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Mr. M's Learning Emporium

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I am a Deputy Head in a mixed, 11-18, non-selective, comprehensive school of 1400 students in the UK. I am currently teaching the AQA GCSE and OCR A-Level History specifications. My History classes have a six-year average P8 of +0.63 and ALPS 3 and I attain the most Grade 9s and A*s in my School. I have been a Senior Examiner and have attended a plethora of CPD that have given me a really sound insight into the demands and expectations of the GCSE and A-Level specifications to achieve success.




I am a Deputy Head in a mixed, 11-18, non-selective, comprehensive school of 1400 students in the UK. I am currently teaching the AQA GCSE and OCR A-Level History specifications. My History classes have a six-year average P8 of +0.63 and ALPS 3 and I attain the most Grade 9s and A*s in my School. I have been a Senior Examiner and have attended a plethora of CPD that have given me a really sound insight into the demands and expectations of the GCSE and A-Level specifications to achieve success.
AQA GCSE History Generic Mark Scheme

AQA GCSE History Generic Mark Scheme

A generic mark scheme for paper one and paper two of the AQA GCSE History 8145 course. The generic mark schemes were created based on available resources i.e., mark schemes and using my professional knowledge and judgement that is based on years of experience as a Senior Examiner for AQA, collaboration with colleagues who have marked different units for the course and attending AQA CPD that specifically focused on developing a deep understanding of the new AQA 8145 GCSE History specification. 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Medicine Stands Still 2/2: Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day

Medicine Stands Still 2/2: Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day

12 Resources
Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day - Medicine Stands Still. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • Medieval medicine: approaches including natural, supernatural, ideas of Hippocratic and Galenic methods and treatments; the medieval doctor; training, beliefs about cause of illness. • Medical progress: the contribution of Christianity to medical progress and treatment; hospitals; the nature and importance of Islamic medicine and surgery; surgery in medieval times, ideas and techniques. • Public health in the Middle Ages: towns and monasteries; the Black Death in Britain, beliefs about its causes, treatment and prevention. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - The Causes and Beliefs about Illness in the Middle Ages 02 - The Medieval Doctor 03 - Treating Illness in the Middle Ages 04 - Medieval Surgery 05 - Surgical Pioneers in the Medieval Period 06 - Public Health in the Middle Ages 07 - Arrival of the Black Death in Britain 08 - The Black Death - Causes, Prevention and Treatment 09 - Consequences of the Black Death 10 - Did Medicine Stand Still? 11 - Medicine Stands Still: Assessment 12 - Medicine Stands Still: Revision Guide The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
The Origins of the French Revolution, 1774–1789 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

The Origins of the French Revolution, 1774–1789 2/2: France in Revolution, 1774–1815

12 Resources
The French Revolution and the Rule of Napoleon - 1774–1815: The Origins of the French Revolution, 1774-1789. The resources are suitable for OCR, AQA, Edexcel and WJEC A-Level History. • Absolutism and the structure of the Ancien Régime: Louis XVI as King; government; social divisions; privileges and burdens; strengths and weaknesses. • The ideas of the Enlightened philosophes: extent of influence in France; the salons; impact of the American revolution and War of Independence. • Economic problems and royal finance: attempts to improve royal finances under Turgot, Necker and Calonne. • The Assembly of Notables and political developments, February 1787 to May 1789; the state of France, politically, economically and socially by the meeting of the Estates-General. • The revolution; May – October 1789: developments in Versailles and Paris; developments in the country, including the Great Fear; the October Days. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - The Assembly of Notables 02 - The Revolt of the Nobles and Political Breakdown 03 - What is the Third Estate - Politicisation of the Masses 04 - Grievances and Voting Procedures 05 - The Estates-General, Formation of the National Assembly and the Tennis Court Oath 06 - The Séance Royale and its Aftermath 07 - The Storming of the Bastille 08 - The Municipal Revolution and the Great Fear 09 - The August Decrees and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen 10 - Women’s March - The October Days 11 - The Origins of the French Revolution, 1774-1789: Assessment 12 - The Origins of the French Revolution, 1774-1789: A-Level Revision Guide The resources have supported my A-Level History students to consistently achieve results that exceed the OCR National Average. In 2024, 67% of students secured A*-B grades for this specific component and my A-Level History classes consistently attain the most Grade A* and As in any subject and/or class at my current school’s Sixth Form. I am proud to have inspired and helped students to study History at Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities within the United Kingdom. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
The Experiences of Women in Nazi Germany

The Experiences of Women in Nazi Germany

Describe how life changed for women in Nazi Germany. Explain the successes and limitations of the Nazis social policies towards women. Lesson Objective: to what extent did women want to stay in the kitchen in Nazi Germany? AQA GCSE History: Germany, 1890–1945 - Democracy and Dictatorship - The Experiences of Germans under the Nazis. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam 1/2: Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975

The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam 1/2: Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975

15 Resources
Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975 - The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • Nixon’s War: Vietnamisation; chemical warfare; bombing campaign of 1970–1972; relations with China; widening of the war into Laos and Cambodia. • Opposition to war: Kent State University; the importance of the media and TV in influencing public opinion; the context of the Watergate affair. • The end of the war: the Paris Peace talks; the role of Kissinger; the US withdrawal; fall of Saigon; the price of conflict; problems of Vietnam in 1975. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - Nixon Wins 02 - Vietnamisation 03 - Operation Menu - The Cambodian Genocide 04 - The Incident at Kent State University 05 - The My Lai Massacre 06 - The Widening of the War in Laos 07 - The Easter Offensive and Operation Linebacker 08 - Agents of Death 09 - Veterans Speak Out - The Fulbright Hearings and the Pentagon Papers 10 - Changing Attitudes - Protests and Opposition against the Vietnam War 11 - Peace and Love - The Woodstock Festival 12 - The Media and Changing Public Opinion of the Vietnam War 13 - A Divided Society 14 - The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam: Assessment 15 - The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam: Revision Guide The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
My Lai Massacre

My Lai Massacre

Describe the My Lai Massacre. Explain how the incident at My Lai affected the Vietnam War. Lesson Objective: to what extent was truth and justice never served at My Lai? AQA GCSE History: Conflict and Tension in Asia, 1950-1975 - The Ending of Conflict in Vietnam. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Post-War America 1/2: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality

Post-War America 1/2: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality

20 Resources
America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Post-War America. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • Post-war American society and economy: consumerism and the causes of prosperity; the American Dream; McCarthyism; popular culture, including Rock and Roll and television. • Racial tension and developments in the Civil Rights campaign in the 1950s and 1960s: Segregation laws; Martin Luther King and peaceful protests; Malcolm X and the Black Power Movement; Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968. • America and the ‘Great Society’: the social policies of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson relating to poverty, education and health; the development and impact of feminist movements in the 1960s and early 1970s, including the fight for equal pay; the National Organisation for Women, Roe v Wade (1973), the Supreme Court ruling on equal rights (1972) and opposition to Equal Rights Amendment. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons: 01 - Prosperity in 1950s America 02 - The 1950s American Dream 03 - The Birth of the Teenager 04 - 1950s Popular Culture 05 - The Development of the Cold War after World War Two 06 - The Second Red Scare 07 - Fear of the Reds - HUAC, Hollywood, Hiss and the Rosenbergs 08 - The McCarthy Witch Trials 09 - Brown Vs. Board of Education of Topeka, 1954 10 - The Death of Emmett Till, 1955 11 - Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1956 12 - Little Rock High School, 1957 13 - The Greensboro Sit-In, 1960 14 - President Kennedy’s ‘The New Frontier’ 15 - Freedom Rides, 1961 16 - Birmingham, Alabama, 1963 17 - I Have a Dream - March on Washington, 1963 18 - Civil Rights Act, 1964 19 - President Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ 20 - Selma to Montgomery, 1965 The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
American People and the Boom 1/2: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality

American People and the Boom 1/2: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality

20 Resources
America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - American People and the Boom. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • The ‘Boom’: benefits, advertising and the consumer society; hire purchase; mass production, including Ford and the motor industry; inequalities of wealth; Republican government policies; stock market boom. • Social and cultural developments: entertainment, including cinema and jazz; the position of women in society, including flappers. • Divided society: organised crime, prohibition and their impact on society; the causes of racial tension, the experiences of immigrants and the impact of immigration; the Ku Klux Klan; the Red Scare and the significance of the Sacco and Vanzetti case. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - The History of the USA Founding Fathers, Thanksgiving and Pilgrims 02 - The Political and Legal Framework of the United States of America 03 - Democrats and Republicans - The Politics of the United States of America 04 - The Geo-Political, Natural and Social Landscape of the United States of America 05 - The Impact of World War One on the American, British, German, French and Russian Economies 06 - Isolationism - Republican Presidents and Policies Post-World War One 07 - Henry Ford’s Pioneering use of Mass Production within the USA 08 - Stocks, Shares and Credit - American Consumerism during the 1920s 09 - ‘The Boom’ - The Cycle of Prosperity 10 - An Explosion of American Sports 11 - The Birth of the ‘Golden Age’ of Hollywood 12 - 1920s Celebrity Culture 13 - Radio, the ‘Jazz Age’ and the Harlem Renaissance 14 - 19th Amendment, Suffrage and Women’s Rights in Twentieth Century America 15 - The Age of the Flapper 16 - The Transformation of Women in Twentieth Century America 17 - The Roaring 20s 18 - Did Dreams Come True in 1920s Florida 19 - American People and the Boom: Assessment 20 - American People and the Boom: Revision Guide The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Life during the English Civil War

Life during the English Civil War

Describe life during the English Civil War. Explain how people’s lives were affected during the English Civil War. Lesson Objective: to what extent did the English Civil War divide more than a country? AQA GCSE History: Britain: Power and the People: c1170 to the Present Day - Part Two: Challenging Royal Authority. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Norman Revolts and Rebellions, 1067-1075

Norman Revolts and Rebellions, 1067-1075

Describe the situation in England from 1067. Explain how and why there were revolts in England against Norman rule. Lesson Objective: what was the main reason people said ‘non’ to the Normans? AQA GCSE History: British Depth Studies: Norman England, c1066–c1100 - The Normans: Conquest and Control. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Rivals and Claimants to the Throne, 1066

Rivals and Claimants to the Throne, 1066

Describe the claimants and their reasons for their claims to the throne. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each claim. Lesson Objective: who had the strongest claim to the English throne in 1066? AQA GCSE History: British Depth Studies: Norman England, c1066–c1100 - The Normans: Conquest and Control. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
John Hunter: Father of Modern Surgery

John Hunter: Father of Modern Surgery

Describe the work of John Hunter. Explain why John Hunter is a significant individual in the history of medicine. Lesson Objective: to what extent does an Irish giant support the removal of the ‘Father of Modern Surgery’s statue? AQA GCSE History: Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day - The Beginnings of Change. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
A Revolution in Medicine: Britain 2/2: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day

A Revolution in Medicine: Britain 2/2: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day

13 Resources
Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day - A Revolution in Medicine. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • The development of Germ Theory and its impact on the treatment of disease in Britain: the importance of Pasteur, Robert Koch and microbe hunting; Pasteur and vaccination; Paul Ehrlich and magic bullets; everyday medical treatments and remedies. • A revolution in surgery: anaesthetics, including Simpson and chloroform; antiseptics, including Lister and carbolic acid; surgical procedures; aseptic surgery. • Improvements in public health: public health problems in industrial Britain; cholera epidemics; the role of public health reformers; local and national government involvement in public health improvement, including the 1848 and 1875 Public Health Acts. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - Victorian Medical Treatments 02 - Victorian Pharmacies 03 - Anaesthetics - The Genius of James Simpson 04 - The Development of Germ Theory 05 - Antiseptics - The Genius of Joseph Lister 06 - The Development of Surgical Procedures and Aseptic Surgery 07 - Microbe Hunting - The Genius of Robert Koch 08 - The Genius of Louis Pasteur 09 - A Revolution in the Treatment of Disease 10 - Paul Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet 11 - Progress in Nineteenth Century Britain - A Revolution in Medicine 12 - A Revolution in Medicine: Assessment 13 - A Revolution in Medicine: Revision Guide The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
The Golden Age of Elizabethan Exploration

The Golden Age of Elizabethan Exploration

Describe the development in trade and exploration in Elizabethan England. Explain why men embarked on voyages in the Elizabethan Era. Lesson Objective: to what extent did pirates secure Elizabeth’s crown? AQA GCSE History: British Depth Studies: Elizabethan England, c1568–c1603 - Life in Elizabethan Times. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Medicine Stands Still 1/2: Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day

Medicine Stands Still 1/2: Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day

10 Resources
Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day - Medicine Stands Still. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • Medieval medicine: approaches including natural, supernatural, ideas of Hippocratic and Galenic methods and treatments; the medieval doctor; training, beliefs about cause of illness. • Medical progress: the contribution of Christianity to medical progress and treatment; hospitals; the nature and importance of Islamic medicine and surgery; surgery in medieval times, ideas and techniques. • Public health in the Middle Ages: towns and monasteries; the Black Death in Britain, beliefs about its causes, treatment and prevention. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - Welcome to History - An Introduction to Health and the People 02 - Greek Influence on Medicine 03 - Hippocrates - Father of Medicine 04 - Roman Influence on Medicine 05 - Galen 06 - The Nature and Importance of Islamic Medicine and Surgery 07 - The Contribution of Christianity to Medical Progress and Treatment 08 - Medieval Monasteries 09 - Medicine Stands Still: Assessment 10 - Medicine Stands Still: Revision Guide The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
The Work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

The Work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch

Describe the work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. Explain how and why Franco-Prussian rivalry progressed medicine. Lesson Objective: to what extent did a mistaken phrase lead to a bitter rivalry that drove medical progress? AQA GCSE History: Britain: Health and the People: c1000 to the Present Day - A Revolution in Medicine. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Causes of the Wall Street Crash, 1929

Causes of the Wall Street Crash, 1929

Describe the stock market boom of the 1920s. Explain how and why the “bottom fell out” of Wall Street in 1929. Lesson Objective: what was the main reason that the bottom fell out of Wall Street in 1929? AQA GCSE History: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Bust - Americans’ experiences of the Depression and New Deal. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
The African American Experience of WWII

The African American Experience of WWII

Describe how African Americans were affected by the Second World War. Explain how and why African Americans were affected by the Second World War. Lesson Objective: to what extent were African Americans treated as bad in America as they were in Nazi Germany? AQA GCSE History: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Bust - Americans’ experiences of the Depression and New Deal. The resources are also suitable for Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. Each lesson is fully inclusive and differentiated to challenge high-attaining students, whilst offering support to students with SEND and low-attaining students. The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
The Origins of the Cold War 1/2: Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945–1972

The Origins of the Cold War 1/2: Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945–1972

11 Resources
Conflict and Tension between East and West, 1945–1972 - The Origins of the Cold War. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • The end of the Second World War: Yalta and Potsdam Conferences; the division of Germany; contrasting attitudes and ideologies of the USA and the USSR, including the aims of Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt, Attlee and Truman; effect of the dropping of the atom bomb on post-war superpower relations. • The Iron Curtain and the evolution of East-West rivalry: Soviet expansion in East Europe; US policies; the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, their purpose and Stalin’s reaction; Cominform; Comecon; Yugoslavia; the Berlin Blockade and Airlift. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons: 01 - Ideologies of the Cold War 02 - Origins of the USSR 03 - The Nazi-Soviet Pact 04 - The Grand Alliance 05 - The Yalta Conference 06 - The Potsdam Conference 07 - Hiroshima and Nagasaki 08 - Truman on Trial 09 - The Atom Bomb’s Impact on Superpower Relations 10 - The Origins of the Cold War: Assessment 11 - The Origins of the Cold War: Revision Resources The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©
Bust – Americans' Experiences of the Depression and New Deal 1/2: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality

Bust – Americans' Experiences of the Depression and New Deal 1/2: America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality

12 Resources
America, 1920–1973 - Opportunity and Inequality - Bust – Americans’ Experiences of the Depression and New Deal. The resources are suitable for AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC GCSE History and iGCSE History. • American society during the Depression: unemployment; farmers; businessmen; Hoover’s responses and unpopularity; Roosevelt’s election as president. • The effectiveness of the New Deal on different groups in society: successes and limitations including opposition towards the New Deal from Supreme Court, Republicans and Radical politicians; Roosevelt’s contribution as president; popular culture. • The impact of the Second World War: America’s economic recovery; Lend Lease; exports; social developments, including experiences of African-Americans and women. Please note that due to the number of resources, this is one half of the unit. You can purchase the other half of this unit and other sections separately. Included within this bundle are the following complete lessons, revision guide and assessment: 01 - Wall Street Lays an Egg 02 - The Wall Street Crash 03 - Businessmen during the Depression 04 - Unemployment during the Depression 05 - Farmers during the Depression 06 - American Literature and Journalism in the 1930s 07 - Hollywood in the 1930s 08 - Music and Radio in the 1930s 09 - President Hoover’s Response to the Great Depression 10 - The Bonus March 11 - Bust – Americans’ Experiences of the Depression and New Deal: Assessment 12 - Bust – Americans’ Experiences of the Depression and New Deal: Revision Guide The resources that I have created have helped my GCSE History classes achieve and sustain results that far exceed the national average and outcomes for this specific component consistently exceed the national average according to AQA Enhanced Results Analysis: 2024 P8: +0.49 2023 P8: +0.25 2022 P8: +0.87 and +0.33 2021 P8: +1.42 2020 P8: +0.47 2019 P8: +0.57 My average P8 since 2019 is +0.63 and my GCSE History classes consistently attain the most Grade 9s in any subject and/or class at my current school of over 1300 students. I have worked with the examination boards for over 12 years, and I have utilised feedback from students, fellow professionals, experienced colleagues and used my own professional judgement to ensure that each resource will help you to teach quality history lessons so that each student achieves their personal best. I am proud to be recognised as a ‘Gold’ TES Author, a status awarded to top-rated contributors. My 5-star resources, recommended by TES, have been trusted by educators around the world and have been downloaded nearly a million times to help students achieve success. Copyright Protection ©