I do not work in year 5 anymore, but I have banked together all my planning. Obviously it will need to be adapted to suit your class, but hopefully it should save you lots of time :)
This is 3 weeks worth of activities to go with the first of Anthony Horowitz Alex Rider stories. Stormbreaker is a story that my year 5/6 class love each year.
All of my planning, resources and presentations for year 3 recounts. This will have to be adapted for your class, but I hope that it will save you lots of time :)
Story planning, resources, activities. Based around Romulus and Remulus. This will save you lots of time. There are lots of talk for writing resources in this too.
In addition this download contains all of the flipchart/presentations that I shared with the children.
Any questions please ask :)
Year 3 poetry planning, resources and activities.
This also includes the flip chart/presentation that I have used with the children!
Hopefully this will save you lots of time.
Any questions please ask :)
I have planned guided reading for the whole of key stage 2 and ofsted recently rated this as outstanding. I am really proud of it so have started to upload it. Any questions about how we deliver it- please do not hesitate to ask!
Please see my other planning.
7 weeks of year 5 SPAG Planning. (3 days a week)
Following our new mastery curriculum- 2015.
All flipcharts and resources to go with the planning. Some activities follow the Year 5 Nelson Grammar book this will not hold you back it will explain the activities for you and have examples on the flip charts.
Any questions please ask.
This is to be used in summer 1 for my year 5/6 class.
It is 6 weeks worth of planning- we teach 1 stand alone lesson of SPAG a week.
Hope this can help people.
It contains the 6 weeks of planning and tasks/activities to go with each session.
This is all the resources and planning for persuasive writing aimed at a year 5/6 class. But this could be adapted for the whole of key stage 2 and used as a starting point.
I hope you find it useful.
Whole of Autumns planning for SPAG.
Very detailed with all activities included.
Any questions please ask. This could easily be adapted across key stage 1 and even year 3 depending on ability.