
The Dragon Machine - using similes to describe the dragon.
differentiated activies, powerpoint and a template. Whole lesson included.

plan your own habitat! KS1 science. habitats/needs of animals
Can I describe and explain the features of a habitat and how it provides for the basic needs of an animal?
Can I describe and explain the physical conditions of a habitat?
Can I identify that living things live in habitats to which they are suited?
Can I describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals?
Can identify and name a variety of animals and their habitats?

BEWARE DRAGONS! The dragon machine.
description of dragons for a beware poster. WAGOLL included. Differentiated HA and LA.

Can I compare more than/less than statements? year 2 and challange
Can I compare more than/less than statements? year 2 and challange differentiated

Lila and the Secret of Rain -Similies lesson
write similies based on the book Lila and the Secret of rain.

future tense, conjunctions and HA fronted adveribals - meerkat mail!
Can I use the future tense?
Can I write about why I will take it?
Can I use conjunctions to show cause and effect?
LA, MA, LA and SEN worksheets

Can I identify features of a postcard - Meerkat Mail
Can I identify features of a postcard?
Can I create my own criteria of what needs to be included on a postcard?
LA and HA, differentiated

Can I learn about the process it took to become a knight? Can I learn about medieval knights?
Can I learn about the process it took to become a knight?
Can I learn about medieval knights?
Differentiated LA and HA.

Place Value year 2 compare 2 digit numbers and objects using or = signs?
Place Value year 2 compare 2 digit numbers and objects using <, > or = signs?

Should plastic straws be banned? KS1 plastic pollution
Should plastic straws be banned? KS1 plastic pollution
powerpoint, facts about straws and different view points for and against plastic straws. Sort facts into for and against. Worksheet to write opinion and present in groups to class.

Reading Comprehension - Year 1/2/3 - Castles
Reading Comprehension - Year 1/2/3 - Castles - using inference and scanning skills.

Grandad's island story prediction - differentiated ks1/year 2
Grandad’s island story prediction - differentiated ks1/year 2

Can I add 2-digit and 1-digit numbers together using a number line?
Can I add 2-digit and 1-digit numbers together using a number line? Year 2

phase 3/5 outside phonics hunt ks1
phase 3/5 outside phonics hunt ks1
pick a picture, say it aloud, write the world. How many words can you write?

homework year 2 - emergency - activities to do at home
home learning pack for whilst school is closed

Measurement. Length using CM and M - year 2. Measuring, drawing and ordering.
Measurement. Length using CM and M - year 2. Measuring, drawing and ordering.