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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Year 4 Multiplication and Division - The 3, 6 and 9 Times-Tables Lesson

Year 4 Multiplication and Division - The 3, 6 and 9 Times-Tables Lesson

A fully resourced multiplication and division lesson for being able to complete questions linked to the 3, 6 and 9 times-tables in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths. Included in the resource is: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
Five Pillars of Islam Reading Comprehension

Five Pillars of Islam Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension resource that focuses on the Five Pillars of Islam, providing information about the Five Pillars and their importance for Muslims as well as activities linked to this to check understanding. The fact file includes information about each of the Five Pillars, describing what they are, how they are completed by Muslims and why they are important, as well as considering why Muslims might be exempt from certain pillars. The resource includes: A fact file about the Five Pillars mentioned above (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes) 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Year 4 Place Value - Flexible Partitioning of Numbers to 10,000 Lesson

Year 4 Place Value - Flexible Partitioning of Numbers to 10,000 Lesson

A fully resourced place value lesson for being able to flexibly partition numbers to 10,000 in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths. Included in the resource is: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
The Three Brothers Activities

The Three Brothers Activities

Nine English activities linked to the story of The Three Brothers from Harry Potter/ Tales of Beedle the Bard. The story can be found in the book ‘The Tales of Beedle the Bard’ or can be found on YouTube clips from the scene in the Harry Potter film. Activities include: Three reading comprehension activities with answer sheets A definition task linked to words from the story Retelling the story from images Spelling task - spot the mistakes and correct them in the passage Finishing the story - Take the story starter and rewrite it Synonym activity - Replacing underlined words in a passage with synonyms Word class activity - A table to fill in with examples of nouns, adverbs, adjectives and verbs that can be seen in the story.
Year 4 Fractions - Number Lines with Mixed Numbers Lesson

Year 4 Fractions - Number Lines with Mixed Numbers Lesson

A fully resourced fractions lesson for being able to complete number lines when counting in proper and mixed number fractions (alongside estimating where fractions go on the number lines) in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths. Included in the resource is: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding. Check out a free lesson in the sequence to get an idea of what is included. Add Two or More Fractions Lesson
The Boy at the Back of the Class Reading Comprehension (Chapters 15, 16 and 17)

The Boy at the Back of the Class Reading Comprehension (Chapters 15, 16 and 17)

Three reading comprehension activities linked to chapters 15, 16 and 17 of The Boy at the Back of the Class. Each chapter has a comprehension activity that includes 20 questions that work on different skills as well as also having the answers included separately. A free example for Chapter One and Two can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-boy-at-the-back-of-the-class-reading-comprehension-chapters-1-and-2-12426422
Information Text Scheme of Work (planning, slides and resources included)

Information Text Scheme of Work (planning, slides and resources included)

Fully planned, differentiated and resourced unit of work looking at information texts. Included are all the slides, planning and resources needed to run each lesson, with 14-15 lessons that focus on key features of information texts and work on different skills before completing their own independent writing. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable between Year 3 and Year 7. Skills include: researching and planning, reading comprehension, using generalisers, creating a glossary and structuring a text with sub-headings and a topic phrase.
Year 4 Place Value - Finding 1, 10, 100 or 1000 More or Less Lesson

Year 4 Place Value - Finding 1, 10, 100 or 1000 More or Less Lesson

A fully resourced place value lesson for being able to find 1, 10, 100 or 1000 more or less than a given number for 4-digit numbers in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths. Included in the resource is: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
Year 5 Fractions (B) Complete Unit

Year 5 Fractions (B) Complete Unit

7 Resources
A bundle of fully resourced fractions lessons based on the Year 5 White Rose maths unit for fractions (B) with 7 fully planned and resourced lessons included Included are lessons for: Lesson 1 - Multiply a unit fraction by an integer Lesson 2 - Multiply a non-unit fraction by an integer Lesson 3 - Multiply a mixed number by an integer Lesson 4 - Calculate a fraction of a quantity Lesson 5 - Fraction of an amount Lesson 6 - Find the whole Lesson 7 - Use fractions as operators All lessons include: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
The Boy at the Back of the Class Reading Comprehension (Chapters 12, 13 and 14)

The Boy at the Back of the Class Reading Comprehension (Chapters 12, 13 and 14)

Three reading comprehension activities linked to chapters 12, 13 and 14 of The Boy at the Back of the Class. Each chapter has a comprehension activity that includes 20 questions that work on different skills as well as also having the answers included separately. A free example for Chapter One and Two can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-boy-at-the-back-of-the-class-reading-comprehension-chapters-1-and-2-12426422
Discussion text planning/ IWB slides and resources

Discussion text planning/ IWB slides and resources

A comprehensive set of resources for anyone to be able to teach a block on writing discussion texts. Planned for Year 5 but very easily adaptable to Year 4 or Year 6. Included are: Full lesson plans for 15/16 lessons, with differentiated activities for children. IWB slides for every lesson that go step by step through the lesson. (N.B. In the shared writing sessions, the example paragraphs just need playing around with to a new topic. Whilst I could have done these, it is more powerful to do them with the class at the time) Resource sheets required for lessons. Word banks for children to use. A self-assessment/ teacher assessment marking sheet that helps children assess as they write and can then be used for a simple marking sheet to pick out positives and targets for children.
Year 3 Money - Add Money Lesson

Year 3 Money - Add Money Lesson

A fully resourced money lesson for being able to add amounts of money together (including adding amounts with pounds and pence that require conversion e.g. £3 and 58p + £2 and 74p) in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths. Included in the resource is: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
Famous Scientists

Famous Scientists

Learn all about 12 famous scientists using these fact files. Learn about their childhood, education and some of their key work in science. Perfect for displays or for reading to gain knowledge. Included are: Albert Einstein Alexander Fleming Charles Darwin Dian Fossey Galileo Isaac Newton Ivan Pavlov Louis Pasteur Nikola Tesla Robert Oppenheimer Sally Ride Stephen Hawking
Grammar revision activity booklet

Grammar revision activity booklet

A workbook suitable for children in Year 5 and 6. This 22 page booklet looks at a range of aspects, getting children to work through questions related to areas of grammar and in being able to use a dictionary accurately. It is perfect for 5-10 minute bursts during register time or can be used as an extended activity for a lesson if plans have fallen through/ changed, with children able to pick it up as and when.
Buddhism Reading Comprehension

Buddhism Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension resource that acts as an introduction/ general overview for Buddhism, focusing on what it is, what Buddhists believe in, worship for Buddhists and the Four Noble Truths. This resource includes: A fact file about Buddhism (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes) 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Year 3 Addition and Subtraction - Subtract Two Numbers (Across a 10) Lesson

Year 3 Addition and Subtraction - Subtract Two Numbers (Across a 10) Lesson

A fully resourced addition and subtraction lesson for being able to subtract one number from another using the written method for 2 and 3-digit numbers using the process of exchanging from tens to ones in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths. Included in the resource is: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Worked examples of subtracting with exchanging that can be used to support independence Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding. Check out free lessons in the addition and subtraction unit that include the same elements: Estimate Answers Lesson Inverse Operations Lesson Make Decisions Lesson
Year 4 Fractions Complete Unit

Year 4 Fractions Complete Unit

15 Resources
A bundle of fully resourced fractions lessons based on the Year 4 White Rose maths unit for fractions with 15 fully planned and resourced lessons included Included are lessons for: Lesson 1 - Understand the whole Lesson 2 - Count beyond 1 Lesson 3 - Partition a mixed number Lesson 4 - Number lines with mixed numbers Lesson 5 - Compare and order mixed numbers Lesson 6 - Understand improper fractions Lesson 7 - Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions Lesson 8 - Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers Lesson 9 - Equivalent fractions on a number line Lesson 10 - Equivalent fraction families Lesson 11 - Add two or more fractions Lesson 12 - Add fractions and mixed numbers Lesson 13 - Subtract two fractions Lesson 14 - Subtract from whole amounts Lesson 15 - Subtract from mixed numbers All lessons include: A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice Lesson plan Worksheet with answer sheet Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers Challenge tasks Support strips that can be stuck in books Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
Cristiano Ronaldo Reading Comprehension

Cristiano Ronaldo Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehensions related to football to try and engage children whilst also developing their comprehension skills. Included is a fact file about Cristiano Ronaldo with three differentiated sets of 11 questions with the answers included.
Year 3 Place Value

Year 3 Place Value

A set of three differentiated worksheets that work on place value for Year 3 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets. These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern. Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency (LA) Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning (MA) Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (HA) Answers are included for each sheet.
Harry Potter Reading Comprehension (Sample)

Harry Potter Reading Comprehension (Sample)

An extract from Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone with three sets of differentiated questions attached. This is a sample extract. For all seven documents visit https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/harry-potter-reading-comprehensions-combined-11177467 where you will find extracts from all seven Harry Potter books with three sets of differentiated questions attached with each extract. These activities will help children work on a range of comprehension skills using a story many are already aware of and engaged with. Questions range from simple retrieval to commenting on why particular language has been used. ***The extracts used are copyright of the author J.K Rowling.