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The Teaching Deputy

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Hello, thank you for looking around my shop. I am a teaching deputy head teacher, with 16 years of experience, who works in a rural primary school. I know how wearing many hats can eat into your time but understand how important excellent resources are for engaging pupils so they make accelerated progress. I have included lots of free resources in my shop but placed a small charge for resources which have taken me many hours to create. I hope you enjoy them and use them to motivate your pupils.




Hello, thank you for looking around my shop. I am a teaching deputy head teacher, with 16 years of experience, who works in a rural primary school. I know how wearing many hats can eat into your time but understand how important excellent resources are for engaging pupils so they make accelerated progress. I have included lots of free resources in my shop but placed a small charge for resources which have taken me many hours to create. I hope you enjoy them and use them to motivate your pupils.
An Informal Email based on the novel The Jamie Drake equation (3 week unit)

An Informal Email based on the novel The Jamie Drake equation (3 week unit)

This is a 3 week unit of work which focuses upon writing in an informal style. The end written piece is an informal email from Jamie to his Father who is an astronaut. The tone is conversational as he expresses how much he is missing him . It also teaches pupils how to use idioms, lively language, anecdotal comments all while writing in role as a character from a book. Pupils love this unit as it allows them to write in a different style that to what they normally undertake in class too. The book is great class reader which makes for an excellent guided reading text. I have included all the resources including worksheets, WAGOLL and displays so you can start using this straight away. The learning objectives for this unit are; Stimulate & Generate • To use a range of strategies to explore a text • To describe using expanded noun phrases and powerful adjectives • To use inference to build knowledge about a character • To draw inferences from the text • To justify inferences with evidence from the text Capture, Sift and Sort • To imitate an author’s style • To find the key features of an informal email • To describe using expanded noun phrases and powerful adjectives • To edit my writing to improve and clarify • To write in a conversational tone • To generate ideas in role Create, Refine and Evaluate • To draft writing by composing orally first • To write an informal email in role • To edit my writing to improve and clarify This unit of work uses the 3 stage planning process of: • Stimulate and Generate • Capture, Sift and Sort • Create, Refine and Evaluate Stimulate and Generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, Sift and Sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, Refine and Evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
Describe It Game

Describe It Game

This is a great resource for working on pupils speaking and listening skills. Pupils choose a category and then have to describe the object, character, adjective or nature suggestion without using that word. I give the pupils a set time of 1 minute to try to describe as many different suggestions from each category. I have included the Excel version so it is fully adaptable to suit your class.
Conjunction Word Mat

Conjunction Word Mat

This is a word mat I made for my class to help them choose the correct conjunctions for their writing. The list includes: • Causal • Comparative • Coordinating • Explaining • Listing • Opposing • Subordinating • Time There is also an explanation which I stick on the back of the list as a reminder to the pupils what a conjunction is.
Charity Leaflet (3 ½ weeks) inspired by The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

Charity Leaflet (3 ½ weeks) inspired by The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde

This is a 3 and a ½ week unit of work where pupils create their own charity inspired leaflet. The book used to stimulate the thoughts of being unselfish and thinking of others is ‘The Selfish Giant’ by Oscar Wilde. This is a great story with a strong moral of sharing one’s wealth in order to find happiness. The end piece is a digitally created persuasive leaflet where pupils create logos, slogans and persuasive writing to produce an engaging charity inspired leaflet. This unit of work is targeted best at Year 4 - 6 pupils. I have included all the resources you need to start teaching this tomorrow. Below are all the learning objectives and resources included for the unit: Stage 1- Stimulate and generate - Learning outcomes • To write a letter to a persuade • To understand themes in a book • To draw inferences from the text. • To retrieve and record information from a piece of text. • To discuss philosophical ideas • To find the meaning of words Stage 2 - Capture, Sift and Sort- Learning outcomes • To find the key features of a leaflet • To write a persuasive slogan • To write captions • To write an engaging opening statement • To write a heading and subheadings • To use causal conjunctions Stage 3 - Create refine evaluate- Learning outcomes • To retrieve and record information from a piece of text • To design a campaign slogan and logo • To write an engaging opening statement • To plan and organise my ideas to effectively support my writing Resources Include: • Selfish Giant LOs PowerPoint • 1 – Sign • 2 - Themes in a book • 3 - Extract of the Selfish Giant • 4 - Philosophical Questions • 5 - The Selfish Giant Word Mat • 6 - Key Features of Leaflets • SEAQAB PowerPoint • 7 – Slogans • 8 – To write captions • iPads & Computers • 10 - Headings & Subheadings • 11 – Causal Conjunctions • 15 – Plan a Leaflet This unit of work uses the 3 stage planning process of: Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
ADD SPICES Sentence Starters Display

ADD SPICES Sentence Starters Display

This is a sentence starter display for ADD SPICES which stands for: • Adverbs • Drop in clause • Describing word • Similes • Preposition • Ing word • Connective • Ed word • Sub-ordinate clause There is an explanation next to each spice jar which has the first letter of the acronym. This is a great display to have up all year round as a visual reminder to your class.
Debate & Autobiography double unit (3 week)  based on  The Man Who Walked Between the Two Towers

Debate & Autobiography double unit (3 week) based on The Man Who Walked Between the Two Towers

This is a three week unit based on the book The Man Who Walked Between the Two Towers by Mordicai Gerstein. This retells the events leading up when Phillippe Petit walked on a tight rope between the twin towers in New York. It is a great book for modelling suspense and raising key issues such as the attack on the twin towers. This unit has two outcomes which are persuasive debate and autobiography writing. Pupils love this unit as they get so engaged by the dare devil Phillippe Petit. I have listed the learning objectives for all of the lessons below. Also I have included all of the worksheets, PowerPoints, links and resources you will need to teach this unit straight away. Stimulate & Generate LOs • To use inference to generate questions and research for relevant information • To write using expanded noun phrases • To write to persuade in a subjunctive form • To build suspense in a first person recount • To explore the character’s feelings and emotions through drama Cycle 1 - Capture, Sift & Sort • To be able to identify features of a text type Create, Refine & Evaluate • To generate points to justify my opinion in a debate • To use an appropriate form and modelled text to shape my writing • To use agreed success criteria to evaluate and edit to improve my writing • Reading LO To justify my opinion of what I have read through a debate Cycle 2 - Capture, Sift & Sort • To be able to identify features of a text type Create, Refine & Evaluate • To select and organise relevant points when planning for my writing • To write to inform using an appropriate format • To use agreed success criteria to evaluate my writing and edit to improve Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece
Greek Quest Myth (4 week unit) text driver is  Persephone by Sally Pomme Clayton and Virginia Lee

Greek Quest Myth (4 week unit) text driver is Persephone by Sally Pomme Clayton and Virginia Lee

This is a 4 week unit of planning that supports pupils to write an ancient Greek Quest Myth. The beginning part of this unit is focussed on Persephone by Sally Pomme Clayton and Virginia Lee. This is used as a model and WAGOLL for pupils to write their own story. All children love Greek gods and goddesses and this unit of work has never failed in supporting pupils write some excellent myths that are richly descriptive and engaging for the reader. I have listed the learning objectives for all of the lessons below. Also I have included all of the worksheets, PowerPoints, links and resources you will need to teach this unit straight away. Stage 1 = Stimulate & Generate • To write a review of an ancient Greek myth • To use a range of strategies to explore a text • To show understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action when performing a playscripts • To retrieve and record information from non-fiction • To describe using adverbial phrases and drop in clauses • To demonstrate understanding of key details and main points of a text Stage 2 = Capture, Sift & Sort • To find the key features of a myth • To start sentences using verbs, adverbs and connectives • To write using commas to clarify meaning • To use an increasing range of sentence starters • To write in the style of the model text • To edit writing to improve sentence structures and range of vocabulary Stage 3 = Create, Refine & Evaluate • To use expanded noun phrases and figurative language to describe • To vary sentence structure and type for effect • To plan a quest myth • To write a descriptive setting for my myth • To write a build-up in my myth • To write a conflict • To write a resolution to my myth • To edit and improve my work Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece
Story Mountain

Story Mountain

This is a PowerPoint with a Story Mountain which is invaluable for pupils planning good stories. I have also included it in a pdf version for ease of printing.
Descriptive Poetry (3 1/2  weeks) based on Hurricane by David Wiesner

Descriptive Poetry (3 1/2 weeks) based on Hurricane by David Wiesner

This is a 3 week unit of work that teaches all the skills to write a descriptive poem then perform this at the end of the unit. The book is a rich text by an excellent writer that helps support the unit as it is based about the after effects of a hurricane. Pupils really enjoy the creative process of this unit as they get to paint elaborate and engaging pictures in the reader’s minds. I have included every resource you need to teach this unit tomorrow. Also below I have listed all of the learning objectives from the unit of work. Stage 1- Stimulate and generate- Learning outcomes • To write a descriptive poem • To find the meaning of words • To retrieve and record key facts • To use drama to explore characters’ feelings • To read and perform a poem Stage 2 - Capture, Sift and Sort- Learning outcomes • To recognise the key features of descriptive poetry • To use figurative language such as similes • To Identify how language contributes to meaning • To use figurative language such as alliteration • To use figurative language about your senses • To use figurative language such as personification to describe objects • To use figurative language such as metaphors • To use descriptive language to engage the reader • To revise, edit evaluate and improve my writing Stage 3 - Create refine evaluate- Learning outcomes • To plan and organise my ideas to effectively support my writing • To revise, edit evaluate and improve my writing • To perform poetry Resources included: • Hurricanes LOs PowerPoint • Hurricanes Word Mat • Fact file template • Facts About Hurricane Cards • Lesson 5 - Descriptive Poems • Lesson 6 - ARE + GDS • Lesson 6 – WT • Lesson 7 – Photo • Lesson 7- Simile WT • Lesson 8 • Lesson 9 - S Word • Lesson 10 – Diamonds • Least Effective & Most Effective • Lesson 11 - Senses • Lesson 12 – Personification • Lesson 13 – Metaphors • Lesson 14 - Pictures • Success Criteria for Descriptive Poetry Display • Success Criteria for Descriptive Poetry Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
Suffix ous Word Mat for Year 3 & 4 Spelling

Suffix ous Word Mat for Year 3 & 4 Spelling

This is a word mat for the suffix ous. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.
Synonyms for Said Word Mat (64 words)

Synonyms for Said Word Mat (64 words)

This is a great resource for improving the quality of pupil's writing. I use it for all non-fiction pieces that require dialogue. This allows pupils to add inferences into their writing which gives their characters more depth subtly. The usual word of said is no longer used as pupils upscale their word choices making their writing even more engaging.
Diary Extract in Role (3 1/2 weeks) unit based on Street Child by Berlie Doherty

Diary Extract in Role (3 1/2 weeks) unit based on Street Child by Berlie Doherty

This is a 3 and 1/2 week unit of work that is based on the book 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. The book tells the story about Dr Barnados and how the ragged schools were created through the eyes of an orphan Jim. Every time I have taught this unit there has been a special atmosphere as pupils have lots of ideas to discuss philosophical and moral issues and realise how lucky they are to be alive today in England. The end of the unit has two possible choices which are either writing as Jim in a diary extract or an alternative ending to the story. The learning objectives for this unit of work are; • To write a diary extract as a poor Victorian child. • To find and improve adverbs in a piece of text. • To make a freeze-frame to show what characters are feeling in a story. • To describe a character from a novel. • To write as a character from a novel. • To convey character by using colloquialism (slang). • To understand how a character from a novel feels. + Write expanded noun phrases. • To write a list poem. • To describe a character from a novel. • To make a key scene into a freeze frame, considering the characters feelings and emotions. • To map the story of a novel. • To map out a characters journey and feelings throughout a novel. • To find key information about Dr Barnardos. • To write complex sentences. • To identify cohesive devices for paragraphs. + I can describe the effect created by different cohesive devices • To plan a diary extract. OR To plan an alternative ending. • To write a diary extract. OR To write an alternative ending. This unit of work uses the 3 stage planning process of: • Stimulate and generate • Capture, sift and sort • Create, refine and evaluate Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
What is a Sentence Display

What is a Sentence Display

This is a colourful display that is great to have displayed all year round. It explains what a simple, compound and complex sentence is. Each type of sentence has a description and an example with each part colour coded.
Guided Reading Template

Guided Reading Template

This is a great template that has boxes to write questions for the different domains: • Word reading • Inference • Language for effect • Comprehension – Monitor & Summarise • Comprehension – Clarify • Comprehension – Reason & Explain • Comprehension – Select & Retrieve • Themes and conventions It also includes a table to record your pupil’s performance in each of these domains. This is a great way to collect evidence of pupils reading ability. I have included a pdf for printing easily and a word version so you can alter it however you want.
Homonyms Word Mat

Homonyms Word Mat

This is a word mat for Homonyms that I use with my class. A Homonym is a word that has the same spelling or pronunciation as another word but a different meaning or origin.
Prefix Auto Word Mat – Year 3 and 4 Spelling

Prefix Auto Word Mat – Year 3 and 4 Spelling

This is a word mat of words with the prefix auto. This is targeted at years 3 and 4 as it is part of the spelling curriculum. This is a useful resource for pupils to use to improve their spellings as well as a useful tool to improve their word choices and quality of their writing. It has two versions; one with colour and the other just in black and white to save on printing costs.
Twist in the Tale Short Story Planning 3 week Unit

Twist in the Tale Short Story Planning 3 week Unit

This is a 3-week unit which I have planned to support my pupils to write a short story, with a twist in the tale, for the BBC 500-word competition. It is a challenging unit as pupils learn to plan backwards so they decide upon the ending first. Pupils decide upon a theme for their short story and plan where they are going to place this throughout the short story. I have set my short story loosely around an old Fairground which allows pupils lots of scope to decide upon what happens in there or did happen in there when it was open. My class love this unit as it allows them to be creative and cunning when they write their twist in the tale. I have listed the learning objectives for all of the lessons below. Also, I have included all of the worksheets, PowerPoints, links and resources you will need to teach this unit straight away. Stage 1 - Stimulate and generate- Learning outcomes • To understand the key features of a short story • To understand themes in stories • To decide a theme for my short story Stage 2 - Capture, Sift and Sort- Learning outcomes • To write an engaging setting • To improve a piece of writing by using fronted adverbials • To write engaging character descriptions • To create an engaging character • To write a twist in the tale • To write a climatic ending with a twist in the tale • To write a list of escalating emotions to build tension • To use dialogue in story to give clues about the characters Stage 3 - Create refine evaluate- Learning outcomes • To plan and organise my ideas to effectively support my writing • To revise, edit evaluate and improve my writing Stimulate and generate = This usually starts with a hook to interest the class where the class realise who they are going to write for so they have a clear purpose and audience. Activities can include reading excellent model texts, drama or researching more about the author or the content of the book. Capture, sift and sort = This is the part of the unit where pupils look at key features, practise skills they will need in order to complete the final piece or new learning for objectives they have not learnt yet. Create, refine, evaluate = This is where you bring all you have learnt together and plan the final piece before you write it and then edit it to improve the piece. This can include self, peer or teacher led reviewing.
Mysterious Traveller Reading Comprehension

Mysterious Traveller Reading Comprehension

This is a great whole book planned guided reading unit based on the book Mysterious Traveller by Mal Peet & Elspeth Graham. The story tells of an old man finding an abandoned baby in the desert who he adopts as his own grand-daughter. he teaches her how to track her way through the desert and she travels with him while he guides traders through the deserts of northern Africa. When he loses his vision she becomes his eyes and they work in tandem on their adventures. I have planned a unit of work that is split into 9 different reading comprehensions as each set of questions has between 6 and 8 questions and covers 5 pages of the book. I have also included printer friendly pages where there are 3 copies of the questions on each page so it is easy to prepare for lessons. I have included all the answers too as this is a great time saver. The questions are designed to easily fit English books as I have adjusted the margins so they fit. I hope your class enjoys this book as much as mine have always done.
Synonym Word Mat (240 in total)

Synonym Word Mat (240 in total)

This is a word mat with synonyms for: • Good • Bad • Happy • Sad • Fast • Slow Each word has 40 different synonyms which allows pupils to build their vocabulary as these are commonly used words.