I'm a Head of English who has produced outstanding results throughout my career. I specialise in helping students achieve the very best marks in exams throughout their time in school.
The resources provided are designed to engage, intrigue students but ultimately help students achieve the very best results- enjoy!
I'm a Head of English who has produced outstanding results throughout my career. I specialise in helping students achieve the very best marks in exams throughout their time in school.
The resources provided are designed to engage, intrigue students but ultimately help students achieve the very best results- enjoy!
Need a full mark example essay for An Inspector Calls but haven’t got the time to produce it?
Here is a resources which can be used for AFL, revision guides or simply to help students understand what is required of them.
Every wondered what your students can cover when exploring form, structure and language?
These helpful revision charts highlight exactly this- enjoy!
View videos which explore this on the following site: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEp3SR3KaDzg8jSe12tGnCg
Each PowerPoint will explain exactly how to achieve perfect marks in the 0522 Cambridge IGCSE extended paper.
There are perfect mark examples for each, as well as the method and helpful hints.
Each PPT works through how to achieve perfect marks for every question in the GCSE Literature examinations. Each work includes perfect marks examples and helpful advance.
Here is a perfect mark example of a descriptive writing piece which would be perfect for GCSE, Alevel and for KS3.
Use this model to explore writing techniques before leading in to your planned main task
This is everything every teacher and student across the land will want in their lives.
After hours (and hours) of work, this guide is aimed at providing students with the minimum they need to know in order to achieve full marks in their Literature exams.
This weighty document provides full mark analysis points (context, form, structure and language) for the following texts:
- Macbeth
- An Inspector Calls
- Animal Farm
- A Christmas Carol
- AQA Power and Conflict poetry section
This superb resource also includes:
- Basic plot outline
- Full mark exemplar responses
- Practice exam questions
- The planning and answering method for each question
Published as a word document to enable you to further edit if you wish, this resource really does have the kind of analysis your students need in order to allow you to spend time simply planning, writing and assessing Exam practice.
Why spend hours doing something similar when it has already been done for you?
You're welcome!
Here is everything you will need in order to achieve perfect marks for Section A for AQA lit paper 1 section A.
These resources not only include the planning and answering method but guide you through each step in order to achieve the perfect result.
You are welcome.
Why waste time doing it when it's already been done for you.
Here is a list of key GCSE terminology, with definitions and some example analysis, which will help ensure your students complete the terminology aspect of the Language and Literature mark scheme.
It's Finally here! A complete AQA GCSE language revision guide.
This hefty and comprehensive revision guide can be edited to seem as if your department has spent hours creating the following:
- Advice on how to revise
- Outline of the exams
- Methods for each question over the two papers
- Full mark exemplar responses.
- Simplified mark schemes
All you will need to do is add past exam papers in the relevant places.
At such a crucial time, can you afford not to offer this to the students?
Perfect for the new GCSEs at KS3 level.
This complete SOW enables students to explore a nineteenth century classic in a fun and interactive way.
Full of engaging and challenging activities, this is a strong SOW which works to cement the core skills every successful student of literature needs.
Looking for an interesting way to help your students revise plot, context, evidence and analysis? Well look no further!
This pub quiz style activity contains the following rounds:
Plot recall
Complete the quotes
Context recall
‘Just a Minute’ theme and character revision
I’ve used this plenty of times in the past and it’s always been an enjoyable and engaging lesson.
Using Robert Cormier’s excellent “Heroes” this power point remind students of the components of an essay structure they require as well as three examples (grade 2/3, grade 6 and grade 9).
Why waste time when it’s already been done for you.
Need a comprehensive guide with full mark examples for your students undertaking the new AQA A-Level Literature A specification? Look no further.
Here are a complete set of power-points which explain the planning and writing process required for each question in the exam. There are also notes on planning complete with full mark examples (please note that not all of these are full essays) for you to use with your students in various ways.
These resources are a great way to save yourself time as well reinforce the resources you have already created- enjoy!
Revision lessons getting formulaic and tired? Try this revision lesson to liven things up a bit.
All required resources are attached with the focus being “Macbeth” and “A Christmas Carol” .
With multiple rounds to test their knowledge and skills, your sure to have a lesson which you’ll all enjoy.
You’re Welcome!
Here is a complete scheme of work that is perfectly suited to the changes in KS3 and four.
There are a variety of project based activities based around Shakespeare which links in a variety of different texts from a multitude of time periods and writing purposes.
Lessons are deliberately to be as engaging and stretching as possible.
Here is a complete Scheme of work which is fully of engaging and challenging resources.
This work develops a wide variety of reading and writing skills, with the scheme of work written in a detailed manner to help cater for all levels of ability.
Before the exam board has even had a chance to organise themselves, here is everything you need in order to achieve perfect marks for paper 2 for the new AQA GCSE literature.
For each question there is a guide to the mark scheme, the method (and timings) required for each question and a perfect mark response! What more can your students need?
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View the videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEp3SR3KaDzg8jSe12tGnCg