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Mafalda | Tutoring

Welcome to Mafalda! Bienvenidos. I'm Karina, a Spanish and French language teacher and a business owner. I run a tutoring business called: Mafalda | Tutoring At Mafalda, we design Spanish & French workbooks aiming at children age 4+. These can be used independently with their parents/careers or in school with their language teacher or primary school teacher. We also have Spanish for Beginners Adults. I hope you enjoy my shop! Hasta luego. Karina

Welcome to Mafalda! Bienvenidos. I'm Karina, a Spanish and French language teacher and a business owner. I run a tutoring business called: Mafalda | Tutoring At Mafalda, we design Spanish & French workbooks aiming at children age 4+. These can be used independently with their parents/careers or in school with their language teacher or primary school teacher. We also have Spanish for Beginners Adults. I hope you enjoy my shop! Hasta luego. Karina
Spanish beginners Adult Workook 2

Spanish beginners Adult Workook 2

This workbook can be used as a continuation of Book 1 or independently. Learn: Numbers 30-100 The time How to book a hotel room How to make a complaint at a hotel Buying a train ticket Asking and giving directions How to book excursions At the chemist Available in French too upon request to mafaldatutoring@gmail.com
Spanish Workbook Level 3 - Age 4 to 7

Spanish Workbook Level 3 - Age 4 to 7

A colourful bilingual Spanish-English workbook designed for primary school childern. This Spanish workbook is part of a trilogy for beginners Spanish students. It can be used by Spanish language teachers and non-specialists in the classroom or at Spanish clubs. It contains 8 pages of creative activities to learn key Spanish vocabulary. Topics included: The time Daily routine Parts of the body Al the chemist Directions At the movies TV programmes Sightseeing in Buenos Aires, Argentina Valentine’s Day in Spanish
Spanish Workbook for Primary Children L1 | 2 | 3 Age 4+

Spanish Workbook for Primary Children L1 | 2 | 3 Age 4+

3 Resources
Three bilingual Spanish - English children Workbooks designed for primary school children. Learn Spanish with the help of our “Oso Oscar” Oscar the bear. You will learn how to meet and greet, say your name, numbers 1-30, colours, pets. food, how to ask for directions, parts of the body, how to describe your eyes and hair. Places in town and many more fun things. Each workbook can be also purchased individually. Please visit my shop. Mafalda Language & Culture | Tuition
Spanish workbook  Level 1 Age 4 - 7

Spanish workbook Level 1 Age 4 - 7

A colourful bi-lingual Spanish and English workbook that follows the adventures of the Oso Oscar (Oscar The Bear). It contains 12 pages of activities with pictures to help children understand the meaning of the Spanish words. Topics included: 1.Greetings 2.Numbers 1-10 3.The alphabet 4.Colours 5.Animals 6.Family 7.Eyes & Hair 8.Descriptions 9.Countries 10.Summary Ten lessons designed for beginners Spanish. These booklets can be used in the classroom by a language teacher and a non-specialist. All activities are in Spanish and English. Booklets are also available in French and German.
French Children Workbook. Level 1 Age 4-7

French Children Workbook. Level 1 Age 4-7

A colourful bi-lingual French and English workbook that follows the adventures of the Vache Vivienne (Vivienne The cow). It contains 9 pages of activities with pictures to help children understand the meaning of the French words. Topics included: 1.Greetings 2.Numbers 1-10 3.The alphabet 4.Colours 5.Animals 6.Family 7.Eyes & Hair 8.Descriptions 9.Countries 10.Summary Creative lessons designed for beginners French. These booklets can be used in the classroom by a language teacher and a non-specialist. All activities are in French and English. Booklets are also available in Spanish and in German (on request) https://mafaldatutoring.com/ Tes paid licence
Spanish Workbook Level 2- Age 4 to 7

Spanish Workbook Level 2- Age 4 to 7

A colourful bilingual Spanish - English workbook designed for primary school age children. 12 pages of creative activities for the classroom. Easy to use for both Spanish language teachers and non-specialists. Topics included: Types of accommodation Town & City Opinions in Spanish Adjectives to describe your home. A trip to Mexico with Oscar the Bear Places in town - Oaxaca Mexico Shopping for fruit and vegetables Quantities Role play at the Supermarket- Shopping list Sports Avaiable in French and German too. Other languages upon request to mafaldalanguageculturetuition@gmail.com