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I am a History teacher in the North West, and head of Citizenship in my school. I have been teaching since 2007, in four secondary schools across the area. In between times, in 2012, I taught as a volunteer teacher in Ghana, with English, French and Maths classes (you can read about my adventures in my book, Teaching in the Sun, available on Amazon). All of my resources have been extensively tried and tested. I hope that you, like me, are able to use them for good and outstanding lessons.




I am a History teacher in the North West, and head of Citizenship in my school. I have been teaching since 2007, in four secondary schools across the area. In between times, in 2012, I taught as a volunteer teacher in Ghana, with English, French and Maths classes (you can read about my adventures in my book, Teaching in the Sun, available on Amazon). All of my resources have been extensively tried and tested. I hope that you, like me, are able to use them for good and outstanding lessons.
Hitler and Stalin comparison

Hitler and Stalin comparison

A resource for students to compare and contrast the lives of Hitler and Stalin. I use it as an introduction to sixth form units, or with high-ability year 9s. There are definitions of key words to help with literacy, and information sheets on aspects of the lives of Hitler and Stalin. Students read the information, either displayed around the room or printed off as handouts. They fill in the table of information about each character, and then complete the similarites and differences section.
Failure of the League in Abyssinia

Failure of the League in Abyssinia

This is a card sort designed to allow students to categorise reasons that the League of Nations failed to stop the invasion of Abyssinia. It can be done as a venn diagram using the second sheet, or as a diamond 9. Categories for a diamond 9 could include: Self interest of members Failure of sanctions Inability to make decisions Others More able student can explain which was the most significant of the consequences, in the short and long term. They are encouraged to give their thoughts on the role of the League and its weakness. This is an ideal activity for preparing students for longer-answer exam questions. It allows discussion to develop as students explain their thoughts and defend them in front of their peers.
British law

British law

This is a resource for Key Stage 4 Citizenship. Students are invited to distinguish between civil and criminal law (definitions are provided) and complete a table using an interactive decision-making process whereby issues are flashed on and of the powerpoint using animations. Answers are in the powerpoint. There is a run-down of the different courts that try disfferent crimes - mgistrates, crown and youth courts, and a video and written/dicussion activity on the role of the CPS. The final aspect of the lesson takes recent examples of breaches of law and invites students to explain what they think should have happened in each case. Answers as to what really happened are in the powerpoint. There is a teacher notes document to help delivery as well.
reasons to vote

reasons to vote

Students complete diamond 9 card sorting activity on the reasons why voting is important. Students can decide on the key reason(s) and give their own explanation. This can lead on to or be receded by class discussion.
King John evidence

King John evidence

A resource for KS3. The PowerPoint has a starter activity to detail the qualities of a good king, and a YouTube link to Disney’s Prince John. Students decide in gthe Word doc whether King John was good, bad or unlucky, by marking different pieces of evidence. This can lead to a PEE paragraph, which is scaffolded in the Powerpoint. The powerpoint then goes on to detail the Magna Carta. Students read through key terms and then make decisions. A written homework from the point of view of a baron is added near the end of the ppt.
Causes of the Wall Street Crash

Causes of the Wall Street Crash

This is a card sorting resource for KS4 students. I have used it with the new GCSE spec for US History. Students read examples of reasons why the Depression happened. They arrange them into the longer term causes and the stock market’s problems (make clear – or allow the more able to work out – that it was these mainly that led to Wall St crashing, and the longer term ones that made the crash turn to depression). They are then invited to prioritise the reasons in each of the two categories, and explain a judgement of the most important to do with longer term causes and the stock market’s problems.There is an exam-style question for the GCSE spec for US History at the bottom of the sheet. This can lead to a debate or piece of extended writing.
Stuart England

Stuart England

4 Resources
A resource pack to support the teaching of the Stuart period. Activities included to suit KS3 teaching, with plenty of scope for differentiation by either task or outcome for more- or less able students.
Republican and Democrat ideas USA

Republican and Democrat ideas USA

This is a resource for students startijg the study of the USA. Students are invited to explain what the parties believe in via a serioes of pictures. they can then write definitions. Students then look at policies more carefully. They decide which are for eaach party. It can be done as a cut and stick, highlighting ar card sort activity. I prefer a card sort as it allows a ‘not sure’ pile initially. Students can idenitfy economic, social and other policies. Less able ones have a differentiated resource. there are extension questions at the bottom of each. This can lead to a debate, either straight away or following more extensive research as homeowrk or ICT facilities in lesson.
Black Power - impact

Black Power - impact

This is for KS4, and could be used at A level too. Students watch the videos to gain an insight into elements of the Black Power movement. Students then use the differentiated card sort activity to cut and stick, or complete in any other way, the venn diagram. The venn diagram categorises what attracted poorer people to Black Power, and What many people disliked about Black Power. It would be helpful to rtell students beforehand that: poorer, younger, working class black Americans were more likely to support the Black Panthers, and Black Power. Richer, older, middle class black Americans were more likely to support peaceful protest. This can lead to a class debate / extended writing / exam Q on whether Black Power was effective - either looking at it as a stand-alone, or copmparing it with prior knowledge on the peaceful Civil Rights movement.
Activity for RAF Cosford and Hack Green fieldwork

Activity for RAF Cosford and Hack Green fieldwork

A pair of resources, in the same document, to use on a GCSE field trip to RAF Cosford in Telford, and Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker near Nantwich. Questions are arranged in groups based around exhibits in the museums. Non-specialists supervising students on the trip can easily keep up with the answers.
Islamic medicine

Islamic medicine

This is a diamond 9 card sort to categorise and prioritise the reasons that Islamic medicine was different to Europe’s. As an extension, you can challenge students to explain the more / less important reasons. This can lead to a class discussion. Categories could include, but not be limited to, knowledge, doctors/surgeons, religion, care for the sick and others.
The spread of the Great Fire of London

The spread of the Great Fire of London

This is a diamond 9 card sort to explain why the Great Fire of London spread with such devastating consequences. Students can explain the reasons that each of the causes of the spread of the fire ere important. Students then arrange cards into the following areas: the Lord Mayor, the weather, the buildings and the fire engines. Students can prioritise and classify reasons into these factors. There is a differentiated version, without thee explanation space, for lower ability students. Students should explain what they think are the most important factors in the spread of the fire, and explain their opinons. This can lead to an extended piece of writing on the causes of the spread of the fire.
The development of canals

The development of canals

This is a whole lessons activity on the coming of canals during the Industrial Revolution. Use the powerpoint to encourage students to define the word canalmania, and to decide the biggest problems that the canalbuilders faced in the 1780s/90s. The worksheet can be done as a card sort or a cut and stick activity. Students must decide which of the pieces of information are advantages and disadvantages. They must then, as an extension, decide which relate to: a) money, b) transporting people/things, c) others. Students then answer the question on the final slide of the powerpoint. This can lead to a piece of extended writing for more able students, or as a more broken down set of answers for the less able. There is plenty of scope for discussion throughout the lesson.
Migration to Britain: advantages and disadvantages

Migration to Britain: advantages and disadvantages

This is a resource to sort the advantages and disadvantages of migration to Britain, and invites students to prepare a debate on the issue. Students can decide which of these affect all, most, some or only a few migrants - and then decide which are the most important. Students can pair up as differentiation to prepare a debate on the good and bad points of migration.
Evaluation of the NHS since 1946

Evaluation of the NHS since 1946

This is a card sorting resource to allow students to judge the effectiveness of the NHS. Students can sort the cards into groups to do with costs, public health and other factors. Students can sort the cards into groups to do with positives and negatives. There are questions at the bottom of the sheet, for more able students, to do with the best/worst point about the NHS, and are invited to explain their own thoughts. This can lead to a piece of extended writing on the effectiveness of the NHS.
Why the USA entered WW2

Why the USA entered WW2

This is a resource for students to explain why the USA joined WW2. Students are presented with 7 reasons, they must explain why these made the USA join the war. There is a differentiated version with are key words to help less able students with the explanations. Students then decide which were reactions to Pearl Harbour, and which were longer term reasons. As an extension, students explain their opinion on the most important reason for the USA joining the war.
Trench life difficulties

Trench life difficulties

This is a diamond 9 card sort to categorise and prioritise the reasons that life in trenches was difficult. As an extension, you can challenge students to explain the more / less important reasons, and there is a further extension question for more able students. This can lead to a class discussion. Categories could include, but not be limited to, health//hygiene, time, mental health and others.
Problems of the Blitz

Problems of the Blitz

This is a card sort or diamond 9 activity designed to allow students to categorise and prioritise the effects of the Blitz. Students can use the cards to explain their thoughts on the worst effects of the Blitz, and why the Blitz failed to break British morale. As an extension, students can choose either to write as a German or British journalist, explaining a one-sided point of view on the Blitz. Categories could include, but not be limited to: Fear Death Destruction of cities
Migration to Britain

Migration to Britain

This is a card sort designed to allow students to categorise and prioritise reasons that groups of people have migrated to Britain throughout history. They can also be arranged as a chronology exercise. There is a second version of the cards designed for less able students. The categorising task could be done as a venn diagram using the venn diagram template.
Nuclear power

Nuclear power

The first activity is is a card sort designed to allow students to categorise information do to with nuclear energy. More able students can use the cards to explain their thoughts on the best and worst aspects of nuclear energy. There is a differentiated card sort for the lower-ability students. The second activity is a letter to the local council. This has a writing frame which can be used, and is differentiated for abilities.