This is a worksheet to both practise time in French and to stretch pupils' brains.
Pupils are given some time zones and have to work out and write in French what the time is in the different places around the world.
The answer sheet has now been added.
Use this to practise transcription in French.
Pupils work in pairs - A and B. There is a different sheet for each person.
Start with pupil A - they read the text you've put into the box to their partner who then transcribes it onto their own sheet in the relevant box. Then swap roles.
They must then peer assess what they have written and tally the number of errors made in the relevant section.
This is great for transcription, listening and pronunciation skills.
Use this to practise transcription in Spanish.
Pupils work in pairs - A and B. There is a different sheet for each person.
Start with pupil A - they read the text you've put into the box to their partner who then transcribes it onto their own sheet in the relevant box. Then swap roles.
They must then peer assess what they have written and tally the number of errors made in the relevant section.
This is great for transcription, listening and pronunciation skills.
Use this to practise transcription in German.
Pupils work in pairs - A and B. There is a different sheet for each person.
Start with pupil A - they read the text you've put into the box to their partner who then transcribes it onto their own sheet in the relevant box. Then swap roles.
They must then peer assess what they have written and tally the number of errors made in the relevant section.
This is great for transcription, listening and pronunciation skills.
This has proved so popular with all of my classes!
In teams (blue & red), pupils answer a question and choose a square from the opponents’ grid. Their opponents then get that score. They are allowed to steal one score only from their opponents throughout the game. An ‘X’ is a wipeout and wipes the opponents’ score (which can be a good thing if their score is negative!).
If they cannot answer or give an incorrect answer, the opposite team answer and choose to swap the number or keep it.
This can be used with any subject and any vocab/topic! Make it up on the spot! There are three different boards, so pupils are unlikely to memorise the scores.
Pupils use the visual clues in this PowerPoint to work out the English meaning of these frequency phrases in German.
To teach word order with frequency phrases, click on the following slides and the frequency phrases will move into their rightful place in the sentences.
A PowerPoint to introduce directions in French.
Each slide follows a moving arrow with the directions, leading to the different places on the map of 'Fausseville'.
This PowerPoint introduces and practises daily routine phrases in French.
At the end of the PowerPoint is a Blockbusters game, allowing pupils to recap on their recently acquired knowledge.
This PowerPoint uses both analogue and digital to introduce and practise the time in French.
Assuming some weaker pupils may not be sure of telling the time, this is introduced/practised in English first, before moving on to the French.
At the end, pupils shout out the time in French when it appears on the board.
Use this PowerPoint to get pupils writing about the weather and the different activities they can do in different weather. Instructions are in the PowerPoint.
This writing help sheet is aimed at very early German learners or lower ability learners.
It encourages students to write about what is in their school bag in a simple sentence.
Whole-class activity, which could become pairwork.
Instead of saying, for example, “2 plus 3”, you say, “une robe plus des chaussures”.
Students’ answers would then be “une veste”, instead of “5”.
Make the calculation as complicated as you like!