiz
Link to TED talk for extension
Edexcel. Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards.
Lesson 18 of 18.
Spearman’s Rank Statistical Test
Starter quiz and mark scheme
Correlation and spearman’s rank definitions task
Scattergraphs showing positive, negative and no correlation
Reading and note taking on use of Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient in geography
Worked example using river case study. Students start by describing and explaining pattern on scatter graphs
Next, students work through the whole statistical test, arriving at a conclusion based on Rs value. Answers and justification are shown for each stage.
Finally, students will use excel data to complete a spearman’s rank test based on comparing earthquake deaths and magnitude.
Excel document is included plus answers on a separate document demonstrating more complex ranking system.
Final slide lists all case studies used in the whole scheme of work to aid revision for end of topic test.
This is a complete unit of work for the Year 11 students completing their Cambridge iGCSE geography course.
There are 7 sets of resources for each of the sections within Theme 3: Economic Development.
I have followed the specification carefully and all lessons are complete with suitable case studies, plus relevant exam questions with mark schemes.
Each resource has learning objectives, starters, main activities, and summaries.
Questions have model answers to save teacher time and to make peer/self marking easier.
Skills required for Paper 2 are embedded, which means there is more time for revision and less time spent on Paper 2 practise before the exam season begins.
Theme 3: Economic Development
3.1: Development
3.2 Food Production
3.3 Industry
3.4 Tourism
3.5 Energy
3.6 Water
3.7 Environmental Risks of Economic Development
Books which support these teaching resources:
Complete Geography for Cambridge iGCSE and O Level. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0198424956.
Cambridge iGCSE and O level Geography Coursebook. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN:9781108339186.
Watch this space for other resources.
I have full schemes of work for Cambridge iGCSE geography.
Edexcel / Pearson. Topic 5: The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity.
Lesson 16-17 – Management of Water Supplies
This is a complete lesson in one powerpoint, with one supporting document.
There are 29 slides in total with varied activities keep students’ attention.
Skills required for Paper 3 are embedded.
Answers for all tasks are on the following slides for peer/self marking, to save teacher time.
Slides content:
• Starter – key words quiz
• Managing conflict
• Hard engineering – water transfer project, desalination
• China’s north-south water transfer scheme
• Recap: Facts from The Gilgel Gibe III Dam Case Study
• Sustainable water supply schemes
• Sustainable water management schemes
• Case study: Water management in Israel
• Comparing management schemes
• Integrated drainage management
• Players in water management
• Attitudes and actions
• Student summary
• Exam question – 12 marks, with mark scheme
• Plenary - debate
• Summary
• Teacher’s information slides
• HANDOUT 1: South-North Water Transfer Project notes
SUPPORTING RESOURCES: ‘Water Cycle Resource Pack - Homework, Mark Schemes, Assessment (Edexcel, Pearson, A level, 9GEO)’
Geography for Edexcel A Level Year 2 Student Book. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9781382014885
Edexcel A Level Geography 2016 Year 2 Student Book. Pearson. ISBN: 9781292139654.
Edexcel / Pearson. Topic 7: Superpowers
Lesson 4 – The Emerging Powers (BRICs, MINTs, G7, G20, multipolar world)
This is a complete lesson in one powerpoint.
There are 24 slides in total with varied activities keep students’ attention.
Skills required for Paper 3 are embedded.
Answers for tasks are on the following slides for peer/self marking, to save teacher time.
Slides content:
• Exam question starter with mark scheme
• The Emerging Powers – BRICs and MINTs
• Links to Rostow’s Modernisation Theory
• SWOT analysis of BRICs and ranking
• G7 and G20
• Plenary – multipolar world
• Extension task
• 2x TED talks
• Specification – key ideas and detailed content
• Teacher’s information slides
SUPPORTING RESOURCE AVAILABLE: ‘Superpowers Resource Pack - Homework, Assessment, Mark Schemes, Essays (Edexcel, Pearson, A Level)’
Geography for Edexcel A Level Year 2 Student Book. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9781382014885
Edexcel A Level Geography 2016 Year 2 Student Book. Pearson. ISBN: 9781292139654.
Edexcel / Pearson. Topic 7: Superpowers
Lesson 7 – TNCs and Trade (westernisation, intellectual property rights, patents, The United Nations)
This is a complete lesson in one powerpoint.
There are 21 slides in total with varied activities keep students’ attention.
Skills required for Paper 3 are embedded.
Slides content:
• Starter questions
• Knowledge quiz
• History of trade
• TNCs as global players
• Forbes top ten
• Westernisation
• Intellectual property rights and patents
• International decision making – crisis responses, conflict prevention, climate change mitigation
• Global geostrategy and NATO
• The United Nations – security council and court of justice
• Plenary – ‘Patents – right or wrong?’
• Extension – soft power index
• Extra reading for paper 3 – TNCs as players
• Specification – key ideas and detailed content
• Teacher’s information slides
Includes HANDOUT – with extra information on intellectual property rights and patents
SUPPORTING RESOURCE AVAILABLE: ‘Superpowers Resource Pack - Homework, Assessment, Mark Schemes, Essays (Edexcel, Pearson, A Level)’
Geography for Edexcel A Level Year 2 Student Book. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9781382014885
Edexcel A Level Geography 2016 Year 2 Student Book. Pearson. ISBN: 9781292139654.
Edexcel / Pearson. Topic 7: Superpowers
Lesson 15 – Tensions in the Middle East (Israel, Palestine, Arab Spring, sanctions, political stability)
This is a complete lesson in one powerpoint.
There are 25 slides in total with varied activities to keep students’ attention.
Skills required for Paper 3 are embedded.
Slides content:
• Starter – partner task
• Israel and Palestine overview
• The Arab Spring overview
• ICT task - create a ‘Dummies Guide to…’ a conflict of the student’s choice
• ICT task competition
• History of tensions in the middle east
• The Ottoman Empire
• Sykes Picot Agreement and post war state divisions
• US Sanctions in Iran – political stability
• Climate change and political stability
• Plenary - students choose one exam question from a list
• Teacher’s information slides
Includes HANDOUT – Conflict ICT task
SUPPORTING RESOURCE AVAILABLE: ‘Superpowers Resource Pack - Homework, Assessment, Mark Schemes, Essays (Edexcel, Pearson, A Level)’
Geography for Edexcel A Level Year 2 Student Book. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9781382014885
Edexcel A Level Geography 2016 Year 2 Student Book. Pearson. ISBN: 9781292139654.
Edexcel. Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security.
Lessons 8-9 of 19: A Balanced Carbon Cycle (energy mix, security, consumption, energy players)
Discussion starter
The Energy Mix
Skills: interpreting satellite maps
Energy Security
Urban vs rural energy
Energy consumption trends (GDP per capita)
Skills: interpreting graphs and proportional circles
Primary and secondary sources of energy
Non-renewable, renewable, recyclable
UK energy mix compared to Norway energy mix
Energy players
Skills: conflict matrix (plus additional sheet to print)
Exam question (12 marks) with mark scheme and two model answers using alternate data sets.
Discussion plenary
Key content from the lesson
Notes for teachers
Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation.
Lesson 19 of 19: Localism, Transition Towns and Ethical Consumerism
Thought-provoking discussion starter
Ethical consumption and complexity
Rana Plaza collapse case study
Localism (Is localism a middle-class luxury?)
Transition towns
Todmorden case study with notes
Plenary – revisiting last lesson’s essay. Discussion.
EXTRA word document with news article on Todmorden
Edexcel. Topic 3: Globalisation.
Lesson 7 of 19: Impacts of the Global Shift on the Developing World
Discussion starter based on comparison of photos
Global outsourcing in China – Pros and Cons
Honda strikes in China
The world’s changing economic centre of gravity
The history of the global shift
Case study of the global shift in China – Costs and benefits
EXTRA word document for students to sketch diagrams of impacts