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Foundation Stage Lead with 15+ years experience. Passionate about creating lessons that encourage pupils to engage with their sense of curiosity, inviting and exploring the feeling of awe and wonder.




Foundation Stage Lead with 15+ years experience. Passionate about creating lessons that encourage pupils to engage with their sense of curiosity, inviting and exploring the feeling of awe and wonder.
EYFS British Values

EYFS British Values

This resource shows ‘I can’ statements in relation to British Values. This resource is ideal for practitioners to display in their early years setting.
EYFS Leaf Man continuous provision enhancement planning (Autumn)

EYFS Leaf Man continuous provision enhancement planning (Autumn)

Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences. Developed in line with Development Matters, this resource includes detailed enhancement planning, highlighting intent, implementation and challenge for all areas of provision. This resource also includes - Enhancement planning overview for all areas of provision Leaf Man story map for small world area Leaf animal masks for stage area Scavenger hunt for physical outdoor area Leaf bread recipe for mud kitchen area Focus observation record sheet
EYFS Knowledge organiser

EYFS Knowledge organiser

Knowledge organisers summarise the learning that will take place, highlighting key vocabulary and knowledge that children should retain. This resource includes knowledge organisers for the following topics - Autumn term- Let’s celebrate - celebrating our differences Spring term - Around the world - comparison of cultures and environments Summer term - Our ‘booket’ list - story telling of family favourites
EYFS risk assessment

EYFS risk assessment

Across the Early Years environment we aim to offer a wide range of exciting and engaging learning opportunities to help develop children’s foundation skills. In any situation where there are a number of children working and playing together there are risks but there are also benefits. This resource is designed to guide practitioners through the process of conducting a thorough risk assessment. This useful guide includes a risk of consequence matrix, safety checklist and benefit risk assessments for both indoor and outdoor activities.
Stages of fine motor development

Stages of fine motor development

Children develop fine motor skills at different stages. This resource highlights pre-writing line development and pencil grip stages. This resource also includes instructional posters for children to utilise to ensure scissor safety, an effective tripod grip and a successful seating position whilst writing.
EYFS Stages of block play

EYFS Stages of block play

Providing toddlers and young children with blocks to play with has many benefits for their learning and development. Blocks are a great way to introduce toddlers to many concepts for the first time. This resource highlights the seven stages of block play with corresponding ‘I can’ statements.
EYFS Common play behaviours for areas of provision

EYFS Common play behaviours for areas of provision

This document highlights skill progression during Continuous Provision and provides ideas of how to layer resources in each area to ensure challenge for all pupils. Areas of provision included are performance, physical play, reading, maths, fine motor, mark making, mud kitchen, water, sand, creative, malleable, role play, construction and small world.
Example EYFS vision statement

Example EYFS vision statement

A vision statement is used to make your ambitions for current and future pupils clear. This document provides an example vision statement that can be utilised for your Early Years setting.
EYFS - Sequence of  learning

EYFS - Sequence of learning

This resource maps out curriculum information for each of the 7 areas of learning to ensure children in Early Years Foundation Stage can build their understanding of larger concepts over time. Each term new learning builds on prior knowledge to ensure attainment of Early Learning Goals.
EYFS Intent and implementation for areas of provision

EYFS Intent and implementation for areas of provision

This resource shows the intent and implementation for each area of provision. Highlighting enabling environments, positive relationships, characteristics of effective learning, key questions, key vocabulary and learning objectives covered. Areas of provision included - construction, creative, large equipment and wheeled vehicles, loose parts, malleable, mark making, maths, mud kitchen, reading, role play, sand and water.
EYFS-DM-Areas of learning with ELGS

EYFS-DM-Areas of learning with ELGS

This resource allows the for Development Matters statements and Early Learning Goals for each Areas of Learning to be seen on one page. These clear and easy to read sheets are great for following children’s expected in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
EYFS Autumn Term activities to support transition

EYFS Autumn Term activities to support transition

Children can be nervous when starting school for the first time. This resource provides a selection of transition games and activities to help children feel comfortable in their new classroom. This resource also includes - a new teacher letter a full time letter an example transition timetable
EYFS classroom display bunting

EYFS classroom display bunting

Display bunting to organise your learning space. This resource includes - Upper and lowercase lettering Areas of continuous provision display bunting COEL display bunting COEL ‘I can statements’ Long and short term planning display bunting
EYFS Remembrance Day continuous provision enhancement planning

EYFS Remembrance Day continuous provision enhancement planning

Books are a rich starting point for learning in an early years setting. They provide an exciting way into worlds children could not otherwise visit. A well chosen book can be an excellent catalyst for all sorts of learning experiences. Developed in line with Development Matters, this resource includes detailed enhancement planning, highlighting intent, implementation and challenge for all areas of provision. This resource also includes - Enhancement planning overview for all areas of provision If you plant a seed story map for stage area War medal examples for malleable area Poppy examples for loose parts area Tank examples for construction area Camouflage examples for arts and design area Soldier stew recipe for mud kitchen Character headbands for stage area Ration booklet for pretend play area Animal roles for sand area
What teachers need to know about Dyslexia

What teachers need to know about Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning difference that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate and fluent word reading and spelling. Characteristic features of dyslexia are difficulties in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed. Co-occurring difficulties may be seen in aspects of language, motor co-ordination, mental calculation, concentration and personal organisation, but these are not, by themselves, markers of dyslexia. A good indication of the severity and persistence of dyslexic difficulties can be gained by examining how the individual responds or has responded to well-founded intervention. This resource includes - Possible learning differences in the classroom Dyslexia strengths Careers that embrace Dyslexic strengths How to create a Dyslexic friendly classroom Suggested interventions to support children with dyslexia
What subject leaders need to know about EYFS

What subject leaders need to know about EYFS

The EYFS framework is structured very differently to the National Curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas. The aim of this document is to help subject leaders to understand how the skills taught across EYFS feed into National Curriculum subjects. This document outlines the most relevant statements taken from the 2020 Development Matters guidance and the Early Learning Goals in the Statutory Framework for the EYFS.