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Maths Working Wall Display
Maths Working Wall featured on my Instagram. To be printed on brown paper…
Widgit prompts are not included - you will need to make these/download from the Widgit website

Cottage Cut & Stick
Jack & the Beanstalk theme cut and stick. Use with colouring pencils for the children to add their own beanstalk, grass and flowers

Lantern Craft Template - Lunar & Chinese New Year
Lantern outline for Lunar New Year crafts - add yellow, gold and red tissue paper

Spring Collage
Spring Collage Cut & Stick - use with pencils, pastels and other media for the children to create their own spring themed pictures

Odd or Even?
You can’t share if you sit on the chair!
Use this activity with Numicon pieces and small world figures (such as moblio or duplo) for the children to check if they can ‘sit’ on the chair (top of the numicon)
If they can’t sit, the number can’t be shared and is therefore odd. It is a fun and engaging way for the children to explore odds and evens. See my Instagram for an example of how to use
Odds and Evens sorting sheet
Number cut outs 1-10
Table Sign
Speech bubble - ‘You can’t share if you sit on the chair!’

St. Patrick’s Day - Funky Fingers
Funky Finger board to use with loose parts, cut outs & table sign

St. Patrick’s Day - Colouring/Watercolour sheet
A lovely St. Patrick’s Day Colouring Sheet you could use with a variety of media

What can you see? CVC words
A picture board to be laminated. Children can use post-it notes or whiteboards to note down what they can see!

Peekaboo! Who’s Hiding - Easter/Spring
Easter & Spring theme ‘Peekaboo’ what can you see…
What can you see mat
Magnifying glass cut outs
Table sign
Use with post-it notes or children can write a list on whiteboards/paper

Chocolate Playdough Mats - Easter
Easter Egg theme chocolate playdough mats
Mats x2
Chocolate heart and egg cut outs
Table Sign

Tricky Word Agents
Tricky Word Agents
Use this activity with invisible ink spy pens (I bought mine from amazon)
The children can write and practice their tricky words and check using the spy pen light
Pack also includes table sign
Please note these are tricky words from my Phonics scheme so may vary to order of your setting

Pancake Day Colouring
Two Pancake Day colouring/watercolour sheets with pancake heart, strawberry and lemon cut outs for the table