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India Case Study - Development Dynamics
Short unit of work that covers India as a case study of an emerging economy. I teach it to students for GCSE Geography: Edexcel B Paper 1 Section 2 (Development Dynamics). Please note that some activities (especially Lesson 3) make explicit reference to an Edexcel Geography Pearson textbook.
Other than a select few activities, these lessons could be easily applied to other exam boards and could be used for activities in KS3 units on India or global development more generally.
Lesson 1: Economic Change in India
Covers the liberalisation of India’s trade following colonialism , independence and rocky few years following.
Lesson 2: Globalisation and India’s economy
Looks at India’s imports and exports, as well as its suitability for trade.
Lesson 3: Globalisation and India’s development
Revision lesson that requires the Pearson edexcel textbook.
Lesson 4: Social impacts of globalisation on India
Covers rural-urban migration and education changes.
Lesson 5: Environmental impacts of globalisation on India
Uses a worksheet to look at different challenges caused by India’s industrialisation.

A-Level Geography: Globalisation Scheme of Work
This is a pack of 14 2-hour lessons that is used to teach the Edexcel Geography A-Level Globalisation Unit to Year 12.
It is structured to include a useful balance of discussion, writing and exam technique. It sometimes references the textbook “Geography for Edexcel A Level and AS: Oxford Secondary” but there is still plentyof content in each lesson for it to be a useful resource for teachers without the textbook.
Week 1: Financial Flows
Week 2: TNCs and Globalisation
Week 3: Measuring Globalisation (Kearney and KOT)
Week 4: Variations in Globalisation (Switched on vs. Switched off)
Week 5: Global Shift (Winners and Losers)
Week 6: Debate: Winners and Losers
Week 7: Challenges of Globalisation for Humans and the Environment
Week 8: Cultural diffusion and erosion
Week 9: Political tensions caused by globalisation
Week 10: Revision Lesson
Week 11: NEE Development and Inequality
Week 12: Whole Class Feedback
Week 13: Sustainability Backlash to Globalisation
Week 14: Sustainability Backlash - Bristol Pound
Please note that this pack does not include additional readings that are assigned and referenced in this unit of work. I have included a document that links to case study articles that teachers may find useful to assign for homework.

Global Issues and SDGs 12-lesson unit of work
This is a comprehensive Geography unit that teaches the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by focusing on different global issues in each lesson.
Each week focuses on a global issue, and each of the two lessons for that week looks at the global issue from the perspective of a high income country or a low income country. It was designed with Year 8 in mind, but would easily work for Year 7 and Year 9. It could be cut down for Year 6 lessons.
It includes 11 lessons (including a prereq check and an end of unit assessment) as well as additional resources for the lessons. Please note the first lesson is labelled W1 L2 because in my school we start the term with an introduction lesson.
Week 1: PRC and Introductions
Week 2: Poverty in HICs and LICs
Week 3: Education in HICs and LICs (plus a short mid-unit assessment)
Week 4: Hunger in HICs and LICs
Week 5: Climate Action
Week 6: Gender (In)equality and EOU
The lessons are saved as W1 L1 (Week 1, Lesson 1), W1 L2 (Week 1, Lesson 2) to help with the ordering.
My pupils really enjoyed their learning on this unit, I hope the same is true for anyone who downloads and uses these lessons.

Animal Farm pack of five lessons
This pack includes content for five 45-minute lessons, ideally suited for teaching online but adaptable for in-person learning.
There are no handouts but lots of close readings and accompanying activities to help KS3 pupils grow in confidence with George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm.
List of lessons:
Defining and identifying features of dystopian fiction. (Chapter 1)
How utopia is represented in Animal Farm (Chapter 3)
How the pigs and the horses are used to illustrate changes from utopia to dystopia (Chapter 3)
How Orwell uses personification and narratives of success and sacrifice to tell the story of revolution (Chapter 4)
How Orwell uses characters with differing perspectives to show conflict within revolutionary movements (Chapter 5).
How Orwell represents dystopia (Chapter 9)

Development Dynamics Scheme of Work - Edexcel Geography GCSE
This is a comprehensive scheme of work for teaching the “Development Dynamics” unit for Edexcel B Geography GCSE. The content can be easily adapted to teaching concepts of economic development and globalisation to pupils studying for GCSE Geography with other exam boards.
The lessons are coded according to the week and the lesson from that week. There are three lessons for each week (except for the last one) and are labelled W1 L1 (Week 1 Lesson 1) with a brief description. Please note that the lessons on social and environmental impacts (Week 5) refer to the Pearson Edexcel textbook
This provides a fresh, updated version of exam content that is easy and engaging for pupils to follow.
Week 1. Introductions, Prereq Check, Development Indicators
Week 2. Inequality, Modernisation Theory, Dependency Theory
Week 3. NGOs vs. TNCs, Top-Down vs Bottom Up, Mid-Unit Revision
Week 4. Mid-Unit Assessment, India’s Economic Growth, Globalising India
Week 5. Social Impacts of Globalisation, Environmental Impacts, India’s Geopolitics
Week 6. Assessment

Russia KS3 Geography Unit (11 Lessons and 2 assessments)
This is a comprehensive Geography unit that covers key geographical skills and concepts via the country of Russia for KS3 students. It was designed with Year 7 or Year 8 in mind, but can easily be extended or trimmed down to fit a Year 9 or Year 6 class group.
It includes 11 lessons (including a prereq check and an end of unit assessment) as well as additional resources for the lessons. The lesson powerpoints are coded as W1 L1 to indicate Week 1 Lesson 1 etc.
Week 1: PRC and Perceptions of Russia
Week 2: Physical features and Biomes of Russia
Week 3: Siberian Dilemma and Written Assessment
Week 4: Assessment Feedback and Russia’s Resource Wealth
Week 5: Gender and Ethnicity in Russia
Week 6: Russia EOU (no revision lesson included in this pack).
Some of the lessons run long in order for the teacher to be able to chop or change the lesson to suit their own interests or requirements. My pupils really enjoyed their learning on this unit, I hope the same is true for anyone who downloads and uses these lessons.

Maths in Geography - Booklet of Past Paper Questions
This is a document that has gathered past paper GCSE Geography Edexcel Questions for pupils who are working on applying maths skills in geographical contexts. Does not include the mark schemes.

Africa KS3 Geography Unit (12 Lessons)
This is a comprehensive Geography unit that covers key geographical skills and concepts via the continent of Africa for KS3 students. It was designed with Year 7 or Year 8 in mind, but can easily be extended or trimmed down to fit a Year 9 or Year 6 class group.
It includes 12 lessons (including a prereq check and an end of unit assessment) as well as additional resources for the lessons. The lessons are coded W1 (Week 1) L1 (Lesson 1) and so on.
W1: PRC and Introductions
W2: Regions and Atlas Skills
W3: Deserts
W4: Mountains and Rainforests
W5: Rural vs. Urban Africa
W6: Revision lesson and End of Unit Assessment
Some of the lessons run long in order for the teacher to be able to chop or change the lesson to suit their own interests or requirements. My pupils really enjoyed their learning on this unit, I hope the same is true for anyone who downloads and uses these lessons.

Geography of Conflict - Year 9 Scheme of Work
This unit of work is designed to encourage a thoughtful introduction to geopolitical conflicts through diverse case studies.
The unit moves from resource conflict in Somalia to the historic environmental conflict of Shell vs. the Ogoni people in Nigeria, before shifting to the territorial struggles over the Arctic.
Lessons are packed with activities that boost pupils’ literacy, numeracy and oracy skills, all while covering the human, physical and environmental branches of Geography.
Includes a start of unit quiz, end of unit test and a mid-unit written assignment (with feedback lessons).
I am not sure if the files have uploaded in order, but it should run:
1-2. Conflict over resources
3. Water scarcity in Somalia
4. Conflict or solution in Somalia?
5. Background to Murder in Ogoniland
6. Who is guilty for the murders in Ogoniland (written mid-unit)
7. Scramble for the Arctic background lesson
8. Scramble for the Arctic Debate lesson
9. End of Unit Assessment

Character Analysis Lessons for Pupils who don't like reading (Shrek, The Hate U Give, Little Women)
This unit of work (7 lessons including EOU questions) uses the movie Shrek and the movie adaptations of The Hate U Give and Little Women to study core principles of storytelling: archetypes, protagonists vs. antagonists, and the Hero’s Journey
This lesson requires no additional resources, just slides, unless you want to print out scripts for the close reading sections.
I recently tutored an able pupil who did not like reading, watched few films, and was struggling with the aspects of literacy that require deeper analysis and interpretation. It is a little unorthodox but could work if you tutor a pupil who is similarly averse to reading or long-form media and needs support with analysis.
Lesson 1: Character Traits and Analysis
The lesson begins with introducing four key terms that will be revisited in each of the following lessons: perspective, archetype, trait and protagonist.
The pupils links character traits to familiar characters (Shrek)
Close reading of a scripted scene in Shrek in which the audience is introduced to Shrek and Donkey
Compare and contrast of traits
**Lesson 2:Defining and Identifying classic literary archetypes **
Vocabulary Starter
Defining and applying well-known archetypes
Discussing how fairytales use traditional archetypes
Revisiting the script from the previous lesson to look at how Shrek and Donkey play against their own archetypes.
Lesson 3: Defining and Identifying protagonists and antagonists through the close reading of selected scripts
Vocabulary starter
Criteria of a protagonist and applying it to Shrek
Introducing a new protagonist: Starr Carter, The Hate U Give
Reading a script and synopsis to explain why Starr is clearly recognisable as the story’s protagonist.
Lesson 4: protagonists and antagonists
Vocabulary starter
Identifying the antagonists in The Hate U Give and Shrek using scripts and synopses.
Lesson 5: The Hero’s Journey
Vocabulary starter
Explaining the Hero’s Journey
Applying it to Shrek
Applying it to Little Women
Lesson 6 and 7 - Review and Assess

Cross-Curricular Literacy and Comprehension worksheets
This is a resource I produced as part of a whole-school push to encourage reading and expand vocabulary in different subjects.
The “Read Like A…” format provides pupils with an article relevant to a school subject, and encourages them to apply their own learning from different units to the article.
It also encourages pupils to consider how their subject is used in the wider world and to explore their interests. There is an activity on each sheet that is usually a form of creative writing, so that they can contribute to the article and show their comprehension.
This pack includes:
Read Like an Artist
Read Like a Business Leader
Read Like a Classicist
Read Like a Designer
Read Like a Geographer
Read Like a Health Worker
Read Like a Historian
Read Like a Linguist
Read Like a Mathematician
Read Like a Musician
Read Like a Nutritionist
Read Like a Philosopher
Read Like a Scientist
Read Like a Sports Scientist
Read Like a Theologian

Globalisation for KS3 - Trade, Travel, Technology
This is a shortened version of a KS3 unit I made on globalisation for Key Stage Three. It is used with other lessons as part of a full Year 8 Unit, but these lessons would translate effectively to other year groups and could be used for KS4 revision lessons.
I have used the football lesson with Year 12 as a warm-up to introduce globalisation and it went really well!
L1. Trade
Introduction to globalised trade, starter and plenary, two written activities, one in which pupils match products with their prices and countries of origin. Video embedded and linked.
L2. Travel
Lesson that focuses on data analysis, with pupils interpreting choropleth maps and line graphs showing changes to international travel. Photos are used to invite discussion.
L3. Football
Lesson that draws connections between trade, travel and technology and the rise of football as the world’s “global sport”. Includes who wants to be a millionaire game that the kids loved.

Contrasting Manchester case studies for GCSE Geography Evolving Human Landscape
I created this set of four lessons for GCSE students in Manchester looking to compare two different areas of the city for Edexcel B Paper 2: Evolving Human Landscape.
The lessons look at Cheetham Hill and Ancoats, two neighbourhoods that sit in close proximity to each other and to the city centre. They are contrasted as examples of when investment into regeneration occurs in one neighbourhood and not the other. The lessons also explore how the two areas, both with rich migration histories, took different trajectories in the 20th and 21st centuries.
For anyone looking to explore socioeconomic differences in Manchester in a contemporary context, these lessons provide opportunities for thoughtful discussion , data analysis and improved literacy.
Lesson 1: the shared history of Cheetham Hill and Ancoats
Lesson 2: Demographic change in Cheetham Hill and Ancoats
Lesson 3: Deindustrialisation in Cheetham Hill and Ancoats
Lesson 4: Regeneration in Ancoats, Neglect in Cheetham Hill
Other resources: reading comprehension in-class activity and extended reading homework.

A-Level Geog Resource Bundle - Relevant Reading and Revision
Recap sheet I use with my Geography A-Level students to revise the Globalisation topic - the squares are all sentence starters, works great as a homework, starter, revision lesson activity.
Case studies listed and linked to provide to students as a revision resource.
Reading homework assignments for globalisation and regeneration units.
A Bridging Document that contains two longform articles with accompanying questions that are relevant to Year 12 and Year 13 content.

Rivers short unit for KS3 Geography (5 Lessons)
This is a shortened unit of work that we used for a Year 9 group that only had a half term to spend on Rivers. The pack includes five lessons, a prereq check, an end of unit assessment and homework sheets.
Lesson 1: PreReq Check
Quiz with questions that will help pupils to access the upcoming content. Answers shown in red text on the presentation.
Lesson 2: River Profile
Introduction to rivers with mixed activities. Homework on water cycle.
Lesson 3: River Processes
Erosion and transportation with mixed activities. Homework on river profile.
Lesson 4: River Flooding
Causes and responses to flooding with mixed activities. Homework on flood management.
Lesson 5: Formation of landforms
Waterfalls and meanders with mixed activities.