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KS3 Speeches Fully Resourced Scheme of Work - 21 lessons
KS3 English Scheme: Speeches of Power and Protest
Can be used with Year 7 / 8 / 9 depending on ability. Can be adapted for your group also. Resources include some for LA/HA.
21 lessons fully resources with worksheets, powerpoints and fully anthology of speeches.
Developing both reading and writing skills.
First 12 lessons focus on Reading
Last 9 lessons focus on Writing
Topics by Week:
Week 1: Introduction to Rhetoric (Rhetorical methods / appeals to pathos/logos/ethos)
Week 2: Influential leaders (MLK / Churchill / Obama / Nelson Mandela)
Week 3: Contemporary Protests ( John Boyega / Emma Gonzalez / Malala)
Assessment 1: How does Malala use language to persuade her audience?
Week 4: Empowering Women (Elizabeth I / Emma Watson / Sojourner Truth / Suffragettes )
Week 5: Climate Change (Sir David Attenborough / Leonardo DiCaprio / Greta Thunberg / Obama / Writing Assessment)
Assessment 2: Writing to persuade: views on climate change

Media Representation KS3/4 - Harry and Meghan
KS4 Media (or Year 9)
Media representations of celebrities / royals.
Tabloids vs. Broadsheets.
Language used in papers with different political stances.

Eduqas Poetry Anthology Fully Resourced ppts and booklet - all poems
KS4 English Literature - Eduqas Poetry Anthology
Full set of lessons on every poem
2 lessons per poem
Lesson 1) includes context / poet information / a copy of the poem / AO1 meaning of poem
Lesson 2) Tasks allowing for analysis of language, form and structure / poet’s intent / writing tasks
Booklet for students - pdf and word document
Booklet has a space for every poem for students to fill in context/poet/meaning and has key quotations and context for each.

The Life of Christina Rossetti Lesson A Level
Who was Christina Rossetti?
An interactive, well planned lesson to introduce A Level students to Rossetti.
One ppt and some worksheets:
Who was Rossetti?
Rossetti said what?
Research Project

Hide and Seek by Vernon Scannel annotations
Hide and Seek by Vernon Scannel annotations
iGCSE Literature

Eduqas KS4 A Christmas Carol Full Term (45 Lessons) including Language Paper 2 Resources
Context infused GCSE English Literature A Christmas Carol scheme
Split across a whole term (Autumn term works well).
45 lessons of in depth analysis of the whole novel, including 5 lessons on Language Paper 2 covering themes evident in the novel: Homelessness, Charity, Shelter, Poverty, Ragged Schools etc.
2 weeks of context lessons on The Victorian Era, Victorian Authorities, Social Classes, Industrial Revolution, The Poor Law, Crime in 1800s, Thomas Malthus, Ragged Schools, Sabbatarianism, Workhouses, Charles Dickens’ upbringing, 19th Century Religious Views.
Stave 1: How Scrooge is presented, Bob Cratchit, Interaction with charity workers, Interaction with Fred, Marley’s Ghost.
Stave 2: The Ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge’s childhood and seeing Fan, Fezziwig, Belle.
Stave 3: The Ghost of Christmas Present, Abundance of Food, Greed in 19th Century London, The Cratchits’ Christmas, Parallel Scenes: The Lighthouse, The Miners, Fred’s Christmas, Ignorance and Want, Analysis of Poverty across the whole text.
Stave 4: The Ghost of Christmases Yet to Come, Context: Grave Snatching, Old Joe and Mrs Dilber, The family in debt, Scrooge’s Grave, Redemption.
Stave 5: Analysis of Stave 5, How Scrooge has changed, Comparison to Scrooge at the start vs end.

A Level English Language Social Variation - Age and Social Groups Theories
Fully resourced scheme of work for A Level AQA English Language Social Variation
Age Theories
Social Groups Theores
**8 lessons of powerpoints with tasks on the powerpoints. **:
Lesson 1 - Intro to Social Variation: idolect/sociolect
Lesson 2 - How does age affect language use? Theories of age.
Lesson 3 - Slang / Michael Rosen Podcast / Jonathan Green’s ideas of slang
Lesson 4 - Slang / Stenström’s Teenage Talk / Research into slang usage / Ives / Teenspeak and textspeak
Lesson 5 - Defining age - Eckert and Chesire’s ideas / AO2 critiquing studies
Lesson 6 - Multi-Modal Language / Textspeak & teenspeak / Is text speak killing language? Ted Talk from John McWhorter / Thurlow’s Sociolinguistic Maxims (2003)
Lesson 7 - Jenny Chesire’s Reading study / AO2: Evaluate and Critique skills
Lesson 8 - Jocks and Burnouts - Eckert’s study / AO2: Evaluate and Critique skills / Copeland’s code-switching.
Also includes many example A Level questions.
Very helpful for A Level English Language teachers or students.

London by William Blake Lesson GCSE Poetry
1 x Full lesson on London by William Blake
Contextual information and tasks about London and William Blake
Analysis worksheet to fill in alongside the PowerPoint tasks
A reading and video of the poem
Quote explosions of key quotes showing power from the poem
Analysis of the Meaning Language and Imagery

A Wife in London by Thomas Hardy (GCSE Eduqas Poetry)
2 x lessons on A Wife in London by Thomas Hardy.
Analysis of the poem including:
Predictions based on the title
Context / Content of the poem / poet
Quote explosions of key quotes
Practice exam paragraph ‘How does Hardy present War?’ including WAGOLLs and WABOLLs

KS3 Of Mice and Men Scheme Fully Resourced 25 Lessons
KS3 Of Mice and Men Scheme - Year 8 / 9
25 lessons with all resources: ppts, worksheets and pdf of text.
Lessons follow the text covering main points of discussion / study.
One reading assessment
One writing assessment

Christina Rossetti - At Home Annotations
A Level English Literature Named Poet - Christina Rossetti
Full Annotations:
At Home

Christina Rossetti - Goblin Market (some annotations)
Edexcel / OCR English Literature A Level
Christina Rossetti - Goblin Market (some annotations)

Christina Rossetti - Up-Hill Annotations
A Level English Literature Named Poet - Christina Rossetti
Full Annotations:

Christina Rossetti Full Annotations: What Would I Give?
A Level English Literature Named Poet - Christina Rossetti
Full Annotations:
What Would I Give?

Christina Rossetti Full Annotations: Babylon The Great
Christina Rossetti A Level Poetry - English Literature:
Full Annotations: Babylon The Great
Including Context

Christina Rossetti Full Annotations: A Christmas Carol
A Level English Literature Named Poet - Christina Rossetti
Full Annotations:
A Christmas Carol

Rossetti Annotations: Our Mothers, Lovely Women Pitiful
A Level English Literature: Named Poet - Christina Rossetti
Full Annotations: Our Mothers, Lovely Women Pitiful

Rossetti - Maude Clare Annotations
A Level English Literature
Christina Rossetti - Full Annotations: Maude Clare