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Mr Long's Primary Resources

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(based on 679 reviews)

I aim to produce complete resources, assessments and units of work that will save teachers many hours of planning, finding worksheets, making flip-charts, writing assessments etc. and to sell them at incredible prices. My resources for Year 6 Maths SATs are comprehensive and great value!




I aim to produce complete resources, assessments and units of work that will save teachers many hours of planning, finding worksheets, making flip-charts, writing assessments etc. and to sell them at incredible prices. My resources for Year 6 Maths SATs are comprehensive and great value!
Year 5 Science Assessment: Earth and Space

Year 5 Science Assessment: Earth and Space

This is an assessment for Year 5 'Earth and Space' science objectives. Also included is a detailed mark scheme and a spreadsheet to record the results. Objectives Covered: Describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system Describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth Describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky ALSO ADDED: Individual assessments for ALL science objectives for ALL year groups are available for purchase as are individual year group, KS1, KS2 or complete Primary packs. Visit My Shop! to find these great resources + lots more! And if you like these Science Assessments, you will also like my maths assessments Year 5 Maths Assessments and Tracking
Statistics Mastery Activities – Year 6

Statistics Mastery Activities – Year 6

Click the link below for the complete Year 6 resource pack (all 47 objectives; over 200 activities!) Year 6 Maths Mastery Pack These are a range of activities/tasks to demonstrate mastery and develop deeper thinking and deeper understanding of year 6 Statistics objectives. For each objective there are at least 4 activities/tasks along with answers. The document is set up so that you can quickly jump to the objective you are covering and then simply print the appropriate pages. Finding or creating resources to evidence mastery and deeper understanding can take hours of time (and a lot of frustration). With this resource, you will have a handy bank of activities/tasks that you can choose from in seconds! Objectives covered: Interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems Calculate and interpret the mean as an average
Classroom Noise Levels

Classroom Noise Levels

Some labels (for a poster) I designed to help control the noise levels in my classroom (if such witchcraft is possible)! Uploaded in Word and PDF. More like this… Visit My Shop!
Addition and Subtraction Mastery Activities – Year 1

Addition and Subtraction Mastery Activities – Year 1

Click the link below for the complete Year 1 resource pack (all 21 objectives) Year 1 Maths Mastery Pack These are a range of activities/tasks to demonstrate mastery and develop deeper thinking and deeper understanding of year 1 Addition and Subtraction objectives. For each objective there are at least 3 activities/tasks along with answers (where possible). The document is set up so that you can quickly jump to the objective you are covering and then simply print the appropriate pages. In addition, almost all the activities can be adapted to suit your class’s needs if necessary. Finding or creating resources to evidence mastery and deeper understanding can take hours of time (and a lot of frustration). With this resource, you will have a handy bank of activities/tasks that you can choose from in seconds! Objectives covered: Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (−) and equals (=) signs Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including 0 Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = ? – 9
Year 6 Science Assessment: Living Things and Their Habitats

Year 6 Science Assessment: Living Things and Their Habitats

This is an assessment for Year 6 'Living Things and Their Habitats' science objectives. Also included is a detailed mark scheme and a spreadsheet to record the results. Objectives Covered: Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics ALSO ADDED: Individual assessments for ALL science objectives for ALL year groups are available for purchase as are individual year group, KS1, KS2 or complete Primary packs. Visit My Shop! to find these great resources + lots more! And if you like these Science Assessments, you will also like my maths assessments Year 6 Maths Assessments and Tracking
KS1: Assessment, Tracking and Reporting (2016)

KS1: Assessment, Tracking and Reporting (2016)

This is the latest KS1 version of my popular Primary Tracking resource. In this pack you will find: Introduction: Complete instructions for how to use the assessment, tracking and reporting package. Assessment spreadsheets: Feed in teacher assessment data (using numbers 1-7) for each learning objective (maths, reading, writing and science). An average 'grade' is then generated and all data can be easily be viewed on the 'overview' page for each pupil. The spreadsheet easily allows you to identify both pupil and class weaknesses/strengths and track progress. Tracking sheets: These allow you to track children's 'grade' over the academic year. Use the overview sheet to feed pupil's names into the appropriate box. This is completed termly so that children's progress can be monitored. Each of the subjects is on a separate page allowing progress (or lack of it) to be evaluated. Reports: Use the overview sheet to create a numerical style report, where each pupil is given a 'grade' for each strand in maths, reading, writing and science. A simple yet informative method for reporting to parents that takes a fraction of the time that traditional overly wordy reports take (more in line with the reports distributed in secondary education). This system, plus my foundation subjects tracking system (see link below), will be all your school needs for tracking progress in this 'interesting' era of assessment without levels at a fraction of the price that some corporations charge! Please, leave feedback for this amazing, time-saving resource! The KS2 package is also available or why not buy the complete Primary Package at a discounted price. Check out my shop - by clicking on my username - to find these packages plus lots more... NOW ADDED: Foundation Subject Assessment and Tracking without Levels: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/foundation-subjects-assessment-and-tracking-without-levels-11181127L ALSO ADDED: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 Math Assessments and Tracking Without Levels OR why not buy the KS1 Bundle, the KS2 Bundle or the complete Primary Bundle at a discounted price? Check out my shop for these great resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/mrajlong NOTE: Spreadsheet will need to be unlocked if editing is required. Password is provided in 'Introduction' file!
KS2 Geography: Volcanoes

KS2 Geography: Volcanoes

Scheme of work and resources for a topic on Volcanoes. Includes flipchart (ActivInspire and PDF) Check out my volcanoes factsheet/poster that supports this topic Volcanoes Fact Sheet/Poster Visit my shop for lots more resources…
KS2 Maths: Translations

KS2 Maths: Translations

Follow the link below to find my best-selling, 5 star-rated resource pack for all coordinate and transformation targets in KS2: Coordinates and Translations This is an AcitvInspire flipchart and worksheet for teaching translation of points in the first quadrant. NOW ADDED: translating shapes homework! Visit my shop… Visit My Shop!
Statistics Mastery Activities – Year 3

Statistics Mastery Activities – Year 3

Click the link below for the complete Year 3 resource pack (all 34 objectives) Year 3 Maths Mastery Pack These are a range of activities/tasks to demonstrate mastery and develop deeper thinking and deeper understanding of year 3 Statistics objectives. For each objective there are at least 3 activities/tasks along with answers (where possible). The document is set up so that you can quickly jump to the objective you are covering and then simply print the appropriate pages. In addition, almost all the activities can be adapted to suit your class’s needs if necessary. Finding or creating resources to evidence mastery and deeper understanding can take hours of time (and a lot of frustration). With this resource, you will have a handy bank of activities/tasks that you can choose from in seconds! Objectives covered: Interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables Solve one-step and two-step questions [for example ‘How many more?’ and ‘How many fewer?’] using information presented in scaled bar charts and pictograms and tables
Year 5 Statistics (Unit of Work)

Year 5 Statistics (Unit of Work)

This is a COMPLETE resource pack (up to 7 lessons) for teaching all Year 5 Statistics objectives. Included is differentiated worksheets (19 pages) to teach line graphs and tables including timetables (in Word and PDF format - the Word versions can of course be edited if necessary) and answer sheets. In addition there is a 30 page flipchart (ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format) to help deliver and teach the lessons. Also included is a planning tool, so you’ll simply need to copy and paste plans into your desired format. Statistics resources are hard to find, especially differentiated, with flipcharts and planning, and this resource will save you the many hours/days of planning, resourcing etc. Objectives covered: Solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph Complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timetables Check out my shop to find lots of other fantastic maths resources! Visit My Shop! More like this… Coordinates and Translations Year 5 Maths and Science Assessments Equivalent Fractions
Year 4 Fractions and Decimals Assessments

Year 4 Fractions and Decimals Assessments

Ten assessments for all Year 4 Fractions and Decimals objectives. Included is: FD1: Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions FD2: Count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and dividing tenths by ten FD3: Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number FD4: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator FD5: Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths FD6: Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½, ¾ FD7: Find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths FD8: Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number FD9: Compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal places FD10: Solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places AND a mark scheme for all tests Follow this link for all 42 assessments for all Year 4 maths objectives... 42 Year 4 Maths Mini-Assessments More like this... Year 4 Maths Assessments and Tracking Year 4 Science Assessments
KS2:  Roman Numerals Resource Pack (UPDATED)

KS2: Roman Numerals Resource Pack (UPDATED)

This is a complete resource pack for teaching Roman Numeral objectives in KS2. Included is an 37 page flip-chart (I have uploaded in ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF format) to help deliver the lessons, a 34 page booklet of differentiated activities including games, worksheets and an assessment. I have also included a 5 page planning tool so that you can copy and paste plans into your own planning format and adjust as you wish for each activity. Furthermore, I have included Word versions so you can adapt all activities to your own pupils' needs if required. This pack will save you hours and hours and hours of planning and generating worksheets, games, activities, flip-charts and assessments. NOW ADDED: Random worksheet generator - create worksheets in seconds to practise converting Roman numerals! Objectives covered: Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of zero and place value Read Roman numerals to 1000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals PLEASE NOTE: This pack is now available in a bundle... KS2 Maths Resources Bundle More like this... Coordinates and Translations Equivalent Fractions Negative Numbers Primary Maths and Science Assessments Bundle
Foundation Subjects Tracking without Levels

Foundation Subjects Tracking without Levels

This is the perfect partner to my Primary Assessment and Tracking without Levels resource (see link below). Here are six separate spreadsheets, for years 1-6, to assess: History, Geography, ICT, Art, DT, RE, PE and MFL (French: years 3-6 only - objectives could apply to Spanish or German etc). Simply enter pupils' names onto 'overview' sheet and you are ready to go. Enter numbers 1,2 or 3 for each objective on the different sheets: 1 = Working towards objective (W); 2 = Met objective (M); 3 = Exceeding objective (E); a zero can also be entered if necessary. Once filled in, an average will be calculated for each pupil and this will also appear on the overview sheet for viewing and printing. Easy to use, shouldn't take hours and hours of work and is an excellent (not to mention cheap) solution to tracking progress in foundation subjects. The spreadsheets are password protected to prevent accidental deletion of important cells. Password can be found in instructions document so you adapt objectives to your school's needs if necessary. Please, leave feedback for this amazing resource. Check out my tracking and reporting system for Maths, Reading, Writing and Science: Primary Tracking & Reporting Check out my shop to find lots of other great resources including my maths and science assessments for years 1-6, Singapore Method Maths and lots more! Visit My Shop!
KS2 Geography: Oceans

KS2 Geography: Oceans

Scheme of work and resources for a topic on Oceans. ActivInspire Flipchart was split into two parts due to file size. NEW: flipchart now also included in PDF format for those without ActivInspire!!
Year 4 Science Assessment: Animals, Including Humans

Year 4 Science Assessment: Animals, Including Humans

This is an assessment for Year 4 'Animals Including Humans' science objectives. Also included is a detailed mark scheme and a spreadsheet to record the results. Objectives Covered: Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans Identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey ALSO ADDED: Individual assessments for ALL science objectives for ALL year groups are available for purchase as are individual year group, KS1, KS2 or complete Primary packs. Visit My Shop! to find these great resources + lots more! And if you like these Science Assessments, you will also like my maths assessments Year 4 Maths Assessments and Tracking
Year 2: Fractions

Year 2: Fractions

Fractions Year 2: This is a complete five lesson resource pack for teaching all fractions objectives in Year 2. Included is a 26 page pack of differentiated activities (LA, MA and HA), a stunning 80 page flipchart (ActivInspire, PowerPoint and PDF formats) to help introduce and deliver lessons. Also there is a planning tool so that you simply need to copy and paste into your own planning format. The children will love the colourful characters in the flipchart and it makes learning about fractions lots of fun! All activities have been uploaded in both PDF and Word format so that adjustments can be made if required. This pack will save you hours (if not days) of planning, resourcing, generating flipcharts and it also includes an assessment for the end of the unit. Please, leave feedback for this lovely resource and let me know how it goes! Objectives covered: Recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity Write simple fractions e.g. 1/2 of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of two quarters and one half More like this… KS1 Singapore Maths Year 2 Mental Arithmetic Year 2 Maths and Science Assessments Year 1 Fractions
Year 5 Science Posters/Revision Sheets

Year 5 Science Posters/Revision Sheets

This is a collection of five posters to reinforce Science objectives in year 5. Each beautifully designed poster is packed full of information and can be either used for revision or as part of a display in your classroom. These are a perfect partner for my extremely popular, and Tes recommended, Science Assessments. Year 5 Science Assessments Objectives covered: Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals Describe the changes as humans develop to old age Compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties, including their hardness, solubility, transparency, conductivity (electrical and thermal), and response to magnets Know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating Give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic Demonstrate that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes Explain that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible, including changes associated with burning and the action of acid on bicarbonate of soda Describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system Describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth Describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies Use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun cross the sky Explain that unsupported objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object Identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces Recognise that some mechanisms including levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect
KS1 Maths Assessments and Tracking Without Levels

KS1 Maths Assessments and Tracking Without Levels

If your fed up with hunting for decent maths assessments for KS1 children, then look no further. This resource includes three different termly assessments as well as a detailed mark scheme, designed to make marking efficient. Every single Year 1 and 2 objective (NC 2014) is covered in each of the three child friendly tests for each year group. Not enough? Well, also included is an excel spreadsheet which has been designed to make tracking progress a breeze. Simply fill in the marks for each child and the spreadsheet will do the rest of the work for you. It will give you a total and a 'grade' which you then simply need to enter into the termly tracking sheets. This method of assessment quickly allows you not just to see individual pupils' weaknesses, but also weaknesses within the class as a whole and provides the teacher with an excellent evidence base. In this era of tracking without levels, this is an essential resource for all KS1 teachers. Please, leave feedback for this amazing resource! PLEASE NOTE: Both packs can be bought individually if required - check out my resources to find them! ALSO AVAILABLE: Maths assessments for all primary year groups as well as the KS2 Bundle or the complete Primary Bundle at a discounted price? Science assessments for all primary objectives are also available. Check out my shop – by clicking on my username – to find all of these great resources + lots more! TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: Year 6 Autumn Term Assessment with mark scheme, spreadsheet and tracking sheets, Follow this link: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/year-6-maths-assessment-autumn-term-and-tracking-without-levels-11168803
Year 1 Science Assessment: Plants

Year 1 Science Assessment: Plants

This is an assessment for Year 1 'Plants' science objectives. Also included is a detailed mark scheme and a spreadsheet to record the results. Objectives Covered: Identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees ALSO ADDED: Individual assessments for ALL science objectives for ALL year groups are available for purchase as are individual year group, KS1, KS2 or complete Primary packs. Visit My Shop! to find these great resources + lots more! And if you like these Science Assessments, you will also like my maths assessments Year 1 Maths Assessments and Tracking