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Nazi Political Control: Fear

Nazi Political Control: Fear

This lesson is on the topic of Nazi Control by way of fear. The lesson starts with a settler and continues with a starter (exam question with a success criteria and some tips as well as a model answer, peer assessment and SPAG control slides), Learning Outcomes, Team challenge slide (I usually print one for each table, asking them to compete with other tables), a Fear diagram and a Round Robin activity to discuss the same. Finally, I ended this lesson with an Oracy task designed to discus the quote by Adolf Hitler. I have also included the Team Challenge answers in the end of the presentation.
Nazi Police State

Nazi Police State

This is the lesson on the Nazi Police State. It includes a settler, a starter (Scrabble activity), Learning outcomes slide, information research slide with a structure of the Nazi State (with some tasks organised as CEK plus extension task), source analysis task (oral - describing the Nazi Propaganda poster), exam question based on the same poster (with success criteria and a model answer, peer assessment and SPAG activities) and plenary introducing discussion on Pastor Martin Niemoller's famous quote.