
Introductory lesson: Write to Your Future Self
This resource is aimed at year 7, but could be adapted for any year group. I have used it with English classes, PSHE groups, in tutor time and as an induction day task. The main task is to write a letter to their future selves, which I have suggested you time for just before their exams at the end of their school career.
The students will be asked to reflect on the differences between an email and a letter, following a prompt about whether letter writing is a 'lost ’ form of communication. They will reflect on how they have changed and developed since they started primary school (or whenever you choose). They will then consider how they might have changed by the time they read the letter, possibly just before they leave school.
The lesson guides students through the planning and writing processes and includes a recap on letter format.
It’s an excellent way to get to know your students (they will be prompted to write about their likes and dislikes, worries and aspirations, etc.) as well as a chance for students to consider how they might want to spend the next five years of their school career.
In the slides, I have included a link to a website that will automatically email the students on a specific date. Alternatively, you may wish to ask students to write the letters and seal them in envelopes, but obviously be aware of the future commitment this may include!
This is a helpful stand-alone lesson for starting the year or meeting a new class.