A 1.5 hour lesson on punishment through time, aimed for the Edexcel GCSE specification. This was designed as an online tutoring lesson so is information heavy, but can be tweaked to provide handouts for students. It has examples of exam style questions which students can practice.
It provides a chronological guide to the main aspects of punishment through time seen on this specification.
This lesson was designed with the aid of the Pearson Edexcel textbook and student workbook.
A 1-2 hour lesson containing information on Henry’s ‘Great Matter’ and the Dissolution of the Monasteries. It can be succinct and both can be covered in one lesson or you can choose to split it into two.
This lesson contains information on:
Why Henry wanted a divorce, and why the Pope would not allow him a divorce, key terminology match-up activity, Catholic & Protestant beliefs, roles of Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell, impacts the reformation had on the English Church, the functions of monasteries, motivations for the dissolution, and contemporary sources relating to the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
Ideal for an introductory lesson at KS3 or for those studying ‘Henry VIII and his ministers’ for Edexcel GCSE.
A 1 hour lesson designed for KS3 on weather - with a specific focus on UK weather. Contains a range of activities.
Some images and text taken from BBC Bitesize and MetOffice.gov.uk
An ideal lesson for revision after teaching the content within the textbook geog.1
This lesson covers the topics:
Planet Earth
Map Skills
The UK
It does not come with printable worksheet resources as it is designed for use as an online lesson.
Images are taken from Google and the geog.1 textbook.
A complete lesson bundle including PowerPoint and resources. This lesson is designed as a ‘murder mystery’ on the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower. Students have to decide who out of the contemporary suspects they think is most likely/guilty for the two boys’ disappearance. This lesson includes PowerPoint and resources designed for a 1 hour lesson. Aimed at KS3.
All images taken from Google. Presentation and worksheets are my own.
Designed for a KS3 mixed ability class. Lesson is designed for an hour long lesson. PowerPoint includes a recap of causes, and then looks at what happened to society after the Black Death in England. Includes exam skills work.
Presentation is my own, images taken from Google. Contains a YouTube link to a short video.
Murder mystery lesson designed for an hour long lesson. Students have to study evidence and reach their own conclusions (as detectives) about who was responsible for the death of William Rufus. Interactive lesson which can be teacher or student led. Students can work in groups to begin with then write down their own conclusions. Whole class discussion at the end. All round a very engaging lesson.
Presentation is my own; images taken from Google.
PowerPoint designed for a 1 hour lesson on map skills at KS3 level. This lesson is best taught in an online tutorial session as it does not come with resources. However, the presentation is interactive and students could possibly do the match up activity, the globe labelling, the consolidation quiz, and the OS map analysis in their exercise books if the teacher using this lesson were to print them out.
This lesson covers map skills in the form of:
How to read a compass
How to interpret an OS map
How to infer the format of an atlas map and how to label a 3D atlas map
A 1 hour lesson on section B exam practice and ‘Threats to Henry VII’s Rule’. Very detailed PowerPoint on each individual threat. Much of the material is taken from the Access to History book - The Wars of the Roses and Henry VII.
A 1 hour lesson designed to help students understand the interpretation question (section A) in the Unit 3 component. This lesson features topical content on the Civil Rights module as part of OCR unit 3.
1 hour lesson designed for the Crime & Punishment module of the Edexcel specification. This lesson includes information taken from the Edexcel revision guide. It specifically focuses on similarity and difference in law enforcement and change and continuity in law enforcement over a 1000 year period.
Designed as a revision lesson.
Designed for a KS3 mid to high ability group (1 hour lesson). Complete lesson featuring PowerPoint presentation and worksheet. Images taken from Google.
This lesson could be aimed at a high-ability KS3 group, or a KS4/GCSE group.
This lesson covers a wide range of information that students will need to know for the earthquakes topic. It includes:
Earth’s layers (for example, the crust and plate margins)
Wegener’s theory of continental drift
Key words and definitions
Different types of plate boundary
How earthquakes are measured
Effects and human responses to earthquakes
Case studies from an MEDC and an LEDC
Human solutions to earthquakes
There is a section at the bottom where you could add in your own exam style question (depending on your exam board) to the end of the lesson.
There is also a quiz at the bottom which you could set for homework or as an exit ticket consolidation activity.
(This lesson includes material from BBC Bitesize and Google Images)
This lesson measures how the lives of women changed throughout the 1800s, culminating in what their lives were like by 1900.
It allows students to assess changes in the following areas:
Women’s rights
Societal attitudes
This lesson includes activities on source work, chronology, and exam practice.
This lesson is designed for a 1 hour tutorial but slides could be printed to allow for a ‘carousel’ style activity. This lesson is a great accompaniment to the Edexcel KS3 ‘Exploring History’ course.
Designed for a 1 hour lesson.
This lesson includes information on:
How Cromwell rose to power under Henry VIII
How Cromwell secured Henry’s annulment and how he was rewarded
Cromwell’s role in the downfall of Anne Boleyn
Exam practice on: Describe two features of Cromwell’s influence (1530-1536)(4 marks) - Edexcel style question used to support ‘Henry VIII and His Ministers’ module.
It also allows students to evaluate the significance of Cromwell in the long-term - ‘which of Cromwell’s changes do you think was most significant in the development of English history?’
1 hour lesson on Thomas Cromwell’s rise to power in the court of Henry VIII. Ideal for the Edexcel GCSE course ‘Henry VIII and his ministers’ but also appropriate for students of Tudor History.
Lesson includes content on:
Cromwell’s early life
His service to Wolsey
Cromwell’s personality
Cromwell’s appointment to the Royal Council
Features an Edexcel 12 mark question ‘Explain why Cromwell rose to become Henry’s chief minister’ which allows students to apply their knowledge to exam materials.
A lesson focused around how Henry VII was able to take power, and how he was able to secure power.
Designed as a 1 hour tutorial lesson. Is suitable for high-ability KS3 or KS4.
Featured content contains the lineage of Henry, individuals who helped him achieve power, and analysis of different interpretations of Henry,
9 slides of vocab quizzes with specific terminology related to the Tudors topic. More appropriate for older students as it includes advanced terminology needed for the GCSE and A-level courses on the Tudors.
Slides have the terminology included, but students have to find the answers for themselves.
Intended as a homework activity spanning 9 weeks (9 slides)
Ideal for students aiming for high grades and need to write in a sophisticated manner.