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Learn and Burn
Personal recount

Personal recount

A plan and short text to whet the appetite for personal events, that are ofter richer than fiction. Children will not be short of stories to share about things that have happened to them, and they can turn them into exciting and intriguing yarns!! Maybe the class can make a book with illustrations, photographs of other paraphernalia.
Biography planning and text

Biography planning and text

This is a set of planning frames, for a variety of biographies about a selection of people from past times. The biography text can be used to analyse, deconstruct or extend, to allow children to recognise the structure and sequence of a biography text. The planning frame can be used to allow the children to research information using a variety of sources, so that they can them write a biography text.
Non-Chronological reports

Non-Chronological reports

This is a series of resources for learning about non-Chronological reports. It includes, texts for reading and analysis, Charts to aid planning and analysis, notes, labels and poster, and features of NC texts. They can all be adjusted to suit age groups and abilities. Notes can be used by children to practice writing texts, and then they could research and write their own NC report.
Making books part 1

Making books part 1

This power point contains ideas for presenting children's work in an attractive and positive way. It shows how to use work produced to good effect, so that it can be shared and discussed by the children. It is also motivational and encourages children to think about their work and how it fits into what other do. Book can be built up over weeks to make a class collection that can be shared and enjoyed. All subjects can be incorporated in to books and ideas adapted to suit groups of children.
Explanitory texts

Explanitory texts

This selection includes an explanatory text about how a torch works, pictures of torches, features poster, vocabulary poster and a planning frame. This could be used as a starting point for a unit of work, to show the order and progression of how to write a text. Children should be able to then research, take notes, discuss, plan and write their own text and be able to present it in an interesting way to others. There is a selection of photographs, but ideally children should be able to use their own.
Reading and writing instruction texts

Reading and writing instruction texts

This is a collection of outlays for various aspects of learning about instruction texts. They can be modified to suit the child and once children have learned the skills, they can research and write their own instruction text, based on their own interests. As with other concepts, there are aspects that can be changed and there is always room for choice, for example, using bullet points, or numbering.
Making books part III

Making books part III

This power point is to stimulate ideas for children so that they can share their work together and learn from each other. It shows Fantasy stories, poetry, stories from an object and science fiction stories. Promoting the value of imagination helps with all kinds of learning and activity. It is good to finish work and spend time on illustration, so that the full effect can be seen and children and teachers can take satisfaction on worthwhile work to share and keep.


This film demonstrates poerty, Art and calligrahy skills. The film introduces ideas and opportunities to explore creative aspects of Art and other curriculum areas. The presentation is a good introduction for teachers, parents and children to try out new concepts and Art ideas. You can also check out the website… http://artimeusartzip.com kind regards, Shirley Sides
Arguement texts

Arguement texts

This series of resources is centered on the ability to put forward a cogent and balanced case and be able to argue each point of view, clearly, and come to a conclusion. It has text, planning ideas, suggested vocabulary, connectives chart, scoring matrix and letter. It is very helpful to have lots of verbal practice before trying to produce a hard text. It is also great fun to have 'arguments!'
Connectives charts

Connectives charts

A selection of charts showing groups of types of connectives. Addition, Listing, Opposition, Reinforcing, Indicating result and Time connectives.
Making books part II

Making books part II

This power point shows some shared books made by classes of children reflecting their topic or interest. It shows various aspects, planning, writing, edit, rewrite, illustration, diagrams, etc. Its purpose is to spark ideas for others.
Do all children love school?

Do all children love school?

This is a plan sheet and model text for use with IWB and could be used for reading , writing, or speaking and listening. It discusses points of view and presents a discussion around this issue. It could be used to start a unit of work, or to initializes a specific piece of work by children. Keep it flexible and with opportunities for children to think of their own ideas - that is best of all... if it becomes a burden, then scrap it!
Narrative texts

Narrative texts

This contains various activities to support reading and writing narrative texts. The texts can be used to introduce the idea of planing and constructing narratives and to analyse features and concepts used to write a good story. The best start is to encourage the children to read a broad cross-section of good literature so that they can understand how an author's mind works and the processes they use to make a good story.