Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.
Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.
Fancy a week without the stress of planning and making resources - here is an entire weeks worth of English and Maths resources linked to The Olympics.
18 Slides linked to activity sheets, which run through various English and Maths activities all linked to The Olympics, including:
-Creating a leaflet
-Writing a poem
-Creating a quiz
-Writing an article
-Problem solving (various)
-Word problems
-Sorting into a Venn diagram
Activity sheets are in Word so that they can easily be adapted. All resources are easy to adapt for different ages/levels. These activities will leave you with some lovely writing and Maths evidence. Lessons can easily be extended by creating longer learning journeys.
If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message.
*My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
handa's surprise text with missing words. Class thought of their own ideas, i.e to take cakes to their friend and then filled the gaps with chocolate cake or flapjack or etc. Children can take anything they want to their friend and draw pictures to create a book.
Used for a lesson on problem solving linked to Sir Walter Raleigh. Chn had these cut up journey times on their table and they found the shortest and longest possible journey times by adding two together.
Can be easily adapted. I read to my class who answered in their books but it can be changed so there is space for them to work out the sums underneath.
Bookmarks that children's individual can be typed onto, laminated and sent home. When children have achieved their target, they can move onto the next.
All bookmarks have a picture of a real book on.
1.) Linked to History and Art, draw the picture of The Academy. Think about detail and shading.
2.) Various pictures of services in brixton.
3.) Simple map of Brixton. Children can create shops and services (collages?) with a tab and stick them on to make a 3D street map.
4.) and 5.) Mindmap or sentence work on shops found in Brixton.
Obviously, these can all be used as ideas for any place.
I hope you find the resource useful,
Please leave feedback and I’ll upload more work.
A table that children can use to fill in the title of a book and then any adjectives they can steal from the book...which they'll later use in their writing. (AA)
Some flashcards for Phase 5 - I have made lots of these and will upload more soon.
I hope you have found these resources helpful.
If you have time please leave feedback.
Simple chart which can be stuck onto a folded piece of card and sent home to show how the child behaved in school. Should be discussed with parents and child.
An assortment of resources to do with jungle topic.
Postcards - used for writing assessment at end of topic. Write a postcard home from the depths of the jungle. Very simple but can be jazzed up with clipart. Just saves time!
Design your own smoothie with tropical fruits.
Draw a picture in the style of Henri Rousseau.
Blank mindmap - fill in mindmap with vocab at beginning and as children add new vocab as they learn.
Please leave feedback :)