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Rhanau'r Corff Dylunio Anghenfil - Body Parts Welsh Monster Description

Rhanau'r Corff Dylunio Anghenfil - Body Parts Welsh Monster Description

A fun activity which would be great as a homework task (as there are vocabulary boxes to support) or as an independent task in a lesson. In this task the children are challenged to use the vocabulary for the body parts supplied to create a monster. A great way to consolidate the children's use of the vocabulary in a creative way. The activity is differentiated 3 ways. Also included is a short powerpoint introducing / refreshing key vocabulary.
Body Parts in French Playing Cards

Body Parts in French Playing Cards

A great activity to be used as a sorting game as a starter, or for early finishers to consolidate the vocabulary by playing snap or pairs. This resource is a set of playing cards including vocabulary which the children can match.
Cardiau fflach Y Corff - The Body (in Welsh) Flash Cards

Cardiau fflach Y Corff - The Body (in Welsh) Flash Cards

Adnodd i helpu plant i gofio enwau rhanau'r corff yn Gymraeg. Mae'r adnodd wedi ei wahaniaethu, gyda geirfa mwy sylfaenol mewn un pecyn a geirfa uwch mewn ail becyn. Flash cards to revise / reinforce the body vocabulary in Welsh. The resource has been differentiated two ways, with simpler vocabulary suitable for younger / new learners in one pack and more advanced vocabulary in another.
Colours Bingo - Bingo Les Couleurs - Bingo Lliwiau

Colours Bingo - Bingo Les Couleurs - Bingo Lliwiau

This fantastic resource can be used to reinforce the names of the colours in any language of your choice. I personally have used the resource in the teaching of more than one language, to huge success. The resource includes 20 different bingo sheets which can be laminated to be reused.