A worksheet activity on pictorial representations of the distributibe law. Children colour the arrays to show the partitioned multiplication problem and add the answers to find the total.
Colour-coded colouring worksheet to help children recognise the value of zero as a placeholder. Two copies of sheet included so that this can be printed 2 per page and stuck in an A5 book or one per page and used as an A4 worksheet. The final sheet is the answer sheet.
The activity sheet also includes a traffic light outline for self-assessment to allow children to share their confidence level.
Character description activities based on well-known stories:
The Troll from Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Lion and the Mouse
Read/watch the short story on YouTube
Read the simple character description
Highlight the adjectives in the text
Re-write and uplevel the description
Short character descriptions for the troll and the lion & the mouse - multiple copies for children to complete individually/in pairs
Answer key for highlighted adjectives
Marking checklists with self assessment column
Game to help learners recognise parts of speech. Children take turns in a race to get 3 in a row. In order to claim a space on the board, the player has to write a word which is an example of that part of speech.
Can be laminated or used in wipe clean pockets to make the game boards reusable.
6 boards included.
1 & 2 - Nouns, verbs, adjectives
3 & 4 - Adjectives and adverbs
5 & 6 - Noun, proper noun, adjective, verb, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, interjection
Differentiated activities (3 and 4-digit). Children use dice to create 3-digit or 4-digit numbers and then complete the statements identifying the value of different digits.
Two copies of each sheet included so that this can be printed 2 per page and stuck in an A5 book or one per page and used as an A4 worksheet.
The activity sheet also includes a traffic light outline for self-assessment to allow children to share their confidence level.
An activity for children to estimate the length of classroom objects, record their answers and then measure and check the real length.
2 per page to save on printing and meaning they can be cut out and glued into A5 books if desired.
Differentiated versions
Estimate and then measure using a ruler.
Pages 2 and 3 contain 4 x 5, 10, 15 and 20cm measuring cards for children who are not ready to measure accurately with a ruler. Cards can be cut out on paper, card and could be laminated. Children can check which size the item is nearest to or can state “smaller than/bigger than 5cm…” etc.
Self-assessment rating at the bottom. Children compare their estimations to the real answer and circle a number from 1-10 to score their guesses.
3 ‘I Spy’ activities.
I Spy… Sport
I Spy… Fruit
I Spy… Bugs
Answer sheet for each
Children count how many of each item and fill in their answer at the bottom. Develop children’s attention to detail as well as their ability to concentrate.
These can be used as worksheets or could be laminated/used in wipe clean pockets as a reusable resource.
Set of 5 activity sheets.
Activity to improve children’s ability to follow instructions.
Children can read and follow the written instructions or the instructions can be cut off and read aloud to use the sheets as a listening task.
Sorting game with 3 levels.
Each level has 10 statements.
Level 1 - Rounding to the nearest 10 (up to 100)
Level 2 - Rounding to the nearest 10 and 1000 (up to 1000)
Level 3 - Rounding to the nearest 10 and 1000 (4-digit numbers)
Children sort the statements under the true / false headings.