Lavinia Particco's ShopAverage Rating2.66(based on 35 reviews) In my shop you will find fresh assemblies and Historical resources Y7-13 Edit shopAdd a resource
mad_saleswomanIGCSE History: World War One Overview(1)Lesson plan and resources Email me if you need further
mad_saleswomanIGCSE History: Berlin Blockade and Airlift(0)All you need Grab a glass of your fav tipple and pen us a few sweet words…
mad_saleswomanIGCSE History: Versailles Test(0)Lesson and associated resources Email me if you need anything else
mad_saleswomanIGCSE: Collapse of International Peace By 1939- 2 Failure of League & Rise of Fascism(0)Plan and all materials
mad_saleswomanEssay Question on Withcraft and model answer- Y8(0)Useful for Y8 as witchcraft topic can be done after English Civil War and before Black death
mad_saleswomanIGCSE History German Political Reaction To Versailles(0)Lesson plan and all resources needed. Subtitle files won’t upload but I can email these to you within 24 hours- contact me by email Also suits distance/video teaching
mad_saleswomanIGCSE HIstory: Collapse of International Peace By 1939- 1 Introduction(0)All materials and plan ‘Glorious 39’ - if used- first 7 mins
mad_saleswomanIGCSE History: Origins of the Cold War Review(0)All you need. Grab a glass and pen a sweet review…
mad_saleswomanIGCSE History Revision of The Effects of World War One(0)All needed Contact if more needed