Lesson plans for 3 sessions.
Lesson 1 - chopping and trying different fruit
Lesson 2 - Making jelly
Lesson 3 - chopping other fruit, melting chocolate and tasting
Evaluation grids for jelly and fruit and chocolate.
PPTs for a 6 lesson Kenya unit of learning.
Lesson 1 - Human and physical features
Lesson 2 - Human and physical features in Kisii, Kenya
Lesson 3 - More about Kisii
Lesson 4 - Creating maps
Lesson 5 - Creating maps (2)
Lesson 6 - Comparing Kisii to Northampton (local study)
Using Jane Considine Planning, Full PPT with Sentence Stackers.
Each 3 key lenses stated for each day
Stimulus (images, links or initial words)
Teacher model (black writing to copy, green to change to their own words)
Does not contain experience days.
Using the VIPERS reading skills, using the texts and images about the Moon Landing.
3 weeks of lessons (2-3 lessons per week).
Lesson plans and PPTs (third week is PPT only).
6 lessons PPT and resources for Uses of Materials unit.
Lesson 1 - Identifying materials
Lesson 2 - What is the best material for a spoon?
Lesson 3 - Suitability of materials for other objects
Lesson 4 - Changing objects
Lesson 5 - Suitable or unsuitable
(no lesson 6!)
Lesson 7 - Famous scientists
Using the VIPERS reading skills, using the book Fantastic Mr Fox and SATs related texts.
3 weeks of lessons (2-3 lessons per week). With SATs prep too.
Lesson plans, PPTs and resources.
10 lessons PPT for an Explorers unit about Columbus and Armstrong.
Lesson 1 - What was life like in the 1400s compared to now?
Lesson 2 - Columbus as a merchant
Lesson 3 - Columbus’ ships
Lesson 4 - Columbus’ first journey
Lesson 5 - Columbus and slavery
Lesson 6 - 1960’s and Neil Armstrong’s life
Lesson 7 - Space race!
Lesson 8 - Apollo 11 mission
Lesson 9 - Questions about the Apollo 11 mission
Lesson 10 - Answer the questions about the Apollo 11 mission
Using the VIPERS reading skills, 4 weeks of lesson plans and PPTs for whole class reading using different texts related to the Great Fire of London. 2-3 lessons per week.
5 lessons PPT and resources for Uses of Materials unit.
Lesson 1 - Baby and adult
Lesson 2 - Life cycles (1)
Lesson 3 - Life cycles (2)
(I planned a farm trip between these lessons)
Lesson 5 - Basic needs: pets
Lesson 6 - Basic needs: wild animals
A great way to start your morning with this display, either use one on the wall for all or display a self registration so the children can choose how they want to start their day!
high five
Classroom resource to display near the doorway for that handy reminder among the crazy end of day rush!
End of day changes
Send home…
Special notes