
United Kingdom - KS1 (Year 1 and 2) fact file / case study. Geography
Case study focusing on UK and the capital cities. Interactive lesson for ks1 children including facts and leaflet to complete.
Include facts about each country and capital citie and powerpoint.

continents QR booklet passport - KS1
Scan the QR code and what an informational video all about one of teh 7 continents. Colour the continent in on the world map and write a fact. Fun and interestive - computing cross curricular.

7 continents tour - Passport Booklet - QR codes KS1
take a trip around the the 7 continents and scan the QR code as you go to watch factual videos!

homework year 2 - emergency - activities to do at home
home learning pack for whilst school is closed

Trip to London - London Landmarks
Take a trip to London! Visit each London land mark and write a diary or booklet about what you did there!