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Mr Long's Primary Resources

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(based on 680 reviews)

I aim to produce complete resources, assessments and units of work that will save teachers many hours of planning, finding worksheets, making flip-charts, writing assessments etc. and to sell them at incredible prices. My resources for Year 6 Maths SATs are comprehensive and great value!




I aim to produce complete resources, assessments and units of work that will save teachers many hours of planning, finding worksheets, making flip-charts, writing assessments etc. and to sell them at incredible prices. My resources for Year 6 Maths SATs are comprehensive and great value!
Add whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods

Add whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods

This is a handy little resource to generate worksheets for the Year 5 addition objective: add whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition) The resource includes: 4-digit + 4-digit numbers, 5-digit + 5-digit numbers, 6-digit + 6-digit numbers, missing number challenge sheet, problem solving sheet and answer sheets. ALL of the worksheets can be randomised with a push of a button meaning they can be reused (unlike a traditional worksheet). They have also been set up for easy printing. Save yourself a bundle of time with this fab resource…
Use rounding to check answers to calculations

Use rounding to check answers to calculations

This is a handy little resource to generate worksheets for the Year 5 addition and subtraction objective: use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy The resource includes 5 worksheets for practising this objective and the accompanying answer sheets (where applicable). They have also been set up for easy printing. ALL of the worksheets/games can be randomised with a push of a button meaning they can be reused (unlike a traditional worksheet/game). Save yourself a bundle of time with this fab resource…
Year 6 Arithmetic Test and Tracking (2017 SATs)

Year 6 Arithmetic Test and Tracking (2017 SATs)

This is a resource to generate arithmetic tests for Year 6. Test 2 is based on questions from the 2017 arithmetic Paper. Click here for generators for the 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022 tests in one package. Get your Year 6 pupils arithmetic test ready with this easy to use and intuitive resource! The test can be randomised to create as many tests as you require throughout the year and no two tests will ever be the same. An answer sheet is also generated for each test. ALSO INCLUDED: The resource also generates a “Questions Only” sheet. This can be used in the place of the complete test paper for regular use or to save on printing. In addition, there is a tracking sheet that will allow you to easily track children’s progress over time and identify weaknesses.
Year 2 Arithmetic Test and Tracking (2017 SATs)

Year 2 Arithmetic Test and Tracking (2017 SATs)

This is a resource to generate arithmetic tests for Year 2. Test 2 is based on questions from the 2017 arithmetic Paper. Click here for generators for the 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2022 tests in one package. Get your Year 2 pupils arithmetic test ready with this easy to use and intuitive resource! The test can be randomised to create as many tests as you require throughout the year and no two tests will ever be the same. An answer sheet is also generated for each test. ALSO INCLUDED: The resource also generates a “Questions Only” sheet. This can be used in the place of the complete test paper for regular use or to save on printing. In addition, there is a tracking sheet that will allow you to easily track children’s progress over time and identify weaknesses.
Year 2 and Year 6 Arithmetic SATs Bundle

Year 2 and Year 6 Arithmetic SATs Bundle

2 Resources
Get both the Year 2 Arithmetic Tests and Tracking and the Year 6 Arithmetic Tests and Tracking in this discounted bundle. Please, click on individual resources for a more detailed description.
Year 1 Science Poster - Plants

Year 1 Science Poster - Plants

Click here for the complete Year 1 Science Posters resource. This is a poster to reinforce the year 1 science topic: Plants. The beautifully designed poster is packed full of information and can be either used for revision or as part of a display in your classroom. PLEASE NOTE: The misalignment in the 2nd preview (the Word version) is not a reflection of how it looks, but a TES issue with generating previews. Objectives covered: Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees
Year 1 Science Poster - Seasonal changes

Year 1 Science Poster - Seasonal changes

Please click here for the complete Year 1 Science Posters resource. This is a poster to reinforce the year 1 science topic: Seasonal changes. The beautifully designed poster is packed full of information and can be either used for revision or as part of a display in your classroom. PLEASE NOTE: The misalignment in the 2nd preview (the Word version) is not a reflection of how it looks, but a TES issue with generating previews. Objectives covered: Observe changes across the 4 seasons Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies
Year 2 Science Poster - Living things and their habitats

Year 2 Science Poster - Living things and their habitats

Please click here for the complete Year 2 Science Posters resource. This is a poster to reinforce the year 2 science topic: Living things and their habitats. The beautifully designed poster is packed full of information and can be either used for revision or as part of a display in your classroom. PLEASE NOTE: The misalignment in the 2nd preview (the Word version) is not a reflection of how it looks, but a TES issue with generating previews. Objectives covered: Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food
Year 4 Measures Assessments

Year 4 Measures Assessments

Six assessments for Year 4 Measures objectives. Includes: M1: Convert between different units of measure [for example, kilometre to metre; hour to minute] M2: Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres M3: Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares M4: Estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence M5: Read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks M6: Solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months; weeks to days AND a mark scheme for all tests Follow this link for all 42 assessments for all Year 4 maths objectives... 42 Year 4 Maths Mini-Assessments More like this... Year 4 Maths Assessments and Tracking Year 4 Science Assessments
Year 4 Maths Assessments and Tracking - 42 individual tests for all Year 4 objectives (NC 2014)

Year 4 Maths Assessments and Tracking - 42 individual tests for all Year 4 objectives (NC 2014)

This is 42 individual assessments for all 42 year 4 maths objectives in the new maths curriculum (3-6 pages each, a total of 181 pages). Each assessment is comprised of staggered questions so that all children have the opportunity to work towards, meet or exceed age related objectives. They can be used for post- or pre-learning and provide an excellent evidence base to enhance teacher judgement. Also included is a tracking spreadsheet to be used in tandem with the assessments which is perfect for tracking children's progress. Simply feed numbers results from the assessments into the spreadsheet and it will do the rest for you.. Furthermore, there is a tracking sheet to record progress levels and a detailed mark scheme. Each test can be adapted to meet individual pupils' needs or for different age groups (if you need to). They are also a great basis for ideas for your maths lessons. More like this... Year 4 Maths Assessments and Tracking Year 4 Science Assessments
Year 1 Maths Assessments and Tracking Without Levels

Year 1 Maths Assessments and Tracking Without Levels

If your fed up with hunting for decent maths assessments for Year 1 children, then look no further. This resource includes three different termly assessments as well as a detailed mark scheme, designed to make marking efficient. Every single Year 1 objective (NC 2014) is covered in each of the three child friendly tests. Not enough? Well, also included is an excel spreadsheet which has been designed to make tracking progress a breeze. Simply fill in the marks for each child and the spreadsheet will do the rest of the work for you. It will give you a total and a 'grade' which you then simply need to enter into the termly tracking sheets. This method of assessment quickly allows you not just to see individual pupils' weaknesses, but also weaknesses within the class as a whole and provides the teacher with an excellent evidence base. In this era of tracking without levels, this is an essential resource for all Year 1 teachers. Please, leave feedback for this amazing resource! ALSO AVAILABLE: Maths assessments for all primary year groups as well as the KS1 Bundle, the KS2 Bundle or the complete Primary Bundle at a discounted price? Science assessments for all primary objectives are also available. Check out my shop – by clicking on my username – to find all of these great resources + lots more! TRY BEFORE YOU BUY FOR FREE - Year 6 Autumn Term Assessment with mark scheme, spreadsheet and tracking sheets, Follow this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-6-maths-assessment-autumn-term-and-tracking-without-levels-11168803
KS2 Comprehensions (Non-Fiction Pack)

KS2 Comprehensions (Non-Fiction Pack)

This is a collection of 13 non-fiction comprehensions. Each full text represents a different non-fiction genre and comes with a range of comprehension questions. They are designed to be used weekly during comprehension or guided reading sessions, but could also be used for dictations, analysing grammar/punctuation techniques, as exemplars or as writing starters. Also included is a 52 page flipchart (ActivInspire - interactive; PowerPoint and PDF format) comprised of each non-fiction text and the accompanying questions - great for feeding back as a class and discussing the best answers for each question. Genres: Information Text, Explanation Text, Persuasion, Diary, Letter, Postcard, Recount, Newspaper Report, Biography, Instructions, Advert, Brochure, Historical Objectives Covered: Develop positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what they read by: Listening to and discussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction and reference books or textbooks Increasing their familiarity with a wide range of books Understand what they read, in books they can read independently, by: Checking that the text makes sense to them, discussing their understanding, and explaining the meaning of words in context Asking questions to improve their understanding of a text Drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evidence Predicting what might happen from details stated and implied Identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarising these Identifying how language, structure, and presentation contribute to meaning Retrieve and record information from non-fiction Provide reasoned justifications for their views ALSO AVAILABLE: The Fiction Pack or The Fiction & Non-Fiction Pack KS2 Fiction Comprehensions KS2 Fiction & Non-Fiction Comprehensions More like this... KS2 Dictionary & Thesaurus Pack KS2 Singapore Method Problem Solving KS2 Tracking and Reporting
KS1: Mental Arithmetic Tests

KS1: Mental Arithmetic Tests

This is a collection of mental maths papers/tests for KS1. The two spreadsheets include four sheets each, differentiated four ways (LA, MA, HA and Challenge) and include answer sheets. What makes these different to other published mental maths material, is that each sheet can be randomised by simply pushing F9 on your keyboard, so there are almost an unlimited combination of questions for each paper. This means they can be used as often as you like with very little repetition - simply randomise and print! Use them daily, weekly, termly or as you wish. Use them for early bird, homework or to regularly assess the children's mental computation. Also included on the sheet is a record sheet if you wish to track pupil progress - simply fill in the names and record the results in the grid (scores will be colour coded for easy analysis). The previews represent just a fraction of the sheets that can be produced! More like this... Year 1 Spelling & Handwriting Generator Year 1 Spelling Assessments KS1 Singapore Maths Year 2 Fractions Year 1 Fractions Year 2 Science Assessments Year 1 Science Assessments
Year 1:  Position and Direction (Unit of Work)

Year 1: Position and Direction (Unit of Work)

This is a 5-8 day unit of work for teaching Position and Direction objectives in year 1. The children will love the Mr Whirligig character and his inherent dizziness and silliness, who will guide them through this great fun unit of work! In this resource pack, you will find: Lesson plans, differentiated worksheets (LA, MA, HA plus a challenge sheet for deeper understanding/mastery), answer sheets for all activities, interactive PowerPoints, support materials and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours and hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, worksheets are uploaded in both PDF and Word. NOW ADDED: A poster for display that could also be sent home for revision and random worksheet generators! Day 1 focusses on position, the language of position and finding the position of items on a grid (potentially 2 sessions work) Day 2 involves the children moving from one position to another on a grid Day 3 introduces the children to using grid references Day 4 focusses on making whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns clockwise and anti-clockwise (potentially 2 sessions work) Day 5 gets the children to draw shapes after a given turn and to count quarter turns (potentially 2 sessions work) Objectives Covered: Describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns More like this... Year 1 Fractions KS1 Singapore Maths Year 1 Maths and Science Assessments
Year 2:  Position and Direction (Day 2)

Year 2: Position and Direction (Day 2)

This is Day 2 (probably 2 sessions) of a unit of work for teaching Position and Direction objectives in year 2. The children will love the Mr Whirligig character and his inherent dizziness and silliness, who will guide them through this great fun lesson! In this resource pack, you will find: Lesson plan, game, differentiated worksheets (LA, MA, HA plus a challenge sheet for deeper understanding/mastery),answer sheets for all activities and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, worksheets are uploaded in both PDF and Word. Day 2 uses grid references to describe position. Find Mr Whirligig and his friends (game) and use grid references to find items. Objectives Covered: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise) The whole unit of work… Year 2 Position & Direction Unit of Work More like this… Year 2 Fractions KS1 Singapore Maths Year 2 Mental Arithmetic Year 2 Maths and Science Assessments
Year 2:  Position and Direction (Day 1)

Year 2: Position and Direction (Day 1)

This is Day 1 (probably 2 sessions) of a unit of work for teaching Position and Direction objectives in year 2. The children will love the Mr Whirligig character and his inherent dizziness and silliness, who will guide them through this great fun lesson! In this resource pack, you will find: Lesson plan, differentiated worksheets (SEN, LA, MA, HA plus a challenge sheet for deeper understanding/mastery), answer sheets for all activities, interactive PowerPoint and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, worksheets are uploaded in both PDF and Word. Day 1 introduces the children to ordinal numbers in a fun and engaging way. Mr Whirligig and his friends waiting in a queue for the bow tie shop! Objectives Covered: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise) The whole unit of work… Year 2 Position & Direction Unit of Work More like this… Year 2 Fractions KS1 Singapore Maths Year 2 Mental Arithmetic Year 2 Maths and Science Assessments
Year 2:  Position and Direction (Day 3)

Year 2: Position and Direction (Day 3)

This is Day 3 (probably 2 sessions) of a unit of work for teaching Position and Direction objectives in year 2. The children will love the Mr Whirligig character and his inherent dizziness and silliness, who will guide them through this great fun lesson! In this resource pack, you will find: Lesson plan, differentiated worksheets (LA, MA, HA plus a challenge sheet for deeper understanding/mastery), answer sheets for all activities, interactive PowerPoint, support materials and flipcharts for whole class teaching (in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format). This pack will save you hours of planning, resourcing, differentiating, finding challenging activities and generating flipcharts all for an amazing price. In addition, worksheets are uploaded in both PDF and Word. Day 3 gets the children compass directions to describe…well direction. Mr Whirligig and his friends are lost in the woods! Objectives Covered: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise) The whole unit of work… Year 2 Position & Direction Unit of Work More like this… Year 2 Fractions KS1 Singapore Maths Year 2 Mental Arithmetic Year 2 Maths and Science Assessments
KS1: Position and Direction Pack

KS1: Position and Direction Pack

3 Resources
This is a bundle of my Year 1 and Year 2 Position & Direction units of work that cover position & direction objectives in KS1 at a discounted price. Both packs (5-10 days each) have great fun characters and activities to engage the children and make learning fun! Whether you are a Year 1 or Year 2 teacher, having both packs will cover all abilities and challenge more able children. I have also added my Foundation Subject Tracking spreadsheet for free for you to use (or not) as you wish! Objectives covered, Year 1: Describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns Objectives covered, Year 2: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise) More like this… KS1 Singapore Maths KS1 Fractions Bundle KS1 Spellings Bundle
Year 3 and 4: Spelling Assessments and Tracking (Generator)

Year 3 and 4: Spelling Assessments and Tracking (Generator)

With most spelling assessments, you have a few tests to use over the year. With this resource, you will have hundreds. Each test is comprised of 20 staggered question (see previews) chosen randomly from a bank of over 150 sentences. Each test will enable pupils to demonstrate whether they are: below, working towards, meeting or exceeding age related expectations. Simply, open the resource, randomise (F9) and print! Answer sheet is included (obviously) as is a result page to track progress ALL year 3 and 4 spelling rules represented. 100s of assessments at your fingertips. Everything you need in one place. Easy to use. A great tracking tool. (PDF previews represent a fraction of the assessments that can be created. Full instructions can be found on first page of the spreadsheet) More like this… Year 3 Maths and Science Assessments Year 4 Maths and Science Assessments Times Tables Generator
Year 3 and 4: Spellings and Handwriting Generator (+ Recording Sheet)

Year 3 and 4: Spellings and Handwriting Generator (+ Recording Sheet)

There are a lot of good spelling resources out there, but nothing like this. This super spreadsheet will create differentiated spelling sheets, practice sheets and handwriting sheets by selecting words randomly from a massive 1000+ word bank (included in spreadsheet). Simply, choose the spelling rule from a drop-down menu, randomise the lists (F9) and then print (sheets have been set up for easy printing). You will never need to create your own lists/practise sheets/handwriting sheets again, saving yourself hours of work, and the randomising feature means no two lists/sheets will ever be the same. In addition, a random activity is also generated for each spelling list, reinforcing learning and there is a spreadsheet for recording spelling test results that makes it easy to track pupils' progress. ALL spelling rules included. 1000s of sheets at your fingertips. Everything you need in one place. Easy to use. A massive TIME SAVER! (PDF previews represent a fraction of the lists/sheets that can be created. Full instructions can be found on first page of the spreadsheet) More like this… Year 3 Maths and Science Assessments Year 4 Maths and Science Assessments Times Tables Generator Visit My Shop!