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FRENCH - Holidays - LES VACANCES - Game

FRENCH - Holidays - LES VACANCES - Game

A fun way to learn and practise holiday vocabulary. Based on the gameshow where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture. Revises: transport, types of accomodation, holiday activities and names of countries. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
FRENCH ~ Quel temps fait-il? Connect 4

FRENCH ~ Quel temps fait-il? Connect 4

Board game to practice weather phrases in French. An extension to this activity is that seasons and items of clothes can quite easily be used to create more interesting sentences. See rules for playing the game. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Une Tortue de Noël - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Une Tortue de Noël - Worksheets

Whoever heard of a father Christmas turtle? A fun comprehension colouring activity for young children. The two worksheets identify eleven colours and light and dark colours. Makes a change from the usual Christmas images, don’t you agree. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Joyeux Noël à tous.
FRENCH - La Maison - Connect 4

FRENCH - La Maison - Connect 4

Board game to reinforce and practice names of rooms in a home and items of furniture once pupils have been introduced to the vocabulary. If we make learning a language FUN then children will be interested and motivated. Your feedback is really appreciated. If ou consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’


A fun way to practise being able to talk about food and drinks in French. Could also be used for German, Italian, Spanish and any other foreign language. Contains 25 images. la pomme le banane la fraise l’orange la tomate la carotte les petits pois les champignons les haricots verts les frites la saucisse la viande le poisson le poulet le pain le beurre le fromage le sandwich le croissant le gâteau les crêpes l’œuf l’eau le lait le jus d’orange This could be modified as to how many items you need to teach. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item and even further by say if you like, love, don’t like or hate the fruit/vegetable in question. You could even say how often you eat the particular fruit or vegetable. The opportunities are endless. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about clothes in French. Contains 19 images of different items of clothing and 4 pictures showing different types of footwear. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended to naming the colour of the item. This could be extended further to saying 'Je porte… ’ Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.
FRENCH - Colours - Les Couleurs - Matching Pairs - Game

FRENCH - Colours - Les Couleurs - Matching Pairs - Game

A matching pairs game for practicing names of colours in French/German/Spanish. Print two copies of the coloured stars. Children have to turn two cards up of the same colour to win the pair. They must say the name of the colour to be able to win the cards. Print double copies of coloured stars cards.
FRENCH - Colours -  Les Couleurs - Lotto - Game

FRENCH - Colours - Les Couleurs - Lotto - Game

Playing lotto is a fun way for very young children to practice the names of colours in French. With older children they can be asked 'Qui a le bleu ....?;'. They reply 'J'ai le bleu'. This game can be used for any language.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about animals in French. Could also be used for German, Italian, Spanish and any other foreign language. Contains 25 images: un chat un chien un poussin un lapin un oiseau une souris un cochon un tigre une libellule un agneau une mouette un cochon d’Inde une coccinelle un canard un mouton un hibou un cheval un poisson un serpent une chèvre un lion un éléphant un papillon un perroquet une chenille un chaton If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Feedback and comments are always welcome and appreciated. No attribution is required.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about fruit and vegetables in French. Contains 15 images of fruit and 10 pictures of a range of vegetables . This could be modified as to how many items you need to teach. Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item and even further by say if you like, love, don’t like or hate the fruit/vegetable in question. You could even say how often you eat the particular fruit or vegetable. The opportunities are endless. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.


A fun way to practise and reinforce being able to talk about your home in French. Contains vocabulary for: rooms in a house: la cuisine la salle à manger le salon le bureau la chambre la salle de bains le grenier furniture: une table une table basse un canapé une chaise un lit une armoire une commode une étagère une bibliothèque un bureau and household items: une lampe un tapis des rideaux une télévision une horloge un ordinateur un réveil Based on the gameshow where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
FRENCH - Parlons le français - matching pairs - Game

FRENCH - Parlons le français - matching pairs - Game

This game can be played in two ways. Firstly it is a matching pairs game. All the red backed cards are for the questions and the blue backed cards are for the answers. Children take turns to turn over a red card and a blue card. They have to read each card out aloud. If they find a matching pair, (question with correct answer) they keep the cards. End of game, child with the most cards wins. Alternatively cards could be placed on a table, face side down in two piles. Child 1 takes a red backed card and asks their partner a question. If they answer it correctly they keep the card. Child 2 takes a blue backed card and reads an answer out to their partner. They have be able to say what the question would be. Again child keeps the card if they are able to do this. As before, the child with the most cards wins. A fun way to get the kids talking. To those of you who consider this worth buying -’ un trés grand merci.’ (print card backs onto card, questions & answers onto paper. Glue together and laminate for hard wearing.) Questions include: name age where you live time weather what’s in your town? family members animals what’s in your bedroom? school subjects hobbies clothes greetings opposites food jobs personalities prepositions seasons pencil case items months planets numbers add/subtract
FRENCH - Un chanson des Couleurs - Songs

FRENCH - Un chanson des Couleurs - Songs

A fun way to practice the names of colours in French. The first song is song to the tune of Frère Jacques. I am using this with 3 year olds and they love it. Feedback is always welcome. To those of you who consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’


A fun way to learn and practise classroom vocabulary in French. Could also be used for German, Italian, Spanish and any other foreign language. Contains 25 images which include: le crayon le stylo la régle les ciseaux la fenêtre la porte la table la chaise le bureau le livre l’armoire la bibliothèque le calendrier la cartable la poubelle la plante l’ordinateur le tableau blanc la boîte la colle l’horlogge la trousse la gomme le prof Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of 5 connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. Students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.


A fun way to practise being able to talk about Easter in French. Contains images for: un lapin un panier une poussin un agneau Poisson d’avril une croix une église un œuf des œufs une tulipe une jonquille un oeuf de Pâques une cloche volante Based on the game show where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the picture to gain control of the shape. This could be extended by naming the colour of the item. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.


A fun way to learn and practise household chores in French. Based on the gameshow where the aim is to complete a line of connecting hexagonal shapes either from side to side or from top to bottom. To gain control of a shape, students have to name the household chore. Have fun. My students did! If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
FRENCH ~ Cherchez les Paires

FRENCH ~ Cherchez les Paires

A fun way to introduce new vocabulary, or to practice vocabulary already learnt. Useful for dictionary skills. The idea of the resource is to match the word in the right hand column with a word from the left hand column. This activity also tests some knowledge of France which my students have been learning about. Worksheets could be modified to practice almost any topic already covered. Hope you students enjoy this resource as much as my students have. Your feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci’. Revises: seasons clothes rooms in a house furniture prepositions verbs famous rivers monuments mountains shops nationalities countries numbers animals body parts jobs shapes negatives vehicles food