The IB learner profile
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) learner profile describes a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success. They imply a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.
They imply a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.
These posters can be displayed around the school and in the classrooms, describing personality attributes. IB learners strive to become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective.
If you teach at an IB School, this resource is for you!
This product includes:
International Mindedness posters ( Colour and Black in white )
Set of 10 Learner Profile Attributes ( Colour and Black in white)
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This colourful set of IB PYP Trans Disciplinary themes posters is a great way to display the theme of your unit. The kid friendly language helps with the understanding of the overall theme and allows the children to make that connection between your central idea and the theme.
Display them altogether or simply introduce each theme as you begin a new unit of inquiry. Either way that you choose, it’s a wonderful way to introduce the new unit as you also introduce the central idea and key concepts.
You can find many more IB PYP ideas and resources in my stores
These are posters for the six Global Contexts of the IB MYP curriculum. They include some guiding questions for each Global Context along with the descriptor.
They can be used as a resources, discussion starter for students, classroom decoration, and more.
Implementing Learner agency
Learner Agency is basically when our students have ownership of their own learning and action that comes from that learning.
This student friendly posters contains both coloured and black in white sets of
PYP Learner agency poster ( colour and black in white option)
Voice ( colour and black in white option)
Choice ( colour and black in white option)
Ownership ( colour and black in white option)
How does learner agency looks like ( 7 pointers) ( colour and black in white option)
Need a way to effectively manage the behaviour/behavior of your students? This clip chart works well with primary students for classroom management.
Students move up or down the chart (ladder) depending on the behaviour displayed. This is a great way for students to self-regulate.
Students can start the day by placing themselved ( Cloth pegs with student name ) on the ready to be respectful level .
Please click on PREVIEW to see all parts of the chart.
Editable Name Tags PPT
Easy and convenient for labeling classroom resources and student belongings.
The file contains both coloured and Black in white Labels which can be printed out on sticker sheet or on colour sheets .
Classroom Labels ( Editable )
Everything you need to set up and reinforce IB concepts with your PYP students.
Use these PYP Elements Puzzles to help your PYP students better understand and remember the ten Learner Profile Character Traits, TD Themes, Concepts and ATL Skills. Puzzles can be laminated and cut for use in matching centre activities. Small versions of the cards can be put on rings for individual flashcard use also.
10 Learner Profile Puzzle cards in Color
10 Learner Profile Puzzle cards in Black and White
5 Approaches to Learning (ATL) puzzle in Color
5 Approaches to Learning (ATL) puzzle in Black and White
7 Concept Puzzle cards in Color
7 Concept Puzzle cards in Black and White
6 Transdisciplinary ( TD ) Theme Puzzle cards in Color
6 Transdisciplinary ( TD ) Theme Puzzle cards in Black and White
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Talk Math
Talk Math task cards help students in explaining and communicate their mathematical thinking and problem-solving strategies. As a teacher, you need to identify the key vocabulary you want your students to use. Share it with them. Students can then work individually or in pairs to articulate and defend their ideas and analyze the reasoning
As a teacher you will gain the ability to assess student knowledge through asking “good questions,” and align instruction to ensure each student understands how to use math skills through thinking, talking, and doing.
Total of 52 Task cards
These task cards can be printed on Coloured or White A 4 sheets. Cut individual cards and pasted on student jotter.
Skills covered :
•Addition ( 2 Digit & 3 Digit )
•Addition with regrouping ( 2 Digit & 3 Digit )
•Subtraction ( 2 Digit & 3 Digit )
•Subtraction with borrowing ( 2 Digit & 3 Digit )
•Time ( o’clock and half past)
•Word problems
•Geometry ( 2 D Shapes)
Note: 4 cards per A 4 Sheet
An ideal worksheet to practice describing word
Two sided differenciated worksheet to include all the learners .
Good for enforcement of concept learned .
Back to School - Classroom Helpers set ( Editable )
This cool set will brighten any classroom. You can print and use them in a pocket chart or hang on the wall.
There are 22 already premade cards along with 4 extra blank editable cards . You can create your own job titles as required ! You MUST have power point to open and edit this file. The font that I used is called DJB Mess in My Head and can be found on TpT . You can NOT change the pictures or the backgrounds. You may only add your own text.
Helpers Included:
Classroom Marshals ( Header)
Stationary Marshal
Books Marshal
Lunch Marshal
Errand Marshal
Pencil Sharpner Marshal
Library Marshal
Attendance Marshal
Board Marshal
Clean Up Marshal
Calendar Marshal
Recess Marshal
Bathroom Marshal
Hallway Marshal
Technology Marshal
Substitute Marshal
Recycle Marshal
Mindfulness Marshal
Homework Marshal
Plants Marshal
Electricity Marshal
Table Marshal
Line Marshal
These vibrant cards are made on an A 3 page set up ( 4 cards on each page ) . Can be printed in an A4 sheet also ( Landscape)
Contains 15 different types of editable blank labels on a PPT
•Edit and add text to personalize as per your requirement to label classroom resources / work stations / books / reading baskets / class library in your classroom .
• In order to add text :- Click on Insert tab – then click on Text Box .
• Place the text box where required . Then type your content as required
Keep your class behaving all year long with these bright classroom rules! Rules are written in simple kid-friendly “We” statements!
IB PYP Learner Profile Attributes are integrated into the class rules/agreement.
Add more rules to fit into your classroom routine!
These IB PYPLearner Profile posters are perfect for your IB classroom!
This set contains :
1.IB learner Profile Attributes poster ( both coloured and black in while)
2.Two sets of coloured ( water color and crayon ) learner profile display cards .
3.One set of black in white (beautiful on colored paper) learner profile display cards
Bonus : International Mindedness poster ( both coloured and black in white)
IB PYP Learner Profile Posters included:
This is an UPDATED version which replaces both the PYP and the Revised PYP Approches to learning (ATL ) Skills . It incorporates the IB wording changes that will be put in place after the enhacement .
Complete set of classroom display posters to begin the year with . The Bunddle comprises of
IB PYP ATL Skill ( Enhanced Version )
IB PYP Key Concepts
IB PYP Learner Profile Attributes
IB PYP Transdisciplinary Themes
Enhanced PYP
Note: This is an UPDATED version which replaces both the PYP and the Revised PYP Approches to learning (ATL ) Skills . It incorporates the IB wording changes that will be put in place after the enhacement . This product is sized to print on A4 paper.
Student initiated action is an important component in the whole learning process . IB has now defined with clarity how does Action look like in a global context .
Action is re-defined under the sub categories :
Social Justice
Lifestyle Choices
Social Entrepreneurship
This file contains student friendly poster ( both coloured and Black in white ) for the action wall in the classroom .
Contains two set of buntings for all the letters in the English Alphabet.
Conveniently printout the required letters to form your personalized welcome board / stations / corners in your classroom .
The set includes :
First week activity set
Classroom helpers set
Behaviour management set
Essential agreement
Classroom labels
Letter Bunting set
Math Strategy posters