The whole lesson is about introducing globalisation to students.
This lesson starts with an engaging bell task and then moves onto a great activity where students walk around the room and find the information about globalisation. Students receive worksheets. Worksheets are differentiated ( there are two types of these worksheets and there is an extra challenge for higher achieving students). Posters with task to do can be spread around the classroom; this activity can be also carried out in the form of a group work. As a follow-up activity students have got a written task to do. The lesson ends with students writing what is globalisation on either sticky notes or other colourful pieces of paper and attach them to their books.
The lesson scaffolds tsudents work all the way through and ends with a productive activity.
Start here - with a short video presenting briefly a content of this lesson - I believe that the content should be as transparent as it can be ( I wouldn’t like to sell you anything you don’t need), therefore, I have prepared a short video presenting the content of this lesson. Please, give it thumbs up if you think this is a good idea.
A topic of this lesson is: Antarctica vs the Arctic, and it’s ideal for teenagers (KS3)
It consists of:
A Ted Talk video
Worksheets adjusted to the abilities of students. ( A basic level is suited for EAL learners)
A poster showing differences between Antarctica vs the Arctic that serves as a starter point for a pair activity
A lesson plan - if you need one for your formal observation
I used this lesson either as part of the scheme of work or as a good start of the topic about Cold environments.
Here are the objectives of the lesson:
Basic ( two paragraphs)
Introduce one of the places
The Arctic / Antarctica is located….
It is ….
Write why you would like to go to Antarctica / the Arctic
Use the notes from the video and pictures to help you
Clear (three paragraphs)
Introduce either the Arctic / Antarctica
Write the short characteristics of one of these places
Write why you would like to go to one of these places?
Detailed (Four paragraphs)
Introduce either the Arctic / Antarctica
Write the short characteristics of one of these places
Write why you would like to go to one of these places?
Write why these places are important
The whole sequence of learning on the topic about TOURISM containing:
8 full lessons with worksheets
A revision booklet
An assessment coming up for free
Variety of skills, activities, differentiation and extra challenge tasks, homework tasks, line graphs,
Each lesson starts with an interesting bell task that can be either introducing a new topic or revising the a previous lesson
Each lesson end with a plenary - yellow cards - in this way students create their own glossary that will help them revise in the future.
Lesson topics:
Introduction to tourism
Why has tourism increased?
Different types of tourism - Holidays for everyone
Why is tourism important - Positive and negative impact that tourism has in the world
National parks in the UK
Tourism in Europe
Managing tourism
Revision booklet - in the form of leaflet
If there is anything you would like to ask me about with regards to these power points or lessons plans, do not hesitate to contact me on
** An assessment test will be available soon
Lesson focused on population structure includes:
population pyramids
a number of activities and games
a short video
a worksheet
a GCSE exam question
It follows the content of bitesize (updated version)
It is differentiated
Factors that impact water availability
Group and individual tasks
Learning stations
A set of 6 A4 Fact files about factors affecting water availability: Climate, Geology, Over-abstraction, Poverty, Pollution, Limited Infrastructures
An answer sheet
Instructions for group tasks
Group / Learning stations labels
GROUP WORK - Identify and describe factors affecting the global availability of water.
Two versions: A
Students are going to work in groups.
Each group will receive one factifiles sheet with a different factor affecting water availability.
Students read about it and fill in the table with the information about the factor they have.
Students go to another group and ask about the information concerning another factor.
Students need to fill in all the gaps in your table.
T prepares six learning stations with a set of copies of one type of factfiles sheet.
Students are going to work in six groups
T gives each student an answer sheet
Teacher asks one group to sit at one learning station.
T sets the timer and allows students a certain number time on each task (it depends on the length of your lesson)
Students work on the task and once the time is up students move on to another learning station
After all of the tasks have been done T-Ss check the answers together
To motivate students T can reward students who have done all of the tasks correct. T may decide that the is considered to have been done only if every member of a group has done a task.
A Coastal Processes Key Terminology Quiz.
PPP consisting of 11 questions. Ideal to revise key terminology at the beginning or at the end of the lesson.
Megacities quiz, can be used as a starter, a plenary or a revising activity
20 slides
a variety of questions: multiple choice, memory game questions, visual questions
The first lesson out of eight about Tropical Rainforests for secondary school students.
Worksheet 1: Task 1: Write down a definition of tropical rainforests Basic
Worksheet 2: Task 1: Write down a definition of tropical rainforests EAL/ESL students
Worksheet 3: Task 4: In your books, write the answers to the following questions Basic
Worksheet 4: Task 4: In your books, write the answers to the following questions Detailed
A printable map
**Power point Presentation **
A short video from inside of tropical rainforests (Great for visualising what it is like in tropical rainforests)
Factors that impact water availability
A set of six A4 Fact files about factors affecting water availability: Climate, Geology, Over-abstraction, Poverty, Pollution, Limited Infrastructures
An answer sheet
A set of six group labels
Instructions for group tasks