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Geography, History & Global Perspectives Resources

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Ready-to-go lessons for Geography at IGCSE and A-Level PLUS resources for KS3 History

Ready-to-go lessons for Geography at IGCSE and A-Level PLUS resources for KS3 History
Population and Settlement: Population Structure

Population and Settlement: Population Structure

Package includes a 19 slide PPT covering: Analysis and comparison of population pyramids for LEDCs and MEDCs Explanation of Birth rate and Death rate trends in LEDCs Analysis of Birth rate and Death rate trends in MEDCs Description of dependent population Analysis of the advantages, disadvantages and solutions to youthful and aging populations. Package includes a 5 page research assignment, that can be completed using information from the PPT. Enough material for 2 lessons. Perfect for IGCSE, could also be adapted for A-Level.
Food Shortages - Food Production Topic

Food Shortages - Food Production Topic

This is fully contained IGCSE lesson on Food Shortages, as part of the Food Production theme (3.2) Pack includes a 28 slide PPT covering these areas: areas of world hunger indicated on a world map pictorial display of natural hazards that can contribute to food shortages: drought, pests, natural hazards, disease human factors that can cause food shortages impacts of food shortages possible solutions: Green Revolution, Food Aid, United Nations Environment program. The last 2 slides have creative/research task options for the students.
A-Level Geography. Rocks and Weathering - Hot Spots

A-Level Geography. Rocks and Weathering - Hot Spots

I used these materials to teach a lesson to an AS Geography class studying hot spots as part of the Rocks and Weathering Core Physical Geography topic. The pack includes an 18 slide PPT which includes the following: definition/explanation of hot spots diagram illustrating the formation of a hot spot and the resultant landforms maps and diagrams showing the Hawaiian islands hot spot example world map showing the location of hot spots map showing Pacific hot spot island chains Mini case study, Mauna Loa volcano, including new report, video and photographs The last slide of the PPT contains tasks for the students to do Task 1: textbook task (scan of textbook page is included) Task 2: Research task on the Iceland area. There is enough material here for 1-2 lessons.
A-Level Coastal Environments/IGCSE Coasts – Introduction to Waves

A-Level Coastal Environments/IGCSE Coasts – Introduction to Waves

35 slide PPT to introduce the A-Level Geography Coastal Environments topic, focusing of Wave Terminology and Wave Size. There is enough material here for 1-2 lessons, PPT could be used to generate further/in=depth worksheets/tasks. This material is perfect for the Advanced Coastal Environments topic at A-Level, but could also be very useful as a lesson on Waves for the Coasts topic at IGCSE level. PPT includes: Glossy slideshow showing various coastal environments around the world - great for a stimulating topic introduction. Definition of Waves, and an embedded video showing waves of different sizes breaking on a beach 2 diagrams showing wave structure and terminology, ie., wavelength, crest, wave height, trough, still-water level, wave period embedded video displaying swash and backwash explanation of why waves break, including a diagram diagram sketch task on Slide 24 photo examples of beaches with large swashes, and large backwashes 7 slide explanation of wave size, and the factors that influence the sizes of waves, ie., fetch, wind speed and wind duration. This explanation includes diagrams and embedded video of large waves on the Portuguese coast. Worksheet includes: wave size case study using a UK map,
Atmosphere and Weather - Global Energy Budgets - Seasonal Variations in Air Pressure and Wind Belts

Atmosphere and Weather - Global Energy Budgets - Seasonal Variations in Air Pressure and Wind Belts

Detailed 20 slide PPT which explains (in an accessible way) the complexities of Global Energy Budgets, with a focus on the SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN AIR PRESSURE AND WIND BELTS. PPT includes: -Air pressure maps, facts -Air pressure global distribution Wind belt location, maps, facts Tricellular Model Intertropical Convergence Zone Check your understanding task and further research task on the last 2 slides Perfect for an AS/A-level Geography class
Human Impacts: Indirect Human Impacts on Hydrological Cycles

Human Impacts: Indirect Human Impacts on Hydrological Cycles

32 slide PPT covers the topic: Human Impacts: Indirect Human Impacts on Hydrological Cycles - Deforestation & Afforestation, Changing Agricultural Land Use, and Urbanisation. I used this PPT as part of the Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology topic in the AS Geography subject. In detail the PPT includes the following: defintion of key words deforetation facts, figures and reasons behind it explanation of how deforestation can impact the hydrological cycle/drainage basin afforestation explanation plus example of a local program explanation of changing agricultural land use and its impacts on hydrological cycle/drainage basins urbanisation explanation and description of the impacts on hyrdological cycles/drainage basin, using hydrograph as an example Last slide includes a writing task. Pack also includes a afforestation research task
Coastal Environments - Managing Coastal Environments.

Coastal Environments - Managing Coastal Environments.

Full lesson covering Coastal Management Strategies. I used this in an A-Level class studying the Coastal Environment advance topic. However, this could easily be adapted for an IGCSE class studying Coasts. 30 slide PPT includes: the main aim of coastal management sustainable coastal management - economic/environmental/social sustainability hard engineering coastal management methods: groynes, sea walls (curved and straight), gabions, revetments, breakwaters. soft engineering coastla management methods: beach nourishment, dune regeneration, managed retreat. Each method includes a description, and information about the relative positives and negatives of each method. The last 2 slides contain task work. Task 1: mini-research task where students research extra soft management strategies. Task 2: example exam question that could be used as a written or a discussion task. Pack includes a copy of the textbook page required to complete task 1. Information in this PPT could easily be used to generate further tasks, worksheets etc.
Hazardous Environments - Earthquakes - Case Study

Hazardous Environments - Earthquakes - Case Study

This pack contains a PPT which contains a case study comparison between the Christchurch and Haiti Earthquakes. I used this for an A2 lesson with a class studying the Hazardous Environments advance physical geography topic, however this could also be adapted to an IGCSE class studying earthquakes. The PPT includes: details of the Christchurch and Haiti Quakes - date, time, magnitude, depth Detailed profile of New Zealand, location, plate tectonics, quake impacts and the emergency responses PPT includes maps, photographs introduction to Haiti Haiti research task Pack also includes textbook pages for teacher reference, and also as resources for students doing the Haiti task.
Volcano Types - Hazardous Environments

Volcano Types - Hazardous Environments

27 slide PPT which covers the main types of volcanoes. I used this in an A2 class studying the Hazardous Environments topic, but this would also be useful for an IGCSE class studying Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Breakdown of the PPT: Cinder cone volcano explanation Composite volcano explanation Shield Volcano explanation Hotspots explanation The last two slides include recall/explain questions for the students to complete, as well as a research/exam type question. PPT includes diagrams, photos and GIF animations.
The Impacts of International Migration.

The Impacts of International Migration.

I used this PPT in an IGCSE class studying Topic 1.3 Migration. The 21 slide PPT covers the following content: the positive impacts of migration on the country of origin the negative impacts of migration on the country of origin the positive impacts of migration on the destination country the negative impacts of migration on the destination country the positve and negative impacts on the migrants themselves The last three slides contain exam style questions. I have also included an extra task sheet with question/answer tasks on media stories relating to the difficulties faced by migrants in destination countries. The content of the PPT could be used to generate further task sheets etc.
Global Perspectives GP - Globalisation Unit of Work

Global Perspectives GP - Globalisation Unit of Work

Included in this pack is a Globalisation unit of work used with a Year 7 Global Perspectives class. There is enough material here for 5-6 lessons, and more if you chose to do the assignment task in-class. The PPT includes information, tasks, discussion starters, and formative and summative assignments. The 39 slide PPT includes: key word defintions starters is globalisation a good or bad thing discussion starters globalisation and trade activities and key word defintions Is Globalisation a Good or Bad thing assignment task (Slide 22) Silk Road study and assessment task final summative assessment task option, including reflection task. I have also include a variety of puzzles and crossword tasks.
Volcanoes Introduction

Volcanoes Introduction

Pack includes a 30 slide PPT and a 3 page task booklet with questions based on the PPT and a short research task. I used this in an IG1 Geography class who had just begun the Volcanoes and Earthquakes topic. PPT includes: lesson objectives and key word list definition for volcanoes map showing the worlds largest volcanoes and various photographs drone footage video of Iceland volcano eruption effects of volcanoes on natural and built environments summary lists mini case study: Pompeii active, dormant and extinct volcano summaries Composite/Strato volcano summary and Mp4 showing formation Shield volcano summary and Mp4 showing formation structure of a volcano diagram with labeled parts This task filled in an 80 minute lesson.
Problems with Urban Growth

Problems with Urban Growth

Pack includes a 20 slide PPT which covers the problems associated with urban growth, as part of the Urban Settlements topic (1.6) as part of the IGCSE Population and Settlement theme. PPT includes an explanation of: air pollution noise pollution water pollution light pollution inequality housing problems brownfield sites The final slide has questions based on a Seoul case study, and the relevant textbook information page is included. A ready-made lesson! Good to go!
AS/A1 Geography Examination Revision Booklets

AS/A1 Geography Examination Revision Booklets

Included in this pack are 6 revision booklets. One for each of the core AS Geography Topics: Hyrdology and Fluvial Geomorphology Atmosphere and Weather Rocks and Weathering Population Migration Settlement dynamics Each booklet is around 15 pages and includes short/extended response questions that summarise the majority of the content. These booklets are handy revision aides and topic summaries.
Rocks and Weathering - Mass Movement - Creep

Rocks and Weathering - Mass Movement - Creep

25 slide PPT covering slope processes/mass movement: Creep. PPT includes: written explanation of the Creep process, including diagrams, photographs and videos. annotated sketch task included at the end of the PPT I used this in an A-Level class studying the Rocks and Weathering topic. I have also included a PPT quiz covering plate tectonics and weathering. All free, enjoy!
Coasts: Wave-Cut Platforms

Coasts: Wave-Cut Platforms

I used this resource in a IGCSE class studying the Coasts topic, focusing on Wave-Cut Platforms. 26 slide PPT includes: Revision questions about coastal landforms: stacks, arches, headlands, bays Revision slides about the main types of coastal erosion - hydraulic action, abrasion, solution, attrition. slide with a written explanation of the formations of a wave-cut platform using key words: erosion, notch, undercutting, overhang, cliff retreat slide with embedded video showing an animation of the wave-cut platform formation process various photos and diagrams showing the process The last slide has an annotated sketch and written task that can be completed using the information from the PPT. This filled a 60 minute lesson.
Population Quiz

Population Quiz

True/false quiz presented on a PPT. Quiz covers content from the Population topic for A-Level Geography. Question are based on: Population indicators Demographers Dependency ratios Age/Sex diagrams Population density Immigration Demographic Transition Model Indicators of Development Global population trends Human Development Indicators
Coasts Quiz

Coasts Quiz

PPT with a 20 questions True/False quiz on the Coast topics for the IGCSE Coasts topic. Fun revision task, can be modified to suit your needs. Good for a 40 minute lesson. Questions relate to: constructive/destructive waves coastal erosion wave structure wave building