I have been teaching English for 21 years in various teaching establishments including mainstream, private and SEN; both abroad and in the UK. I enjoy making student centred, fun resources to enable all students to access great literature.
I have been teaching English for 21 years in various teaching establishments including mainstream, private and SEN; both abroad and in the UK. I enjoy making student centred, fun resources to enable all students to access great literature.
A series of PPTs to approach the most common Macbeth exam questions, with answers to achieve a 9.
Explore how Shakespeare presents ideas about guilt in Macbeth
How does Shakespeare present Lady Macbeth as a powerful woman?
How does Shakespeare present the supernatural in Macbeth?
how far Shakespeare presents Macbeth as male character who changes in the play as a whole?
To what extent do you think Shakespeare presents Duncan as a good king?
A full GCSE English exam preparation resource, including:
A historical, social and cultural background interactive PPT
Student worksheets
Character responsibility interactive student PPT
Student worksheets for character responsibilities
7 in depth answers for sample exam questions -
1 “How does Priestley present the character of Mr. Birling in An Inspector Calls?
2 How does Priestley present Eric in An Inspector Calls?
3 How does Priestley show that the effects of guilt and responsibility change the character of Sheila in An Inspector Calls?
4 How does Priestley show the differences in attitudes between the generations in An Inspector Calls?
5 How is Eva Smith presented in An Inspector?
6 Inspector Goole merely functions as a mouthpiece for Priestley’s ideas.” What do you think is the Inspector’s function in the play and how does Priestley present him?
7 Priestley criticises the selfishness of people like the Birlings. What methods does he use to present this selfishness?
Aimed at GCSE or Year 6 SATs pupils learning to analyse extracts and to recognise Language and Structure devices. Particularly for the GCSE English Language Paper 1. A fun and interactive game resource for student centred learning, to learn and recognise the terminology needed for the exam. Can be used as a starter to develop into an analytical approach to reading a sample exam extract.
Included is a revision booklet for progression, which includes GCSE exam questions.
A essential guide to GCSE English Language 9-1 exam success and preparation. This intensive handbook is aimed at the borderline students; who are currently stuck at a 2/3 grade, to enable them to access a grade 4 and above. However, is would be useful for all students from all bands, in preparation for the exam. It equips the students with the essential skills necessary to answer the exam questions, notably analysis of both Language and Structure.
The handbook is relevant to all exam boards, including both an original modern extract as well as a 19th Century piece. The revision tool includes sample exam questions, as well as a mark scheme.
Reading an unseen extract
Learning to ‘infer’ and 'deduce’
Using Language Techniques
How to approach each exam question
Structural Techniques
Answering a sample GCSE paper, with a modern text.
Answering a past paper with a 19th Century extract
Mark Scheme
Resources brimming with fun filled activities to engage and aid the learner of 'An Inspector Calls'. This resource can be used to revise key themes, characterisation, quotations and context, as well as to introduce these topics. GCSE English Literature: AQA, WJEC, EDEXCEL, OCR.
Resource includes:
Differentiated Bingo game
Game Boards
Character cards
Quotation cards
Context game PPT
Role play PPT
A fun, full resource consisting of various fiction and non-fiction activities, aimed at all Key Stages.
Writing Monologues
5 Senses
Writing Newspaper Articles
Various writing tasks.
Various writing task, Christmas
Sentence Auction
Sentence Auction, Christmas.
A fun, interactive resource to fully engage and allow pupils to fully understand specific grammar points; present progressive, past progressive and past simple, present perfect tenses, the use of comparative and superlatives, adverbials.
Particularly aimed at Year 6 (SAT's) and EAL students, but can be used for all classes studying grammar points.
This package contains 5 class, grouped, paired or individual tasks which, when completed the racing car wins the race. The tasks should last for 5 lessons.
Resource includes:
Fun PPT, which when followed to the end finishes a racing car race ( with embedded video)
5 Task Sheets
Full lesson plan.
A fun, interactive resource to fully engage and allow pupils to fully understand specific grammar points; present progressive, past progressive and past simple, present perfect tenses, the use of comparative and superlatives, adverbials.
Particularly aimed at Year 6 (SAT's) and EAL students, but can be used for all classes studying grammar points.
This festive version contains 5 class, grouped, paired or individual Christmas related tasks which, when completed decorates a Christmas Tree in time for Christmas. The tasks should last for 5 lessons.
Resource includes:
Fun PPT, which when followed to the end decorates a Christmas Tree ( with embedded video)
5 Task Sheets
Full lesson plan.
A mixed bag of fun resources to enhance the teaching of KS 2. Resource includes: Easter Egg hunt, Descriptive Writing, Topical PPT's, Sentence Auctions, Phonic Activity.
An assortment of resources to aid teaching of KS3, includes descriptive writing tasks; both fiction and non-fiction. Also included is a fun activity to introduce pupils to the language and theme of Macbeth.
A fun, child centred resource to practise phoneme and rhyming sounds. This resource can also be used for EFL.
• To recognise and practise rhyming and phonemes sounds.
• To match similar sounds together.
Fully differentiated resource; play snap, matching sounds with pictures (the words can be stuck to the back of the card if necessary). Match words cards or match picture and word cards together.
A PPT, to practise sounding out the phoneme sounds, highlighted in red.
Resource includes:
Fully differentiated picture/word snap cards
Lesson plan
A fun innovative resource, including Macbeth Snap game to get students to recognise and learn useful Macbeth quotes, in preparation for GCSE exam. This then leads to further exploration of these quotes as a planning sheet to answer the exam question on culpability for Duncan's death.
Resource includes:
Lesson Plan
Snap game
Planning Sheet
A fun Christmas SPAG resource, follows an entertaining Christmas story. Pupils have to decide whether the SPAG is accurate on each sentence and bid for the sentence with Christmas money.
Resource includes:
PPT activity.
Sentence worksheets.
Christmas money.
Fun and interactive resources to teach pupils the relevance of the historical/social and cultural background to Inspector Calls.
Reource includes:
Fun board game
Planning Sheet for essay
Investigation about who Inspector Goole is.
Fun resource to test your pupils SPAG knowledge. Pupils have to decide whether the sentences are accurate and then bid for the sentence.
Resource includes:
Sentence auction worksheet
Fake money.