Hero image




Learn and Burn


These giant vegetables were made by Nursery children, with some adult help.... We looked at pictures and decided to make the vegetables really big... They look great on display, but were quite fragile and not that good for play activities.


This power point shows the work of reception class as they designed and made their own shoes. Some help was necessary for cutting the corrugated card and the fabric. We used a wide variety of materials and used our imagination to put the pieces together to make a pair of shoes.. 120 children took part in this project- that's 240 cardboard soles..!!
Money containers

Money containers

Succinct planning, analysis sheet, DT design format, Analysis proforma and power point, to encourage and suggest some ideas as starting points for children to think about their own designs. This selection is mainly for purses of different sorts, but the concept could be widened out considerably. Encourage children to think for themselves, rather than produce something 'suitable' for a display...
The Book of KELLS

The Book of KELLS

These resources will get you started and motivated to examine this amazing piece of Art work. It has become part of Irish culture for a long time, and continues to be the premier manuscript for illustration and illumination. A power point, a series of planning documents and a pupil planning sheet are here. The humans will supply the rest...
South Africa

South Africa

This series of resources includes a mapping document of the whole pic. Also a series of planning for 5 weeks. A summary of the work produced is shown on the power point.
Chalk and Charcoal

Chalk and Charcoal

This power point celebrates the work completed at the end of a project focusing on drawing. We explored seeing and perceiving and experimented with different ways to record our thoughts and ideas. We took ourselves as starting points and produced these innovative and insightful drawings using charcoal and some chalk. Adults were also offered opportunity to take part in Drawing inset day. The work was put on display to enjoy looking at what we all had done and accomplished.